
The plan II

I were already infront of the castle, although the clothes that I had made me look like someone of 18th century. But I guess this has it's own grace too. A white overcoat with black undercoat inside it with white pants and for appearance I choose my look like a complete foreigner like white hair and blue eyes. I was pretty sure even Ava cant recognize me.( I really apologize, I have actually never wore such formal clothes so I am unaware of its name. That's why, it was weird 😅😅).

The entire town was in festival since todays day when people celebrate in name of Goddess of crop. Farmers celebrate or offer food and sacrifices for better yield next year, nobles use this opportunity to know each other, merchants use this opportunity to be together and made various kinds of deals related to their work and all this is supposed to get initiated by lords of the city. The entire city was beautifully decorated, lighting everywhere, people laughing, talking, drinking, eating everywhere. I have to say it was beautiful, they were not most cleanest, most gracefull or didnt had most good looking I have seen but their happiness alone is making this lively. All of them were masks of different kinds like demons, smiles, orcs, dragons some even had wings along with crowns. Even when I was hastened towards castle, I still looked and admired them.

" Lord, could we see your invitation " said the guy who was with the guards checking invitations. I suppose he was a butler, so I gracefully give it to him. ( Don't ask how you give something gracefully. I have seen those pretentious, rich, and gentleman guys acting like messenger of gods but are like horny pigs if gave them a bait. No joke 🤣🤣). I nodded as I gave him to me since all those hired servants were in castle compound. Only nobles and people with status were allowed inside castle.

" Lord kronos, please. This sign is just for your identity " He said as invited me while making a hexagonal around my chest. I nodded as I got inside. I have to say it was almost as big as a football ground inside, just there were lighting on ceiling everywhere and even floor was shining. Everyone was in their own circle merchants, big merchants, nobles according to their rank. It was supposed to be normal. And then I felt Ava as all the way to stairs for the 2nd floor. I looked as my vision came back .

" She saw me and recognized me. How the hell " I could see her in that maid costume with white hair and her brown eyes with pale white skinlooking at me lovingly. It was most beautiful person I ever seen. That was all in my mind. I really couldn't stand her look and I subconsciously looked away but again gets myself together as I looked at her again bit again looked away.

'Shit what am I, a maiden. Stop doing that ' I thought as I looked at her again. With this time with a smile just like her. I moved towards her, just then I saw a kid next to her about 10 to 12 year old dark black hair to the west. She was just talking to other peoples of about 17 year old , they were quite a few actually.

" So what do you say princess. Come on, it's like a gift " I heard a person of about 17 to 18 years old telling the little girl.

" She is my personal maid. Would you stop doing that " she was impatiently telling her. I saw another kid besides her, a guard with high stealth capability.

' Wow, I keep meeting talents. A 12 year old prodigy. He isnt invisible but his traces are so faint that people will ignore him if they arent looking for him specifically. ' That kid was giving a overwhelming presence to me since I have noticed him, the moment I looked at him he too looked back. Its suprising, sensing my gaze when I am intentionally suppressing my LF which is a proof of his heightened senses.

I too smiled as I realise my complete LF, the moment I did all of them around including the girl, all of those three aristocratics looked at me. What can I do, I am not intensely good looking just my aura of soothing, and gentleness I exclude automatically make peoples less hostile. Its unnecessary during fight but in these small things, its stands out.

" Hello, which noble lord would you be. I am Layrok felicia. I wonder what your name would be " This was the same person who was asking for Ava as a gift. Looks like guy is pretty much used to be the leader. I didnt look at him as I bowed myself as I stuck out my hand for Ava. Since most of peoples were dancing, I too decided to apologize while dancing. But before Ava could anything, that little girl put her hand in my hand. At first I didn't understand, I just looked at her looking for explanation.

" How long you are gonna her hand for. Just kiss it " Said the kid judging me.

" Yes lord, you should kiss on back if her hand " I really have no idea what Layrok is trying to do so I just ignored him again.

" Apologies princess, I was actually inviting your maid for a dance. " I said as I looked at her in the eyes with a smile.

" Ah, I am sorry. I didnt realize it" she quickly takes back her hand while looking at me awkwardly.

" Its okay, princess this is his own fault " Ava said from besides the girl while laughing and puts her hand in mine. But she didnt realise that, right now I am noble and she is a maid. Addressing me as ' his ' while pointing out my mistake can lead her to death.

" You bitch, how dare you talk to sir noble like that. Lord...just give her to me, I wi- " he looked very angry atleast in face, as he tried to grab her hand which I was holding. As for me, I too am angry for real this time. I wonder when was last time, in my entire 2 year stay, I have never been really angry, mostly it's just frustration, and a bit of anger.

" you lowlife, dont interrupt me " I looked at him while going directly into ' Asur roop ' and released my entire LF at once . Suddenly, the entire temperature of that gigantic hall decreased, while everyone below 3rd tier monarch relam around in the hall was feeling that intense pressure, all of those three aristocrats around me were literally in the ground while bleeding through orphis . If I could have seen myself I would have seen my silver eyes and a bit of fire around it.

" Raj, its okay calm down " Ava said calmly. I looked at her in surprise. It was first time for me too. I could feel it, a flame inside my body ready to be released. Many peoples were coming to our Location, well probably cause of stunt just now.

" All of you gentlemen, what happened " A middle aged man quickly came and asked me. He should be in late thirties but with a black hair and blue coat in a proper noble dress. I knew who it was, the current lord of this castle even though he is just a baron no one dared to look down on him cause of their relation with ' prime minister krishna ' an actual God and someone with a power enough to destroy anyone alone. Although their family is second in empire but he along is very strong and besides from what I know, The current emperor ' Ram ' is greatly influenced by him and is only one who is strong enough to stop him but I am pretty sure, he will not stop even if he killed a grand Duke or a prince

I have my exams so its gonna be a bit late this time, aleast untill 17th march so...sorry about that.

lordblanckcreators' thoughts