
Contract Beast

"In the Ancient times when the Monsters ruled the world. All lifeforms were bred like livestock and consumed by the Monsters as food. Our Ancestors and the Mysterious Beasts decided to join hands and put an end to the tyranny of the Monsters. Since then, humans have been able to form contracts with the Mysterious Beasts. They fought against the Monsters and ended their reign. But, the Monsters still hide in the darkness and wait for their chance to rule the world again..."

"That's it for today, don't forget to fill up your career forms by tomorrow"

The teacher soon left the class

"Hey bro, what are you gonna write in your form?"

"Isn't it obvious, I am gonna be a Monster Hunter"

"Haha, that's right!"

"Hey I heard you need a really strong contract beast to be a Monster Hunter"

" Yeah, you need to join the Monster Hunter Academy (MHA) if you want to become a strong Monster Hunter"

"MHA? The branch in our area is the Best Academy in the whole Eastern region!"

"Guys I heard that Blast wanted to join MHA?"

"Yeah! With the Beast, he contracted he has a huge chance to get into MHA!"

Martin listened to the conversations of his classmates with a calm expression. He had gotten used to such talks after being transmigrated here a few days ago. That's right, Martin was not from this world, he came from Earth. After a few days of investigation, he found out that this world was different from Earth and this was a world ruled by the strong. Here, everyone made contracts with Mysterious Beasts and by doing so the Beast would protect you for life. The way to contract a Beast was through a dream. The Mysterious Beasts lived in the Dream World and everyone would get a single chance to contract a Beast at the age of 14.

After school, Martin Habitually waited near the school gate and soon someone came running towards him. Well, running was downplaying it, he was literally blasting flames on his feet and leaving a trail of fire throughout his path. He had long fiery hair and a handsome face, he was the one his classmates were talking about, his name was Bruno. But, people started calling him Blast after he made a contract with a Rare Fire Lizard. It had immense potential and could even evolve into a Fire Dragon.

" You are late Bruno"

"Haha, don't mind that, aren't you turning 14 today? You ready for making the contract?"


Bruno was Martins Childhood friend and they had a close relationship since young. He used to have black hair but after making his contract with the Fire Lizard his hair turned red.


After reaching home, his mom came to greet him with a smile on her face

"Martin, how was your day?"

Martin was an orphan on Earth so he cherished his parents in this life.

Martin had a rare smile on his face and greeted his mom,

"It was good"

"You are turning 14 today so you have to eat well and sleep early"

After dinner, Martin quickly went upstairs to his room, meditated for a while, and went to sleep.

One could make a contract with any beast after entering the Dreamworld, what Beasts you get depend on your lifestyle, preferences, and talent. Most Common Mysterious beasts do not reject anyone but Rare Beasts only appear in the Dreams of talented people and are very picky about making a contract.

As Martin fell Asleep he felt his mind traveling somewhere far and space seemed to distort and he was suddenly in a building with lots of Cages around. Looking around closely Martin realized that was in a zoo and there were lots of caged animals around. Calming his breath Martin quickly tried to remember his knowledge about the strongest animals he knew of on Earth.

" The strongest insect is the Dung beetle. Able to lift more than 1000 times its weight but it stinks so ill pass on that. Then comes the Hercules beetle, but it only has a strong exoskeleton and its stamina is low. If I made a contract with it I may not be able to move fast and will have to be a turtle in a shell. MHA is recruiting students in 10 months and some students already have a head start against me and if I want to get into MHA I cannot be passive so that rules out all the defensive animals. Then, something with strong muscles and hard bones...

A Silverback Gorilla! Able to lift more than10 times their weight and the strongest creature on Earth for its weight."

Martin decided quickly and searched around the zoo, he soon found a Cage with a Silverback Gorilla inside. In the dream space, one is able to create some simple things so Martin decided to make some ripe fruits and feed the Gorrila to get a good impression.

The Gorilla hesitated for a bit but still took the fruits and gobbled them up, soon its eyes lit up and asked for more fruits

Even though Martin could create more he didn't give it any,

"If you want more, be my Contract Beast"

The Gorilla seemed to hesitate a bit and then nodded his head, Martin was excited that everything was so easy and quickly touched its head and closed his eyes and the next thing he knew he was on his bed and the sun was shining outside his window. He quickly closed his eyes again and he could see a baby Gorrila in his Dream space-eating the fruits that he made. He let out a sigh of relief after seeing that everything was alright.

Then he checked for any changes in his body, and he was shocked to notice that he gained a bit of muscle. Martin had always been on the lean side and did not have any defining muscles. But, now although he did not have a 6 pack he did have a bit of definition. His skin seemed to have become a bit tougher and darker. He also felt 2 times stronger than before.

After taking a shower he quickly went downstairs.

"Mom! I finished the contract!."

Martin mom had a happy smile on her face when she heard her son,

"Seeing you so happy, it must have gone well"

"Yeah, It's called a Silverback Gorilla. I feel a lot stronger now"

"A Silverback Gorilla? It must be a very Rare Beast, I don't seem to remember hearing its name anywhere before"

"Mom, I seemed to have even gotten a Skill"

"A Skill?"

Skills were special abilities granted by the Contract Beast. They were quite hard to get and only rare beasts gave skills. Bruno was so famous in school because his Fire Lizard had a Flame Blast skill.