
Moon of Destruction

Annika has always loathed being a vampire, she hated every bit of it and most importantly she hated herself for what she has become. She dreams of a reality where creatures are not around and that she could of lived her life peacefully and had the death that she deserved. She no longer wanted to go on living in a world full of tradergy, until Kai showed up and showed her what living truly meant. Kai on the other hand loved who he was, he knew his purpose in life and what he was meant to become. Being the next in line to be the alpha of the Tarlo clan had its perks, like having your whole life mapped out but kai was content like that, well that was until Annika showed up into his live and turned everything he knew about his world upside down. The three main creatures, vampires. werewolves and witches all life in unisen to not be found out by the majority population of humans but when there are others who wish for this law to be gone, it will be a fight to survive.

Crimeson_Cat117 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Alone

**Annika's POV**

I have the live everyone dreamed of having, living forever but I didn't want this and I certainly didn't deserve this. Everytime I close my eyes, I hear them, the screams and no matter how hard I try to block my ears they never stop. The terrier in their voices lunges me awake in a panic.

I gasp to get a hold of my breath, well what breath I can breathe anyway. Vampires don't breath too often, only around one breath per minute, our hearts aren't completely stopped, they just beat at a slower rate to others which is a resolute of us always being cold to the touch. There are many misconception to vampires, yes we do not age but we certainly do not burn in the sun, the sun more in truth makes us weak and slow. A stake to the heart will kill us but actually anything stabbed through the heart will kill us, not just wood, just like any creature or human alike. We like all creatures are harmed when we touch silver, we just heal faster when touched then those werewolves. I could go on for hours about all the misconceptions about us or even witches and werewolves but I sadly have to get ready for my first day of school.

I look around my dimly lit room, with just light being casted through my red drapes onto my oak wooden desk. A sigh I let out as I muster up the courage to get of this nice, warm, comfy bed to meet my demise of high school. I remove my legs from the linen covers and dangle them over my bed waiting for my body to get up. I persist and finally stand up, stretching my fair arms over my head stretching. Another sigh as I walk over to my dresser and find something to wear for the day, blue jeans and a black tshirt. Yep that'll do, I thought.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I look into the mirror across from me. Staring back at myself with those grey orbes of nothingness, no life to see in them.

"Annika" my father calls for me from the formal room.

"Yes father" I respond back empty.

He gestures for me to come to him and I always do as he asks. He beings to cup my plum face into his hands and pulls my eyes to meet his, "you remember what you must do"

"Yes father, of course father." "I must watch the boy"

"Good, good." "We musten let them get the upper hand from us, we are in power and vampires will always be in power" he says with a grin.

"But aren't all creatures equal within the alliance" I question.

"Just because we all creatures are on the council, does not mean we are all equal." "I established the council so I get to decide who's in charge and I can tell you that those dogs will never have power as long as I'm alive."

My father can be a bit abroupt when he pleases, I guess that's what living thousands of years is like. The council consists of two members from each creature faction to represent them, my father is a council member for the vampires as well as my older brother, Roman. The leaders of the council are creatures that are considered to be the most powerful of their kind, the leaders for the witches live in Norway and the leaders for the werewolves live in Canada but we, we live in America. We originate from Romania but due to the crisis unfolding here, father made him and myself move here until it's resolved. When ever that may be, We have been here for a couple of years now compiling info on the neighbouring Tarlo Clan but only this year has he made me go to school as my task is to keep an eye out on the alpha's son, Kai Shepard.

Kai Shepard, what can I say about him? He is your average school jock, play boy but he has since lived down those days as he found the love of his life, Sarah Bishop. The stereotypical beautiful, blonde cheerleader but she holds a secret that only few people know, she of course is a werewolf. Waiting for Kai to turn 18 so he can realise that she is his mate and she can become the next Luna to the Tarlo Clan.

Werewolves are a strange creature, they can only find their mate when they are of age, I'm not sure how it works, I haven't been close to one enough to ask. Vampires, we are different in a lot of many ways but we are similar when it comes to mates, when we find that one person it's like our world has been found.

"Annika, my dearest" my mother walks over, "what are you always thinking about when you look off into space."

"Just thinking about life" I smerk,

"Those eyes of yours, they hold so many secrets" she remarks "one day they will all be spilt and you will have nowhere to hide anymore."

"Thank you mother but I don't hold any secrets, we don't hold secrets in this family, we are one", I roll my eyes "I best get off to school, have to stick to the plan."


Walking into school is a feeling I will never get use too, for all the years I have been alive, I have never been stepped foot in a school. In my defence schools weren't around when I was, well you know human. The crowds of screaming kids sardining themselves into the halls, I don't get enough sleep for this, to be tortured with this noise so early in the morning. Putting on my earphones is the only relief I feel when in this hellhole, time to put on the best music known to man, classical. Nothing is more better then yanking your hood over your head and blaring Mozart while zigzagging through the crowd. I make my way down the hall into Math class, this was never my strong suit. I don't really understand numbered, I can barely read as it is and now they want me to put numbers into that, oh and don't even get me started with algebra. Now that is truly the devil. The crackling of laughter fill  room as I walk in,

"Hey Annika, surprised you stuck around this long but aren't you a little too old to be in school" the blonde hissed.

"Like you wouldn't have any idea, Sarah" I snicker back.

"Settle down class, today we'll be learning about trigonometry", "I am your teacher, Mr. Stevens" the mysterious man told. "Now, who knows about SohCahToa?"

Bianca raises her hand with a grin, "I know sir, it's when you're trying to find the angle of a triangle."

Bianca, the world's worst cheerleader but somehow manages to make everyone's hearts melt.

"What are you looking at?" The golden, goddess remarks. "Oh nothing really Bianca, just staring into those beautiful amber eyes you hold" I answer.

"What a creep" she shivers, turning back to the teacher.

I can't help but daze out when the teacher goes on about Mathmatic things, the feeling of being alone never truly goes away. You feel it when you are in a room full of people or a room by yourself. It never goes away, I wish I didn't feel like this. I wish I could laugh and smile, like how I see others. The only solice I feel is when I drink, it makes me feel alive but as soon as it's over, it goes back to dreed. This time it's worse because you have taken a life, a precious life.

The door bursts open revealing the one and only, Kai Shepard. His almond brown eyes scanning the room for his love, stopped on me and stayed on me. I can't help staring back at him, his round face and floppy black hair. Why can I not look away? I need to look away, I can't let someone like him make me feel weak to my knees. I look away first, this is not my mission, I cannot get too close, I am here to observe and that's all.

"Nice to join us sir, may I please have your name" our teacher asks.

Kai chuckled, "my name is Kai, but you could of asked anyone and they would of told you this, even including that cold beast" he smiled pointing at me.

"No name calling now", "Oh but sir, it's not name calling if it's the truth, she is dead anyway you think about it." "And how did you come up with that idea Kai?", "she is dead inside and out, she has no soul" Kai remarked smiling at me.