
Monstrous Turf Wars (Monster Hunter)

Monsters from the iconic Monster Hunter game battle for supremacy.

Captain_Valkyrie · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Author's Note

I got back on Monster Hunter after replaying Freedom Unite, Portable 3rd, and getting my hands on Rise and its DLC Sunbreak. World and its DLC Iceborne is still up for debate as I don't enough space for them but I have been watching videos on YouTube to know some things and I'm intrigued with the mechanics called Turf Wars introduced in World in which two monsters fight with either a victor or a draw.

It kinda inspired me to make this since Monster Hunter is my all time favorite (even though I only have Freedom Unite and Portable 3rd to begin with). But I will address certain things:

1. I'm not doing requests. I don't know EVERY monster in Monster Hunter and thus I will only do what I know of.

2. The fights are done without research and just pure entertainment akin to DBX. I will be looking up their abilities and how they behave or act but that's it. I don't wanna hear complains like, "Zinogre should've won against Yian Garuga because, nyah, nyah, nyah!" unless it's part of the lore (Ex. Rajangs are known to hunt Kirins or Espinas' going toe-to-toe with Kushala Daoras because of their potent poison which Daora is very weak against).