
Monster Life in a S+ Ranked World

Towers, Dungeons, and Rifts have appeared in the world! Except there’s a twist... everyone’s S rank in power!

Godly_UwU · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

A Beatdown to Remember

「You have gained the skills, {Immortality MAX level} {Lonely March of the Ice Cold God MAX level} {Lonely Touch of the Ice Cold God MAX level}!」

「Because you're a god, your power and aura is boosted!」

I checked my stats. They were a million each. This power is definitely above SS rank..

「Because you're a {Low Tier} God of Ice, you have instantly mastered every ice spell!」

Suddenly, the world faded to black as I clutched my head in pain.

I saw one last message before passing out.

「Your Mind is being forcefully transferred to a unknown location-」

I cracked open my eye. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Where the hell am I? I looked around, and saw that I was inside a magnificent castle made of pure blue crystal. I reached out my right hand and touched a wall. It wasn't crystal, it was ice. Searing pain suddenly flooded through that arm. I tried to pull my arm out but a snow blue chain was tying me to the wall.

"It seems another unworthy being has become a god"

I whipped my head to the direction of the person speaking. The man was dressed in a robe that was even grander than mine. With long blue hair and blue eyes, his looks are comparable to Yan's.

"And you're suppose to be worthy?"

The man's face flashed in anger, but reined it in within a second's notice.

"Well, I'm worthy enough to not be chained to a wall, unlike a certain imbecile. Break the chain, or else I'll have to assume you're worse than trash"

I searched through my newfound collection of Ice spells but couldn't find one with the power to shatter the wall in front of me. Well, I guess I'll find out what one of my Godly skills can do.

I activated {Lonely Touch of the Ice Cold God} as the wall in front of me shattered into pieces, including the part that was chaining my arm.

Suddenly I felt dozens of eyes on me. I looked around, and there was no one around me except for the smirking blue haired man in front of me.

Damn it, he set me up!

A booming bold, angered voice that echoed all over the room was heard "You dare break one of the holy rules within our presence...?!"

A smoother, calmer voice responded "You've got guts, newbie."

They manifested right in front of me.

Both were old men, the one on the right was wearing white clothes, and was quite handsome even with his old age. He seems to be the one with the booming voice.

The one on the left was wearing blue, and was also handsome. His face looked much calmer than his white clothed friend.

The young man bowed at the sight of them, and said "welcome back, old masters".

"There was no need to welcome us. I assume that he just came here?" The still angry white clothed man glowered at me. Instantly, a huge pressure shoved me one knee down to the floor.

"Bow, low tier"

As I struggled to get up, the blue man raised a eyebrow. "You're still struggling? Do you not know who we are?" The pressure doubled, slamming me to the floor.

"How did someone so weak break The Ice Wall of Punishment anyways? Even Frozen Avatar wasn't this bad" The blue man continued and frowned.

"I don't deserve such praise!" The bowing blue haired man which I assume was Frozen Avatar bowed even lower.

Yeah, I'm done with this.

I unleashed my aura with a roar, and stood back on my two feet.

Name: The Lonely Ice God

Strength: 5,000,000

Agility: 5,000,000

Health: 5,000,000


Remaining stat points available: 8866

The blue clothed man's eyes widened. "Hoh... he's quite good despite the fact that he just ascended a few minutes ago"

He continued. "Sadly, that doesn't mean much"

Fifty times the weight instantly crushed me down to the ground, even with my aura unleashed. I couldn't even move a finger.

"You've got good potential, considering your 「True Name」"

"Since you're newly ascended, we'll be forced to at least train you before letting you go back" The angry man commented

Finally, they lifted the weights on my back. I struggled to my feet and looked at both of them in the eye.

There was no way for me to win a fight with these two. They haven't even shown a glimpse of their true power yet.

"Rejoice, for I「Boreas」, the God of Winter will be your instructor" he spreads his purple wings and glowed with a sublime blue aura.

...Crap. The angry man would be the one teaching me.

"Well, I guess I'll train Frozen Avatar. In fact, how about we make a bet?"

"... You have my interest"

"Based on the 「True Name」that the system bestowed these two, their talent and potential are roughly the same. How about we see the stronger one after the training?"

"That's not exactly fair. Frozen Avatar has been training for years already!"

"What, are you afraid of losing that bet? Besides, he only had self training. He never had real training from us before."

".... fair enough. What would be the prize?"

The blue clothed man smirked.

"I'll take your place as the head of the chariot."

Boreas's eyes widened. "You... dare Zephyros!?"

Zephyros's face grew to a handsome youth in a second, as soon as his 「True Name」was exposed.

"What am I getting then, Zephyros? It must be something worth that priceless position"

"I've found a shard of the world, Boreas."

Boreas's face trembled.

"I.... accept the wager"

And this was when hell began for me.

This is it! The training arc! But... is it? Sadly I couldn’t double upload even though I promised yesterday. I had to catch up on a semester’s worth of homework. But I swear I’ll double upload tomorrow! Just as a side note, MAX level skills would only be shown once, the rest it would just be the name of the attack itself.

Godly_UwUcreators' thoughts