
Monster Card

Ayyur Layl, Died and have been reincarnated in a fantasy world! The world seem to be filled with strong warriors called Monster Artist who are able to tame and use in battle strong Beast who live in this world. This story is a reboot of my previous "Work" I don't really know how much i will upload per week

Skyrimeur · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Ayyur trained regularly his sword skills, he wasn't the best but his physique gave him an edge over others.

Melee fighters mostly relied upon [Ki] and were named [Ki Warriors] according to their mastery and [Ki] they were divided in ranks, the people who achieve the first rank named [Ki fighters] easily have the double or triple of the strength of a normal citizen and it is the basic requirement to become a guard or to join any mercenary group.

It was also discovered that only humans who attains this realm can form a contract with a monster, discovering that a minimum [Ki] mastery was required to form a contract.

After a year of training Ayyur was finally experiencing the breakthrough to the [Ki Fighter] Realm.

Before starting his training he thought about trying to master the other type of magic but without a master and resources he could only turn to the most common magic the [Ki].

Ayyur is sitting a sword in his hand, in the courtyard of his house. a strong [Ki] was shining though his muscle as sweat was glistening.

As his mind was solely focused on his [Ki] trying to tame him and to channel him though his sword.

Strange flashes of memory started to fill his mind.

In a dark place, a huge corridor was filled with stone tablet, Carving of creatures were represented in them, monster filled with devious arms, green skinned beast with ferocious weapons.

This images left as soon as they came, and just after regaining his composure Ayyur could see a [Ki] aura shining though his sword.

Being able to channel your [Ki] though a weapon was the common sign of attaining the ream of [Ki Fighter]

Ayyur exhaled deeply as a strong course of [Ki] was moving between his body and the sword.

'Finally! After a year!'

A peaceful smile was resting on Ayyur face.

Taking a full year for reaching the [Ki Fighter] realm was pretty normal, some people actually take even more time, some people have a faster advancement but have an overall weaker power. All living being have a different quantity of [Ki] and even in the Human race people have a slight difference in their [Ki] quantity and density, a [Ki] user with more [Ki] could last much longer in a fight than a person with a standard amount of [Ki], and the density of [Ki] actually make it harder to master but give a slight advantage since the denser [Ki] the more powerful he is.

Since his continual training, Ayyur became very familiar with his body, he was actually very surprised of his raw strength and was even more surprised of his [Ki], with all the books available that he could read and the information that julia gave him, he roughly compared himself with a 'standard' human and found out that in estimation his [Ki] was half of what a human but was two to three time denser.

Finally getting up, Ayyur started to inspect his blade.

The old sword he was wielding was belonging to his dad, he actually was an acient veteran and was at the [Ki Master] realm, the realm above the [Ki fighter].

The sword was old and seemed cheap, but was actually an excellent blade. Not all weapons could hold [Ki] most wouldn't resist one or two strikes powered with [Ki] before breaking. But this sword could hold the [Ki] of a [Ki Master] and was pretty valuable, even with it cheap looks it could probably sell for two or three gold coins, a gold coin was the equivalent of the annual salary of a

city guard or a small time mercenary. It could buy out a nice home in a three star city, and could buy a humble home on a second star city.

His parent actually left him a little less than fifteen gold coins. with the money Ayyur made some reparation on the house, even with the care of Julia some places were a little rusty. At first Ayyur was really surprised of the huge amount of money, and wanted to buy a strong monster to form a contract.

A huge numbers of hunter and mercenary groups, specialized in hunting down monster alive, and selling them in the city. But after visiting the [Monster Market] his confidence on his wealth was broke. Most of the monster costed more than fifty gold coins some of them selling for even more.

And most [Monsters] sold in the public were not that good. More powerful or unique monster were generally sold through private channels or directly contracted with the mercenary.

Standing in his courtyard, ayyur could feel the [Ki] in his blade, a conflicted expression on his face.


Quickly shaking his head to focus himself again.

Ayyur slashed forward with a lazy move of his arm.

A huge crescent Ki powered blast was shot only vanishing after travelling three meter.

With a slight smile on his face Ayyur remarked something..

"What the f...?"

Hey! I was a bit busy so sorry for the late release...

For now Two or three chapter a week! I will try to do more in the future but i don't want to rush the story or just make filler chapter!

Hope you understand and more importantly... Enjoy !

Skyrimeurcreators' thoughts