
Chapter 92 Game

As wind brushed against Aidan's face, his mind was in turmoil.

Feval sat in front of him. "Are you okay?"

Aidan nodded. "Yeah," he said with a weak tone.

He didn't understand what just happened earlier.

"Can you tell me who are you?"

Feval laughed. "I'm Feval. Did you forget about me already."

"I'm serious."

Feval rested his huge sword on his lap. "We are the rebel forces."


Feval nodded. "The current ruler of Bleassephere is too ambitious and cruel. All the kings before him lead with compassion and empathy. All of them were wise and great. But the Emperor didn't have that except ambition and cruelty. After conquering many nearby kingdoms and turning Bleassephere into an Empire, the Emperor started to isolate many cities. No one can come in or come out of these cities. I sneaked into one of these cities years ago and I didn't like what I saw."

"What is it?"