

"Mars," I said. "Ryntar," said the stoneman, in front of me.


He is a young looking stoneskin man with soft obsidian skin and a handsome face in a boyish way. He is also very powerful; I don't think, I will be able to defeat him easily. If I fought against him.


I also wore the young persona, with blue skin and big eyes blue eyes. There are shining freckles around my body, that radiate gentle light, if I willed it.


I have become quite good at physical transformation with the aid of alchemy. The alchemy alone isn't enough. The main factor is my knowledge of physiology and the eight different methods I use.


I got information about him yesterday, like he did about me. We will be partners for the mission.


As for what the mission is; it is to destroy the organization.


A very rare type of mission. They came a few like these appear and I am quite lucky to be part of one.