
Vol. 3 - Chapter 23

Keiko stood there, staring at what had come out of her body for the last five minutes. 

Um...  She thought.  Is this normal? 

It didn't even have any particular smell. Eventually, Keiko shook her head, washed her mouth, and stepped out of the bathroom. She took a deep breath, maneuvering past a table where a lucky drunk was receiving a lap dance. 

Keiko took one, two, three steps, and then she nearly fell to the floor. Instead, the room felt like it was spinning as Keiko drifted off to the left, hitting the wall. She reached up and placed a hand on her forehead. I'm... Am I sick or something? Where is this coming from? 

She sat down at a vacant chair nearby. In the distance, Caroline was entertaining a few guests, but Keiko could see some concerned glances thrown her way. Keiko took a deep breath and closed her eyes.  It's... It's okay,  she thought. Just calm down.