
Entering Mariana Hills

After entering the abode, I showered, Cooked and ate before I went to the practice room, where I first inspected the storages of Eight Star Elites, Seven Star Elite, and some Six-Star Elites, whatever I could within an hour.

I have decided to give myself a one hour time to inspect the Grimm Monsters storages. Though my speed is great, I could only inspect the maximum fifty in one hour, and I have thousands of Grimm monster storages are stored in my storage ring which I could only expect in my free time.

The storages, I found some good stuff, but I do not need any of them, this stuff could only add more stuff on shelves in my storage. Though this stuff may be useless to me right now, still one day, it will sure turn useful.

After finishing with the storages, I started to practice Body Cleansing Exercise, Secrete method, and Supreme Combat Exercise. All of them are progressing steadily, with the secret method really close to reaching the 3rd transformation.