
A different king

A few hours before.

The world followed with a forced attempt of normality even knowing that everything was about to be changed the force, the human capital received a very delayed notification about three extraordinary humans disappearing and not appearing in a few weeks.

A thin, white young man with a yellow light near him entered the forest and says he has gone to find his way in the world, probably died.

The other a black and muscular man after facing a bear was injured and dissatisfied with what happened to himself and left, later spies confirmed that he encountered an ancestral ruin and after a flash of light he disappeared.

"What do you think, my counselor?" A noble man, dressed in the finest silk and with a crown on his head, was seated on a wooden throne and adorned with metallic decorations at his extremities.

This throne was located in a very vast hall, about ten warriors wearing flashy armor were protecting the room.

Beside the throne a man in a black suit and holding a paper was there thinking about how to answer his emperor's doubts.

"My emperor, I believe that now is the time to try again to ally with the elves of the great forest to the north, the elves of the west do not sympathize with humans and we know that from ancient times we have history with the great forest"

The emperor put his hand on his chin and was contemplative for a brief moment, he seemed indecisive and began to caress his chin, his beard did not seem bother.

"Sir, I believe it is time to invite the four kings and make a great conference and decide on the dark future that awaits us," this voice came from the window to the left of the throne.

There a woman dressed in white and carrying a thick book was floating and about to enter the room.

"Miss Cecilia, which brings the saint chosen by our goddess invading the royal hall," who spoke was the counselor, the king in particular seemed only surprised and not bothered.

She knelt and her black hair with greenish tones fell on her shoulders, her eyes also had a dark green color, which meant she had the blessing of an element and how much clearer the color the purer the blessing.

"My emperor, apologizes for the abrupt entry, but I believe this is the best time for a meeting and an alliance," the king seemed extremely alarmed and spoke.

"What was the purpose of these words?", The emperor knew that the saints could receive oracles and therefore asked his question.

The woman looked up and exchanged glances with the king when she said "the world will change and this only means war, and possibly a war worse than the ancestral war"

She did not let anyone assimilate such words when she continued to speak "my lord the goddess told me that it would be time for an alliance, forget the elves make a pact of vassalage with the dragons"

The king's eyes widened in a way that he had never done before, all the guards in the room ran and put their swords on the woman's neck, and the counselor himself took the lead and said "you dare betray us?"

His eyes were cold as ice, and if he had a sword himself, it was possible that he himself would carry out the mercy attack.

An angry voice sounded loud and imposing. "Cecilia, this is not something that only a mere person of the clergy has to decide," the king seemed genuinely angry and continued, "if that's all you have to say, you can leave."

"My lord did not want to commit treason, but the future misfortune is something that no race alone can face, you yourself saw the birth of that ancestral beast," these were words that made any living being tremble and hesitate in their actions.

The emperor seemed to have calmed down, he made a movement of hands and all the warriors returned to their positions.

"Stand up and explain right," the emperor had been arrogant since his birth and never thought of having to submit to anyone, not even the strongest beast, the dragons.

"My lord, I mean, that the next calamity had struck all of them, whether they were elves, gnomes, or even weak goblins, all those who own lands and proclaim themselves kings are at the mercy of supreme power"

The emperor did not seem to understand and therefore did not answer, but the woman was obstinate "my lord forget my words the conference with the kings is of the utmost importance at the moment, I will use my own abilities to summon all in the next hours"

"And why would you do such a thing?" The emperor seemed uncomfortable with the woman's decision.

The woman did not care and explained "because in a few hours you will see what we will have to face"

The king was silent and nodded, he seemed to have decided not to ask for more since this woman's words were getting nowhere.

The woman first circled the ground and five green rabbits with blue wings came out of them and threw them out the window to deliver her message.

"Mis cecilia only four kings rule my lands, because you sent five? Who would be the last king I do not know?" The king's smile seemed distorted and suspicious.

The woman smiled sincerely, "a friend, i do not think he will come," the woman did not stop her duties and began to draw in the circle and repeated this process four more times.

altogether five circles were made on the floor of the room and she looked tired and breathed heavily propped on a pilaster of the castle, the round dome of the castle was held by twelve asymmetrical and organized pilasters.

A maid came in and gave her some water, she rested for a few hours and all the rabbits came back carrying four papers and a leaf.

"He replied," she seemed genuinely happy and only the leaf she got herself personally and gave the four papers to the counselor.

The king looked at the woman's radiant expressions as she read that little leaf and said, "and then your friend will come?"

She nodded quickly and decisively.

She spent a few minutes and picked up various materials to complete her teleportation mission on a large scale.

In a matter of a few seconds four green glows appeared and a purple that stood out from the others also appeared and five people appeared, four well-dressed kings and a young man looking like a shaggy beggar with five different sparkles near his head.

"King Arthur of the Gray Thunder kingdom is here"

"King Flint of the Kingdom Winterfall is here my Emperor"

"Queen Caroline of the Kingdom Flower Purple is present my Lord"

"King Bart of the Spring Kingdom would not miss"

All four were kneeling and paying respect to the king only the guest who looked like a beggar stood and chatted jovially with his flashes of light.

The warriors came close and when they would play the young man a static glow glowed paralyzing everyone in their places.

"Dare to rebel in the presence of the great emperor?", All present including the kings were ready to fight and many other warriors were already on their way.

A sharp, feminine voice hovered across the room and seemed to be on everyone's head "and you dare touch the fairy king?", Everyone was immediately startled and looked puzzled.

The beggar does not seem to mind when he says "show yourself and tell me your intentions"

A female elf appeared and prostrated himself before the young man and said "noble sir let my race know the name of that being enlightened by nature"

The young man made a resolute look and spoke in an indifferent tone "my name is Azriel Joan first"