
Monster Idols anon

A snake and a weak human must survive.... Secrets and brutal truths they must overcome. A snake betrayed by humans before must help another human survive! How will they survive in a world together?

ee_Anon · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Ch 6- Before the party

As Xian and his parents reconcile, Grandma Vivian and Zhanshi come back with things for tomorrow.

Ping the sound came from Matthew's watch notifying him of the message "We are back- Zhanshi."


"Let's get him to sleep, it's his big day tomorrow! Isn't that right my son!." Matthew pats Xian on his head as he heads out of the room to set up some of tomorrow's decorations. 

"Matthew, did you put Xian back to sleep? Remember to feed him later, wait leave it I'm here you sleep and I'll give him his milk. Is it formula or does Miya breastfeed him?"

"Xian gets both, Miya is rocking him to sleep. I'll put a timer for the next feeder. We have the breastfed milk and the formula to be mixed. It isn't too much for Miya and Xian is happily fed."

"Why is she with him right now?"

"Nothing Mom, she's getting over the little fight from before. Besides, you really think Miya could ignore little Xian." Matthew's thoughts-{ Good thing I got rid of the kits.}

"Alright… I'll let this go but if this happens again I'll take Xian with me. Your father and I wouldn't mind raising and spoiling him, he is just as precious as the rest of you."

"That's right we'll take Xian if anything— OOuch MOM why'd you smack me so hard!"

"You freaked everyone out earlier that's why."

"Haha "

As Mia set down the baby after lulling him back to sleep she goes to the living room to find blue and black themed balloons and banners up. In the middle of the room a big sign with "Welcome Xian."

"It's coming out so cute! This is so good."

"It's my precious little nephew's welcome party, how could I not go all out. " 

"When am I expecting one from you Zhanshi?"

"Yeah Zhanshi you're left, Nathaniel and Xian need a little sister to annoy."

"It's been a long time since we had a girl in our family, all you brothers could try."

"Oh yeah I'll try"

"MATThew !"

Ding Ding 

"Who's here so late? Go check Matthew."

"Yes Mom"

Matthew goes to open the door and finds his father.The first space soldier in the Chan family looked healthy and fit at 68, he worked on small space machines now in their family home. He immediately asked Matthew for a hug.

"Matthew, where's your mother and how is your boy?"

"Hello Father, there inside. Xian is sleeping right now. You can see him though."

"Leave it, he is a growing baby. He needs his sleep and I can see him in the morning."

As they head in the family is happy to be together. The old Chan couple are even more family; their serious son who rarely used to be open is now happy with everyone and has his own son.

When Miya had gotten them tea and snacks they accepted it, putting aside the fact that Matthew eloped.

Before they turned in for the night, Grandpa gifts Miya something

Next morning 

The family had some people called over to make the celebration really grand.

"Miya my older brother will be here, anyone from your side say anything yet?"

"Lemme check my older sister and brother said they were gonna be here soon!"

Many of the people who came to lend a hand were just adolescents who helped out in the town, they looked up to Matthew and were happy to help with the preparations.

Some boys even asked to see Xian even if they were a little scared.

"Um Uncle Matthew we finished with some of the chores and cleaned our hands can we see Xian?"

"He's with my dad and he—

"Go ahead boys he's probably playing Matthew's dad and be careful he's a still a baby so don't be too loud."

"Yes Ma'am"

"Miya you got a message!"

"Oh it's Gilia she said she's gonna come help. The other girls are finishing their stuff then they'll be here."

"Ok I'll go get Older Brother and his family right now they got dropped by their spacecar."

After Matthew left to get his brother, the teens were busy keeping the bored Xian awake.

Why are you trying to sleep Brother?

We have a banquet later, more energy saved the better. There's always drama at them.


I'm not showing you, you're still a young human.

But in your memories they say they're just sleeping and they fight---

Shush, just forget it. I should lock my memories away from you.

But how will I see your test and other life. Oh look Grandpa has our milk.

{Good thing he forgets easily right now, lemme seal the memory from him just in case.}

He's Grandma's partner right?

Yeah and he's really nice like you.


Grandpa Chan took the little baby out of the rocking chair, held him in his arms and gave him the feeder gently.

"Your mother and grandmother are making your feast, boy. They'll be here soon, just relax."

The grandpa reassured his grandson even if he couldn't understand. He didn't want the little baby to cry.

Little Xian grandpa wishes you grow up healthy and happy.

Here you go---- its starting. Dun Dun


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