
Glow Palace II  

I moved toward the glow palace, and within few minutes, I could see the orange dot myself, which was getting bigger and bigger till I saw the building the size of the small town appear in front of me.

No one knows the origin of the glow palace; there are contradictory opinions; some said it was a small organization while others said it is a magi-science facility to research curses. Some even said someone had a powerful unstable curse treasure born here and exploded.

I don't know which opinion to believe; there is too little data about it to say anything. I could only say when I see things with my own eyes.

The glow palace is forty stories tall town-size building, and it is glowing in faint orange color, from which it had got its name. It is thousands of years old building, and many parts of it have collapsed already; even then, it is a huge building and would take months if I want to check every corner of it.