
Chapter 41 unlock, erudite!

Link walked out of the nutrient pool naked.

Looking back, the orange nutrient solution had turned muddy and had become a pool of black sewage. It was even emitting a foul smell.

Lin Ke went to the bathroom and took a shower. He looked at himself in the mirror and found that he could not recognize himself.

The first was his height.

Due to years of fatigue and malnutrition, link was only about 1.6 meters tall.

But now, in the mirror, he was at least 1.7 meters tall.

His thin and shriveled body was now full of muscles, and the well-defined muscle lines could be seen.

Link tried to jump on the spot. His body was indescribably light.

"Phew, it's finally back to normal!"

link dried himself and came out of the bathroom. he changed into the fitting clothes that he had prepared in advance.

The only regret was that he could only put the submachine gun on the back of his waist after he put it on again.