
The First Painting

The Qin Wentian within his dreamscape had plunged into a profoundly unique state, utterly immersed in it. He had lost track of time, unaware of his actions or surroundings.

Even when Qin Yao ventured to wake him from this trance, she found him unresponsive. Deciding not to disrupt his profound state, she left him to his dream.

If dream art experts were present, they would recognize that Qin Wentian was in an exceptionally deep state of dreaming. In this condition, his capacity for comprehension had reached its zenith.

Two days later, Qin Wentian was still laboring on the dream's shore, making countless adjustments. Eventually, he ceased his movements and gazed upon the completed image he had etched, emerging from his trance.

"Success." A flicker of surprise and joy danced in Qin Wentian's eyes. The image he had inscribed resembled a figure wielding an ancient halberd, thrusting forward with tremendous energy. Despite its simplicity, it exuded boundless power, an aura of relentless advance that obliterated everything before it.

The image seemed to have a life of its own. It appeared "alive" and had the uncanny ability to transport the viewer into a miraculous realm.

"Could this be a completely new form of Divine Imprint?" Qin Wentian murmured in awe. A Human-type Divine Imprint... If that was indeed the case, what grade would it fall under?

Raising his head, he stared into the empty air. After an unknown period, he willed himself out of the dreamscape.

In the waking world, he opened his eyes to find Qin Yao pacing back and forth. He called out to her, "Sister."

Seeing him awake, Qin Yao smiled and approached. "You've been cultivating for quite some time."

"Did you wait long?" Qin Wentian inquired.

"I came by from time to time. Wentian, there's something I need to tell you. I received a response from Snowcloud Country." Qin Yao's expression turned grave as she continued, "In the letter, they mentioned that a group accompanied by Snowcloud Country's Crown Prince will journey to Chu Country at the end of the year."

"Why would they do that?" Qin Wentian furrowed his brows.

"I don't know," Qin Yao replied, shaking her head. "But there's another important piece of news. This year's Jun Lin Banquet will be attended by the Crown Prince of Snowcloud Country and his entourage."

"It looks like this year's Jun Lin Banquet is going to be quite the event," Qin Wentian remarked, though he smiled reassuringly at Qin Yao. "Sister, don't worry too much about it. We'll see what happens at the end of the year, for better or worse."

"Indeed, don't let this matter burden you too much. Focus on your cultivation. I'm relying on you." Qin Yao's voice carried a hint of sadness and apology. She understood that with her abilities alone, she could never rescue her father and grandfather.

This immense responsibility rested squarely on the shoulders of Qin Wentian.

"Leave it to me. There will come a day when I'll soar through the skies, looking down at Chu Country as though it were nothing more than a bug," Qin Wentian declared as he gently cupped Qin Yao's face, trying to console her.

"Okay," Qin Yao finally smiled and nodded. "Let me go cook something delicious for you."

"Sounds good. I've been looking forward to tasting Sister's cooking," Qin Wentian chuckled as Qin Yao headed into the residence. He had chosen a secluded courtyard for his lodging, and he had also invited Qin Yao to stay with him.

As Qin Yao went inside, Qin Wentian took out a few pieces of paper and, using Astral Energy, attempted to inscribe the image from his dream onto them. However, every attempt in the real world ended in failure. It seemed that he had only succeeded in his dreamscape due to self-hypnosis, which had enabled him to reach a heightened state of comprehension.

Despite his initial failures, Qin Wentian gradually calmed his mind and, after numerous revisions, finally succeeded in inscribing the image just as Qin Yao finished preparing the meal. He had already accomplished it in his dream; he just needed to adapt the process to the waking world.

"What a marvelous piece of art this is. It almost feels alive," Qin Yao remarked as she stood by Qin Wentian's side, her eyes shining brightly. "Wentian, why do I sense that this painting exudes a powerful, tyrannical aura? And the figure appears to be in a half-asleep, half-awake state. It emits an overwhelming intent to obliterate heaven and earth with that halberd."

Qin Yao grew increasingly mystified the longer she stared at it. It was as if she stood on the shore of an illusory ocean, facing off against the figure in the painting. She felt as though her life could be snuffed out at any moment.

"This is my first attempt at a runic portrait, so I'm not entirely sure if it qualifies as a Divine Imprint," Qin Wentian replied with a smile. "Divine Imprints are incredibly enigmatic. Even the most ordinary inscriptions appear vivid and lifelike, as if they contain a life force within them. In a peculiar state of perception, I managed to inscribe this runic portrait. If it truly possesses a similar effect to Divine Imprints, its grade should be quite respectable."

Qin Yao couldn't help but shake her head, at a loss for words as she gazed at Qin Wentian. Even to her untrained eyes, it was clear that the painting before her was exceedingly mysterious. She realized that Qin Wentian had created this with his own perception, a level of perception she could never hope to attain.

Naturally, she was overjoyed for Qin Wentian. After all, he was her brother, the one closest to her heart.

"Alright, let's go grab some lunch," Qin Yao said, pulling Qin Wentian towards the food that had been set up. Qin Wentian's eyes gleamed with delight as he saw the array of delicious dishes.

After a heartwarming lunch, Qin Wentian once again entered the Dreamsky Forest. Even though life at the academy had become peaceful, he hadn't forgotten the importance of honing his martial skills.

Within the City of Illusions, Qin Wentian appeared in an open area. He rubbed the interspatial ring on his finger, and with a mere thought, an ancient halberd materialized in his hands.

"Indeed, this dreamscape feels almost like reality. Even the items I bring in can be used here," Qin Wentian mused.

His body blurred as he transformed into a phantom, moving with incredible speed. Other cultivators in the vicinity quickly made way, well aware of Qin Wentian's reputation. He had defeated Yanaro and held his ground against Luo Qianqiu. Unless someone was at least at the 8th level of Arterial Circulation or higher, they didn't dare to provoke him, especially when he was wielding the ancient halberd. His presence became exponentially more tyrannical with that weapon in hand.

It didn't take long for Qin Wentian to spot a member of the Knight's Association. This individual held a long spear and had a sharp gaze.

A powerful gust of wind swept through as Qin Wentian, resembling a predatory bird, descended with lightning speed. Realizing escape was futile, the knight thrust his spear forward to meet Qin Wentian head-on.

"Stance of the White Tiger!" Qin Wentian executed the Berserker Beast Halberd Technique. Numerous tiger roars reverberated as the halberd thrust out, colliding with the knight's long spear. Within moments, the spear was torn from the knight's grasp due to the force of impact.

With a piercing "Puchi!" the halberd's crescent-shaped edge sliced into the knight's body, inflicting excruciating pain. The knight's eyes bore into Qin Wentian before his figure gradually faded from the dreamscape.

After Qin Wentian dispatched his first opponent, he immediately hunted down the next. Within minutes, he encountered another member of the Knight's Association and swiftly pounced like a gust of wind. The halberd's gleaming edge, cold as ice, slashed across the knight's throat, resulting in a gruesome shower of blood.

Hunt after hunt, Qin Wentian ensured that each member of the Knight's Association he encountered met a grisly end beneath his halberd. He had become a living nightmare for the knights.

In the City of Illusions, countless onlookers watched Qin Wentian's relentless pursuit of the Knight's Association members. Word of his actions spread like wildfire through the Emperor Star Academy, eliciting silent sighs from many. It was clear that Qin Wentian hadn't forgotten the torment and humiliation Fan Le had endured. The tension between him and the Knight's Association was escalating by the day.

However, Orchon, rumored to have reached the 9th level of Arterial Circulation, was said to be away on a self-imposed training journey.

It was common knowledge that Orchon was preparing himself for the upcoming Jun Lin Banquet at the end of the year. Once he returned, there would be no escape for Qin Wentian.

Still, in the City of Illusions, Qin Wentian faced a formidable adversary. Dressed in blue and possessing an 8th level Arterial Circulation cultivation base, this opponent possessed immensely frightening combat abilities.

Qin Wentian couldn't be happier. With each clash, he sought to gain deeper insights through this challenging battle.

The halberd technique consisted of four stances and 36 transformations, forming a comprehensive set of techniques. Mastery could only be achieved through relentless and assiduous practice, resulting in increasingly powerful strikes. In Qin Wentian's dreamscape, he envisioned himself as a master of this technique, unleashing a real Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Xuanwu Black Tortoise with each execution.

"Swoosh..." At that moment, Qin Wentian sensed his opponent's palm strike turning into an illusory attack. Instantly, his ancient halberd danced, forming a Xuanwu Black Tortoise to shield him. However, his opponent's illusory palm strikes landed on the Xuanwu, causing it to shudder nine times before dissipating. Qin Wentian retreated gracefully, chuckling, "Let's have another duel another time."

With that, he turned and departed, eventually finding himself in an empty space where he continued to practice his halberd techniques. His recent battles had offered valuable insights.

Each swing of the ancient halberd exuded a dominating, tyrannical force. Yet, something felt amiss to Qin Wentian. His strikes lacked the overwhelming aura of the Human-type Divine Imprint he had created.

"Qin Wentian," a voice filled with joy called out. Qin Wentian halted his movements and saw Mu Rou approaching.

"What a coincidence," Qin Wentian smiled.

"I've been coming here every day after hearing you returned to the Emperor Academy, hoping to run into you," Mu Rou explained, her gaze fixed on him. It dawned on Qin Wentian that they were standing in the same place where they used to spar.

Blushing, he replied, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Can't I just look for you without a reason?" Mu Rou teased him playfully, causing Qin Wentian to smile sheepishly. She then chuckled, "I'm kidding. Tomorrow is my 18th birthday. Would you come to give me your blessings and perhaps spar with me to help refine my movement techniques?"

"Why wait until tomorrow? We can do it right now," Qin Wentian suggested, storing his ancient halberd back in his ring. "Go ahead and attack me."

"Alright," Mu Rou agreed, beginning her assault.

Mu Rou soon realized that her attacks couldn't even touch Qin Wentian. His evasive movements were exceptionally graceful, responding effortlessly to her every strike. It was as if his body moved at the mere thought, more akin to an exquisite dance than a martial technique.

Nonetheless, this sparring session greatly benefited Mu Rou. They continued until her body was drenched in sweat, and then she left the dreamscape alongside Qin Wentian.

Upon exiting the Dreamsky Forest, Qin Wentian returned to his courtyard, deep in thought.

Gazing at the inscribed painting, Qin Wentian's eyes brightened. Mu Rou had been exceptionally kind to him. For her 18th birthday, he decided he would give her a special gift to convey his congratulations!