
Moon's Tears

HarmonyRose7 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Knowing the Sun


Inside the cell the Sun

was gloomy

17 years of walking around in this cellar. I tried so hard to open this metal door but it was locked with magic, I couldn't open it from inside it can be opened just from outside. I sighed. Was my dear sister alright? I miss her so much, her laugh, her happy face and joyful personality. All this time spent here made me feel lonely. I was wondering how my little niece is. Was she alright? Was she still alive? She should be. I hope that witch didn't hurt her. I swear to my kingdom if she had hurted her I'll find a way to kill her! Years went by and here I was waiting for someone who could let me out, my servants couldn't and I don't know why, they are strong they should have succeeded in breaking the lock or find the key. To be honest I thought I will die after the witch attacked me with her spells, it was so hard to fight wit her and she wasn't fighting fair! She was cheating! One moment i was down in the Mortals World and after the fight I woke up here in a dark and empty cell.

Today was meant to be as usual walking around all day then when the light was fading I would sleep. My servants would bring me water bottles that could be sneaked between the bars for little showers or drinking and food daily.

I was awake for a few hours already when I heard something outside the door, soft footsteps walking gracefully, at first I thought they were my servants they always came at me in pairs of 2 but now it seemed like it was just one person.

All these years my hearing sharpened so I became expert at distincting the footsteps. This person was a young women. She stopped in front of the door, I could hear her heartbeats and breathing. At first she seemed nervous but soon her heartbeat slowed down meaning that she relaxed. Then I heard a soft sound and the wheels of the lock started spinning and creaking. The only person who could have opened the lock should be a powerful witch or being. So my first thought was that the witch found me and she would want to end what she couldn't all those years ago. I wasn't going down without a fight!

The creaking stopped and I waited to see her walking inside with an evil and triumphant smirk mocking me and making fun of my falling in such a pathetic condition.

Imprisoned I my own palace , when did I the Glorious Sun became so pathetic?

Some minutes passed but she was still standing there. Then I heard 3 soft knocks. That was weird. I rose up from my sit of the floor and walked towards the door I started to think I was dreaming like other times when i dreamed that my sister came to rescue me destroying the lock, she was the only one strong enough with her magic that could destroy it.

I was facing the door still expecting for everything to be just a trick, an illusion. When I touched the door knob I was expecting to be locked as always, I turned it and the unexplained happened, it made a click sound and opened. Was I dreaming?

When the door opened I woke up facing my sister eyes, just a little lighter. I saw amazement but also fear and a glimpse of sorrow?

At first I thought Is my sister but then I saw her blonde hair and the silver strand and my heart was clenched by the regrets for not seeing her growing up and also warmed when I saw how beautiful she grew up.

Stella POV

When the door opened my heart started racing I didn't knew what to expect and then I saw him, the red haired man from my dreams, he seemed still young not affected by the years, exactly how I remember him, just a little pale, with his neated hair now messy. We starred at each other for a few minutes i saw so many emotions traveling his eyes, regret then softness, confusion and also joy.

After our starring contest he took a step out and i took a step back, he stopped confused and I backed away a few steps. Even if I remember him he's still a stranger. He made a few steps towards me and i backed up again. Then he smiled at me but I just watched him.

-I'm so glad to see you again Starlight, is such a long time since i last saw you and back then you were still a baby.

He said gentle

I relaxed but I didn't said a word.


I succeeded to break free from our starring contest and I made a step out still expecting to wake up from this dream any second but then she made a step back. I thought she was just trying to make me way to get out so I started to make a few steps towards her, i wanted to hug her but she backed up again, she looked at me as if we were strangers.

Didn't Luna told her about me? Maybe if I would talk to her she would calm down I thought and I said:

- I'm so glad to see you again Starlight, is a long time since I last saw you and back then you were still a baby

I said as gentle as i could, she relaxed a little and I was glad but she remained silent. She looked down I guess trying to find her words. I decided to go closer and I hugged her. She stiffened in my arms but eventually gave in.

Stella POV

I was trying to find my words but I didn't knew what to say and then he hugged me, I was shocked and i stiffened but my body didn't listened to me and I gave in, I dreamed many times his soft stare, his joyful smile, the way he talked to me. Sometimes I would think how would be to meet him in person.

His embrace relaxed me, it was like I knew him from forever. After a while he let go of me and smiled at me. I dont know why but his smile made me smile too.

- You look so much like your mother.

He said.

I smiled but then my smile vanished when I thought about how to tell him that I don't really know her or how should I ask him if he was my father. Then i looked up again it seemed like he noticed my sudden change and he looked worried.

-Are you alright?

He asked

-Yeah yeah I'm fine

I replied

-Come on I stayed enough here

He smiled and pushed me gentle to the door to the stairway.

We walked all the way back and he brought me back in the throne room. He knew the place like he knew his own hand. He asked me to wait for him there and to make myself comfortable then he went at the other door and vanished. He came back after a 20 minutes refreshed and having his hair neat again. He seemed so happy to be free again. He had a chair with him that he put it next to his throne and invited me to take a sit. Hesitantly I did. He took his own sit and asked me in a cheerful mood:

-How is your mother doing?

-Uh, I don't know

I replied confused

-What do u mean you don't know? Weren't you with Luna until now?

He said surprised

-Uh no, I was raised by my human parents

-Human parents?!

He said confused

-Um yeah

-Well that explain why you looked at me like I was a stranger

He said more for himself .

-Umm I want to ask you something

I said unsure

- Sure my dear, go ahead

He said smiling

- You know I had those dreams for quite my entire life, is more like uh memories.

He looked at me intently waiting for me to finish.

I took a deep breath and I asked:

-Are you my father?

He starred at me silently like I just fell from the moon. Then he was surprised and then he started laughing.

I watched him dumbfounded. He put his hand on my head and pated me gently.


He said gentle

I gazed to the floor quite sad but now I knew that means the other male was my father.

-I'll explain you my answer

He said.

I looked at him waiting the explanation.

-I didn't mean to saden you but im not your father, Luna Is my sister how could i do something like this? What I know is that Hyperion and my sister falled in love for each other but I don't know how and when.

-So you are..

-Your uncle? Yes, definitely, absolutely

He interrupted me and finished cheerful

He patted my head again.

- You're my dear niece and i love you deeply more then you'll ever know. I'm so sorry that everything had to be ruined by that witch. So you didn't meet your parents? I thought they escaped at least you and Luna.

I shook my head as a no.

It was nice talking with him but then the silence was broken by trumpets sound.

What a sweet reunion between Stella and her uncle.

HarmonyRose7creators' thoughts