
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
63 Chs

[some action]

(POV: Noah)

I walked through the forest, and only the sounds of nature accompanied me. The place was surprisingly peaceful, a stark contrast to the chaos I'd encountered earlier. I stopped when I heard a noise in the distance and decided to investigate.

It was a small village, although the scent of blood still lingered in the air, slowly dissipating with the wind. Walking down the street of the small town, it looked abandoned and empty. No sounds, no signs of life—what the hell happened here?

I decided to enter one of the houses, calling out, "Is there anyone here...?"

My voice echoed through the small house, but there wasn't a soul to be found. I left the house and continued exploring until I reached the center of town. There, I saw dozens of bodies scattered on the ground. The most disturbing part was that none of them had heads. The blood on the ground had long dried. I approached a burnt stick on the ground, likely a torch from the past, but it crumbled into dust in my hands.

Vampires must have attacked them. This world is dangerous for humans, obviously. The special enemy must be incredibly strong.

I decided to stay here for a while and entered another house, finding a chair to sit in. "System, are you there?" I asked the empty air, seeking answers.

[I'm here, host!]

I sighed and asked, "Explain some things to me. What is this place?"

[It's a world created by the system. The user chose the card [Alucard (Hellsing)], so the system created a world suitable for the host and his card!]

Massaging my forehead, I asked, "What happened to the humans?"

[Humans are facing a war with supernatural beings, although there are also other supernatural beings besides vampires in this world.]

This damn system doesn't want to explain things well.

"Okay... so there are more supernatural beings than humans. Explain to me what a permanent upgrade is," I asked, hoping for some clarity.

[The system is not allowed to reveal information until the host collects the item/upgrade!]

Damn it...

"Well... tell me something, Tom. Do I think you're unpredictable or what?" I said, hoping for a quick answer.

[In fact, Tom created me in an unpredictable way. He wants you to experience unpredictable things. He wants you to enjoy the unknown!]

I slapped my face and sighed in frustration. It seems this system is quite... unpredictable. At least I'm not a slave to the system—that's something.

"Last question... do I have a chance of completing all the missions?" I asked curiously.

[It is possible, but it will be difficult even for you, host. Your card is strong, but the [special enemy] will be as strong as you. The power level of the world adapts to the level and color of the selected card!]

I knew it wasn't going to be easy. It seems that the special enemy is the real problem.

I got up from the chair and decided to leave the place. Suddenly, I saw something being shot towards me. I easily caught it—a wooden arrow with a metal tip. Looking in the direction it came from, I saw a young boy, probably 12 years old, holding a bow. He was pointing it at me, blood dripping from his leg, trembling slightly.

I sighed and quickly appeared behind him in a blur. The boy seemed confused about my sudden disappearance. I touched his shoulder and said, "Hey, boy..."

Startled, he tried to run but fell to the ground, pain evident on his face. It was his leg. This boy could help me understand this place better without absorbing memories—like an adventure!

The boy crawled and pulled out a knife from his clothes, pointing it at me. "Get away, you monster!!" he shouted.

I sighed and knelt down to his level. "Hey, boy, why are you saying that to me? Are you a hunter of supernatural entities?"

The boy looked at me with a confused expression. I grabbed him by his clothes and put him on my shoulder. I was bored, and I decided to help this child because I was very bored.

Despite his attempts to escape, he couldn't. After a while, I placed him in a chair and examined his leg. Lifting the part of his pants that covered the injury, I saw a small piece of wood embedded in his skin. The boy clenched his teeth in pain.

The boy bit down hard on my hand as I pulled the piece of wood from his leg. His muffled screams and clenched teeth showed the pain he was enduring. "This could be worse, hold on," I reassured him. Despite his confusion and agony, he listened.

I then placed my finger inside his wound, carefully using my shadow abilities to extract any remaining splinters and manipulate the blood slightly. The boy's screams intensified, and he bit down even harder. I was starting to gain a rudimentary control over blood—an ability that would surely prove useful. After a few seconds, I finished, tore a piece of his shirt, and wrapped it around his injured leg as a makeshift bandage. The boy looked exhausted.

"You did well for a 12-year-old," I said with a smile. But the boy had fainted, likely from the pain and shock. I lifted him and placed him on a broken table inside the house.


I played with an ax in my hand, twirling it and doing tricks out of sheer boredom. A groan caught my attention, and I saw the boy waking up.

"Did you wake up?" I asked, watching him struggle to stand despite his leg injury. Sweat poured down his face as he gritted his teeth and limped toward the door with determination.

"Calm down, boy. You're hurt. Are you an idiot?" I said with a small smile.

"My little sister..." he said through clenched teeth, continuing to limp toward the door. I sighed, picked him up, and slung him over my shoulder again.

"Hey, let me go!!" the boy protested, kicking at my shoulder. "Where is your little sister? I'll take you," I told him with a small smile.

He directed me, and I walked toward a small house near the edge of the town. It was a modest home, suitable for a maximum of two people. I opened the door and announced loudly, "Here's Johnny!!"

"Hey!! You'll scare her!" the boy exclaimed, annoyed as I set him down.

He hobbled to an old, antique rug, dragging it aside to reveal a splintered wooden hatch. The boy struggled to open it, so I stepped in and opened it easily. Inside was a little girl, probably around 10 years old, trembling with fear. The boy called out, "Isabelle!!"

I watched as he pulled the girl out and they embraced, the girl crying into his shoulder. It was an emotional scene, but to me, it was just a boring delay.

After a while, the girl stopped crying. The boy looked up at me and said, "Thank you for helping me..." I nodded, my mind already drifting back to the hunt. I needed to kill something.

"What's your name, boy?" I asked curiously.

"Arthur," he replied.

Ah, like that legendary king. I stretched a bit and asked, "Well, what happened here?"

Arthur opened his mouth to speak, but a sudden roar interrupted him. I smiled and was about to leave when Arthur grabbed my arm desperately. "It's them!! Hide!!"

I looked at him and said, "Nah, I want to have fun." I freed myself from his grip and stepped outside the small house.

Scanning my surroundings, I spotted several hairy figures on the rooftops. They were covered in fur, had sharp claws, and moved on all fours despite their humanoid shape—werewolves.

"Hide quickly!! Please!!" Arthur's voice called out desperately from behind me. I turned and saw his teary eyes. I sighed, "I'll take care of it. Stay inside. It will be an obvious inconvenience if you come out."

I walked through the village, the werewolves spotting me and roaring before charging. I drew my guns and started shooting at anything that moved.

The werewolves fell one by one. There were dozens of them. One even managed to barely dodge my bullets before I shot him down. I dodged a claw aimed at my face, grabbed the werewolf by its head, and squeezed until its head exploded. I tossed its body into the others and resumed shooting.

"London Bridge is falling down

Falling down, falling down

London Bridge is falling down

My fair lady~" I sang a little tune while dispatching the werewolves. They fell like flies caught in a trap, and I couldn't help but smile with amusement.

I stopped shooting when the ground was littered with corpses—heads exploded, torsos riddled with bloody holes.

"This is new..." a voice said in the distance. I turned to see a person dressed in warm clothing for the season, with long black hair reaching his shoulders.

"Ohh... you're new, aren't you?" I said with a smile.

[kill 50 enemies: 20 / 50]

I glanced at the screen in front of me and smiled. It seemed I had made significant progress.

"Hahaha!! You're interesting, huh... but my nose smells like shit..." the figure said with a sadistic smile. He disappeared in a blur, aiming a punch at my face. I dodged, and his fist destroyed a house in the village easily.

This was going to be fun.

house, far from where the children were. His body crashed through several structures, sending debris flying. I watched as his aura changed and his skin tore, gray fur emerging quickly. His bones snapped and reformed as he transformed into a true werewolf, standing at about more than 2 meters/6.56 feet tall.

He was taller than me, and his speed was impressive. He disappeared in a blur, aiming a punch at my chest. I caught his fist mid-air, his eyes widening in surprise. "Not bad, not bad... but it's not enough at all," I taunted.

With a swift motion, I punched his chest, feeling his bones crack and his skin tear. The force of the blow created a sonic boom that echoed through the village, sending the werewolf flying hundreds of meters into the forest. I whistled a tune as I walked towards the crater he created upon impact. He was a strong werewolf, but not strong enough for me. He struggled to breathe, clutching his chest as his body began to heal.

I grabbed his leg and lifted him off the ground. "Bad luck, puppy..." I slammed him into the ground repeatedly, each impact causing the earth to tremble and crack. His body broke more with each strike, and I tossed him into the air.

The werewolf convulsed as he attempted to stand. His jaw hung loosely, one eye was crushed, and his leg was broken. Blood poured from his open chest, revealing his organs. "Are you a...beta...?" he asked, his voice filled with fear and desperation. His fur stood on end.

"Yes," I lied with a smile. The wolf turned and tried to run. I picked up a piece of wood, aimed, and threw it. The makeshift spear flew with a sonic boom and impaled the wolf through the chest. He collapsed, blood gushing from the wound.

I appeared beside him in a blur, watching as he reverted to his human form. His face was broken and torn, the damage carried over from his werewolf form. From what I recalled, werewolves had a hierarchy—alphas, betas, and omegas. If this one was a omega, it made me wonder just how strong the alphas were.

I released his head as his soul entered my being, then made my way back to the village. At the boys' house, I knocked and announced, "I'm here."

After a few seconds, the door opened. Arthur stood there, looking at me cautiously. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the destroyed houses and the corpses of werewolves. "Well, I think it's time to go. Bye," I said, turning to leave.

"W-wait!!" Arthur called out. I turned back to him, and he asked, "Can we... can we accompany you?"

I considered it for a moment before replying, "Well...but only until we reach a village or city. I don't want to be with you all day; it will be a nuisance."

Arthur nodded, his teeth gritted in determination.


"So what are those things!?!" Isabelle asked as we walked through the forest. She pointed at my guns, clearly curious about how I had killed the werewolf we encountered earlier. I sighed in annoyance.

"Hey Isabelle! Don't bother Mr. Alucard!" Arthur said, pinching Isabelle's face. She pouted, upset by her brother's reprimand.

This girl was annoying, but at least Arthur was calm. "Well, tell me what happened in that village," I said to Arthur.

"Ah, yes...well, everything happened yesterday, in just one day," Arthur began, his voice heavy with sorrow. "People lock themselves in their homes because of the terrifying beings that come out at night. They never bothered us before, but we always had to be careful. Yesterday, they attacked us. I saw those things—werewolves—attacking the villagers. Everyone died. No one was saved. I saw them taking people away, some were killed right there..." Arthur gritted his teeth and wiped away a tear.

Arthur wiped away his tears and continued his story. "Me and my sister lived in that place for a while. Our parents left us some time ago, so we had to live alone, always hiding when they attacked..." He gritted his teeth, trying to suppress his emotions.

It seemed like a planned attack. I doubted that several werewolves, who didn't fit into the hierarchy, would unite to destroy a village without a reason. Maybe they were controlled. The werewolf I killed, likely an "omega," was terrified when he asked if I was a "beta." This hinted at a higher power orchestrating the chaos.

We continued walking through the forest. There were a few hours left before nightfall, and I wanted to find shelter before then. After walking for a while, we stumbled upon something unusual—a dead horse with a man in armor lying next to it. The blood on his armor was dry. I approached and removed his helmet, revealing a bloodied face with a sunken and broken skull. I sighed and put his helmet back on.

The horse's back was torn open, exposing its spine, and more dried blood surrounded the wound. These two had died a while ago, yet they weren't devoured. Perhaps a vampire was responsible rather than a werewolf.

Arthur exclaimed, "What the hell happened here!?" He covered his sister's eyes with his hands.

"They died... although they weren't eaten. Maybe a vampire did it instead of a werewolf. Well, let's go. It's none of my business," I replied dismissively, walking towards another part of the forest.

"Look at that! Smoke!" Arthur pointed to the sky where black smoke billowed upward, indicating something was burning. I sighed, a smile creeping onto my face. "Come on, I want to see what's there."




Kill 50 enemies: 22 / 50

Kill 100 enemies: 22 / 100

Kill 200 enemies: 22 / 200

Kill 500 enemies: 22 / 500

Kill 1000 enemies: 22 / 1000

Kill the special enemy: 0 / ???]