
Never before seen!

Another week passed

Hiro heard that Sakura didn't become a ninja, he pursed his lips in amusement and decided he would do something crazy, completely out of sorts, never done before. But that was for later.

For now.

He was relaxing in the store. He looked outside and it started to rain, he clicked his tongue and forgot he was supposed to go grab a book for Zerotwo today. He got up and closed the store before walking down the street.

The rain reminded him of Juvia, he sighed wondering how she was doing frozen in time and everything.

He walked through town and passed by a bench, a little pink haired girl was crying on it. He looked at the girl and sighed, maybe he was too harsh on the girl. She was just a kid after all. He patted her head and thought 'Maybe I can make her useful'

Sakura looked up and said "You're... Isabella's dad?" Hiro smiled and said "What are you doing, sitting out here in the rain?" she cried again "I failed to be a ninja! I'm useless now... Even my mom won't talk to me."

Hiro was stunned, seems like her little life took a bad turn since she didn't become a ninja. Maybe there was a hidden trouble?

He didn't anticipate this.

Now he felt obligated to help.


Hiro looked at her and she cried "She.. She said that.. That I wasn't a ninja... and I was... was a disgrace..." Hiro was thoroughly shocked, what kind of mother was this? Honestly, hello? He looked at her dirty clothes and asked "You... You've been living on the streets!?"

Sakura cried and nodded, Hiro was completely stunned. He just gawked at Sakura for a moment before picking her up and putting her on his back as he said "If I leave you here, would I even be human? Honestly... What a drag."

Sakura cried until she fell asleep.

Hiro walked to the bookstore and picked up the book before asking "Do you know where Mebuki Haruno lives?" the woman said "Yeah." before giving him directions, Hiro thanked her and walked to Sakura's former house.

He knocked on the door and a woman opened it saying "Who are you?" Hiro said "Hiro. Moved her 4 years ago? Own a weapons shop? The guy with the horns? Ringing any bells?" Mebuki snorted saying "Yeah, I know you. It was a rhetorical question. What do you want?"

Hiro said "Listen lady. I don't need your shitty attitude, okay? I came to bring your daughter back." Mebuki clicked her tongue and said "The failed ninja? Don't need her. She's not my daughter. Maybe try someone else." as she slammed the door.

Hiro was stunned and kept the door open with his foot saying with a frown "You're going to leave your flesh and blood out on the streets to die?" Mebuki said with a sneer "If she can't become a ninja, she's useless."

Hiro was beyond angry and kicked the door off it's hinges as he growled "What kind of mother are you? Honestly, leaving your child out on the streets. No wonder she has a bad personality. The apple doesn't fall far from the fucking tree."

He gave Mebuki a slap and said coldly "Since you don't want her, I'll take her. From today onwards, you and Sakura have no relations. Don't come crawling back..." he glared at her and released his killing intent as he said "Or I'll end your pathetic excuse of a life." before turning around and walking away.

Mebuki had a red handprint on her face and was completely frozen in shock and fear.

Hiro couldn't care less. What a complete whore. No wonder Sakura was the way she was, her mother was 100x worse than her! How could someone treat their kid like that? He didn't understand.

At any rate, he would fix her.

Though his house was quickly becoming an orphanage it seemed...

He brought Sakura home and Zerotwo looked at her saying "Isn't that..." she frowned and added "Why did you bring the girl who was bullying our daughter here?" Hiro said seriously "She failed to become a ninja and was disowned by her parents. She was crying on a bench and living on the streets when I found her."

Zerotwo was stunned and said "Really..." she looked at Sakura, who was sleeping on the couch and said with anger "Who would do such a thing?!" Hiro waved saying "Don't worry, I gave the witch a good slap." Zerotwo smiled and said "My hero~" Hiro chuckled and snapped in front of Sakura's face.

She sat up and opened her eyes saying "Where am I?" Hiro picked her up and said "My house." he held her as you would a child and said "Well, at any rate. I'm not letting you live on the streets." Sakura said "But-" Hiro clamped her lips shut and said "Shh. You'll be living here from now on. Let's go clean you up."

Sakura's eyes widened and her face turned red, Zerotwo slapped her forehead and said "What are you doing?" Hiro was confused and said "Giving her a bath? Why?" Sakura looked down and Zerotwo said "She's a girl!"

Hiro was even more confused and said "So? Is she not allowed?" Zerotwo threw a slipper at his head and said "You're a man! She's embarrassed! Idiot, she's 12 years old!" Hiro said "Oh!" he looked at Sakura, who was covering her face with both her hands, and added "Umm... You wash her?"

Zerotwo rolled her eyes and took Sakura from his arms, he pressed on her and gifted her the Impurity Cleanse (Flawless) while Zerotwo walked away giving him a strange look. He just smiled and she shook her head.

A while later

Sakura came down the stairs with Zerotwo, wearing a long white T-shirt as a dress with little shorts underneath. Hiro looked at her and smiled as he placed food on the table saying "Come eat." Zerotwo smiled and sat down, while Sakura stood still.

Her hair was in twin pony tails on each side of her head and she teared up, asking "Why?" Hiro smiled saying "I'm not going to let you live on the streets, Sakura. Come and eat." after the Impurity Cleanse, she was a whole new person.

Her hair was pinker and longer, her skin was whiter, her forehead was smaller, her eyes were brighter, and she grew just a little bit. She was now a cute little loli, Hiro was more concerned about her attitude rather than her decrease in forehead area.

She dripped tears and wiped them before smiling "Thank you." Zerotwo pouted and looked at Hiro, who smiled softly and said "Well? Sit down and eat. After that, we'll talk about what's going to happen to you." she smiled and sat down before eating silently.

A while later

Zerotwo cleaned up the table and Sakura looked a bit nervous as Hiro was looking at her. He asked "Did you like the food?" Sakura nodded wordlessly and Hiro hummed to himself, crossing his arms as his mind turned thinking about what to do with her.

Sakura was getting fidgety and Hiro said "Do you want to become my disciple?" Sakura was stunned and said "What?" Hiro said "My disciple. Do you want to learn under me." Sakura looked lost and said "I don't know if I'm suitable to be a blacksmith..."

Hiro chopped her head and said "Stupid girl, not a blacksmith. I mean Ninja." Sakura was stunned and said "Ninja!? You're a ninja?!" Hiro said "So-so." Sakura was confused and said "So-so? What does that mean..." Hiro said "I'm not a ninja, but I can teach you to be a ninja. It's pretty simple actually."

Sakura grabbed the bottom of her giant T-shirt and said "Easy, huh..." Hiro patted her head and smiled saying "It's okay. You don't need to pass to be a ninja. It was in here the whole time." as he poked her heart.

She looked at him and he looked at her, before bursting out laughing. He shook his head and said "So? You want me to be your Sensei?" Sakura smiled and nodded, Hiro smiled and rubbed her head saying "There's a room prepared for you upstairs. This is your home now."

Sakura teared up and hugged him before running upstairs and crying her eyes out.

Hiro pursed his lips and Zerotwo smirked "Look at Daddy go~" he looked over and she was leaning on the doorway to the kitchen. He walked over and pressed her against the counter saying "You look happy." as he ran his hands up her waist.

She hummed and said "How could I not, when you're here~" he smirked and turned her around, kissing her neck as he said "You'll be even happier in a moment." she bit her lips and jolted forward, grabbing the counter tightly and moaning.

He bit on her ear and said "Been a long time since the kitchen~" her eyes turned at their crazy night in the kitchen, she got up on her tip toes and dug into the floor before spreading her toes out as she shook.

Hiro groaned and pressed his hands over hers, pinning them to the counter and leaning over her as she bit her lips, stopping herself from moaning but letting a few groans loose.

Quiet grunts and groans rang in the kitchen but didn't escape to the upstairs rooms.

The next day

Hiro went to the store and dropped off his Metals before going back home. He knocked on Sakura's room and opened the door to see her looking at herself in the mirror and pouting at her old hairstyle.

He felt sad looking at her, he opened the door and pulled her into a stool before sitting on a chair. He smiled and pulled a comb out saying "What's on your mind, missy?" as he combed her hair, she said sadly "My mom doesn't want me anymore does she..." Hiro said "Nope."

Sakura teared up and Hiro added "I want you, if you want to be adopted by me that wouldn't be a problem. I'll be your Sensei and Dad. My wife is the same, and I'm sure Isabella wouldn't mind. As for Naruto, I'm sure he wouldn't disagree."

Sakura said "But... I'm us-" Hiro knocked on her head saying "Useless? Maybe. With that attitude you are. How are you going to do anything when you don't believe you're capable of doing anything? It's like asking a bunch of animals to climb up a tree. The Monkey can climb, the elephant can't, the cat can, but the fish can't. Are the animals useless because they can't climb a tree? Can a monkey breathe underwater? Can a cat stomp a tiger flat? Just because you're not good at one thing, doesn't mean you're not good at another."

Sakura listened quietly and Hiro continued with a smile "Even if you can't become a ninja, is it a big deal? Are you going to die? You can do other things. If you can become a Ninja, what if it's not the ninja you wanted to be? What if you can't make a difference? Are you going to be upset because you can't change the world? What does Sakura Haruno want to be? I don't want to hear some bullshit about Sasuke, I want to know what you want to be, for real."

Sakura was speechless, she didn't know what she wanted to be. She thought about it and said "I want to be strong!" Hiro took out two hair ties and held one in his mouth as he said "Mhm, why?" Sakura looked at herself in the mirror and clenched her fist before saying "To show everyone that they were wrong!"

Hiro grinned and said "So, what's your goal?" Sakura said firmly "The strongest Kunoichi in the village!" Hiro pursed his lips and said "In the village? Kunoichi?" Sakura said, a little unsure, "In the world?" Hiro smiled and said "Perfect!" as he finished her twin tails.

He spun her around and smiled gently saying "You're ready to train." Sakura cheered "Yay!"

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Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts