
Yeah, I got time

August, 13th, 2035

Hawaii, USA


"I'm so glad your job finally let you have a week off, it feels like forever since we last had a holiday together!"

A woman, with an above average appearance for her age, mid thirties, exclaimed in joy to her husband, similar in age and quite handsome.

"Same here, this is a long needed break. I hate sitting in that office all day filing papers and such." Said the man in relief.

The man was an office worker for a rich company with high pay, a job saught after by many. Whereas the woman was housewife, married to the man. They were here on holiday after more than a year of not having time to themselves, more than a day that is. They'd gone to hawaii to have their honeymoon, but they'd soon find out they grabbed the short end of the stick.

Their day went great, they had fun at the beach, ate at an expensive restaurant, and messed about like couples do. At somepoint during the week they went at it. As if some god was trying to interrupt them, they got a knock on their hotel room door.

"Oh my god, be right back honey" The man groaned and said as he kissed his wife on the cheek and put on a robe before opening the door.

"Excuse me sir, There's been some siesmic activity in this area, please could you and whoever is with you evacuate momentarily so as to keep you and your loved ones save incase of an emergency." It was a worker here, asking for them to follow her instructions.

The man, short tempered as he was, became enraged at this. Finally getting some 'alone time' with his wife and this happens, he spouted "Listen, I'm not going to 'evacuate' this area just because of some small siesmic activity. I finally got time alone with my wife and NOTHING will interupt this, you hear?"

The worker had other people to notify so she simply warned him again politely to which he declined again before giving up and rushing to notify next door.

The man came back and his wife asked him who it was, he replied "nothing babe" before pushing her up to the window in a seductive manner and proceeded to lean closer for a kiss.

That was until he had a glance outside.


A hole- or a better word for it, a ravine, or void, whatever you want to call it, was forming mere meters infront of the man. His eyes widened in shock at the sight infront of him.

Fear took control of him as he froze in place, causing confusion to his wife.

"what is it-" She asked while looking where her husband was looking. she too got consumed by fear, as the ravine grew and grew. It reached their hotel room quickly and devoured the ground beneath them. ofcourse they didn't fall due to the powerful structure that is the hotel. It was built to survive against this sort of situation.

Realising this they felt safe but still attempted to evacuate the building.

The void grew and grew more even after consuming half of the ground underneath the hotel. With the change of topography the hotel couldn't stand having only a third of its structure attached to the earth, and quickly toppled over into the ravine.

What happened to the couple remained a mystery. Maybe they died, maybe not.

The pit grew until it consumed the whole of Hawaii and a bit more.

What happened next was the most crazy part. Where the land was devoured, the ocean water didn't move to take its place - it just stayed there as if nothing had happened. After Hawaii was removed from the world map, a rift, shining a deep black, appeared above the empty space. A couple minutes afterwards, the rift emitted a light that seemed to be scanning the lost land.

If a sci-fi nerd was to see this they'd recognise that the scan seemed to be 'loading' something. The ray of light moved back and forth, west to east, for 10 minutes.

Soon enough, a new island found its place. This island was packed with lush jungle and wildlife, it was atleast triple the size Hawaii was. It looked as if it had gone back in time to before humans came to existence. But that wouldn't entirely explain why it grew in size.

If you were to look closer at the wildlife, you'd see there were animals, species that didnt exist in the modern day world, or even in the earth in general. New species appeared. Animals without intelligence and those with human levels of intelligence.

Hawaii wasn't the only place this sort of thing had happened as there was news of it happening to many places across the world. Some places had pitholes like Hawaii and some just overlapped certain areas, for example, in the UK mountains the size of Mount Everest and taller appeared in London and other regions. There was no city destruction of the sort, they just appeared there. Merged with the buildings.

Chaos ensued across the planet.

Species with human intellect appeared with powerful abilities and waged war on all others who faught for saught after land. Human population declined rapidly at the start of the new era. The era of monsters.

Humans, once the numberes dwindled to a small number, finally begun to resist against the attacks of the enemies, all of their military power was able to be concentrated on certain areas. They tried nuclear weapons but for unknown reasons they just did nothing. And when checked it was discovered that nuclear energy just disappeared entirely without a trace.

Later on through the years humans gained abililities ranked from F to S. They didn't rank from power but from growth potential. Ofcourse S rank would be accepted more but it was so rare that even 1 in 100 million people to have it would be nothing short of a miracle.

The majority of humans have D ranked abilities whereas those who would train and fight for territory against enemies.

There were many new species;

Demons,Dwarves,Elves,Fairies,Goblins,Halflings,Mermaids,Trolls, etc.

Along with more violent ones like

Cyclops,Centaurs,Lizardfolk,Shades,Skeletons,Yeti, etc.

All of these creatures faught over territory and just natural disputes. All of them feirce fighters and not forces to be reckoned with.

After Humans aquired abilities they finally managed to fight back for territory rather than be on the defensive since forever. The top #100 warriors got titled as rankers and were granted special privileges to do with their # and were respected whereever they went and were the strongest of their race (humanity).

Enough with the explanation, this is a story of how i became the strongest being with my mediocre ability, Time Manipulation (Rank F).

The reason Time manipulation is a rank F ability is because of the growth potential, and it isn't a good ability for battle due to the limited ability to manipulate time, if you wanted to stop time it'll be at a limit of at most 0.5 seconds, and that's with practice

I'm new to writing novels and idfk if i'll actually do anything with this so it's a mystery, also by new to writing novels i mean im just absolute dog shit and i giveup within 5 seconds

also DDia stfu bout time manipulation if you're reading this, i've wanted this ability since i was like 7 lol

ImTrashDudecreators' thoughts