

I had been practicing this thing for over three days. According to my guess...I could stack up to two times before it harms too much but my powers will be explosively increased by over eighteen times of original. Well...this is a good part of my trump cards cause most of time it was just healing and fleeing. There are limitations though but the damage isnt something irreversible by my special body ( he has a body which could directly absorb energy on it's own aka restore vitality).

In day I go around in inns bluffing that i am a member of the society and wants to know the current base. After seven days, I am known in the entire city as a member of the Necron society who has lost his ways...I keep using weird appearances to deceive others. I still remember acting at that stripper club but boy....Sam's call saved me or my back virginity would have probably gone with the way his much I drank that day.

Ava is already the personal maid of the girl aka our bait known as Kyle Clarkson who is by the way a ten year old kid. I was actually quite shocked knowing that empire is actually even letting that ring in her hand but then I found out, the ring was her natal weapon which is cultivation of weapons as their core though you could make a 2nd core if it doesn't conflict you bit cases are pretty rare. So if she dies dies so dies the weapon unless they have special equipments. Clarkson was supposedly the ancient family who had declined completely, their job and their worth was mostly in large scale war and for the last four hundred years, they keep declining and now became a fallen family.

They are still backed by "Govardhan", the family leader current power us unknown and they have several gods making this family Rank 3rd in the entire world and that is without considering the fact that they are in cahoots with the strongest family of warriors "The pandav"of aryawrata empire, so one could only imagine no one try to messes with them and this is the reason why no one in the empire is forcing the girl to anything.

Anyway, with all my expedition, I finally had useful information about the society meetup which was gonna happen in a baronate house ( Its well a pseudo noble. Just in name even below baron ) named some chadda guy...my plan is to sneak in and have the information about the attack.

The leader supposedly a descendant of ' The great golden crow ' who is ancient species and also an superior life form before humans hit demigod relam but this guy in my opinion is a fugitive cause golden crows could be one of the most proudest creature and its impossible for them to resort to theft..

And after five days my work finally paid off....I tracked down a group of the low class society member and killed him. Anyway, I assumed his identity in meanwhile increasing my strength to 3 tier king. And as for the move I made a rapid improvement and realised that if i keep stacking my LF over and over....the final effect will be strong enough to contend with warriors rank above me.

" Hey....Barry, when are the others coming " I asked the bar master as I took a sip of the tequila tasted drink. A very generic drink of our earth but it wasn't the same since the ingredients was a thunder based elemental deer which makes your body feel like electrolysed every few seconds.

" Master kronos.....I am not exactly sure. They just told me midnight " He asked fearfully. Well.....he was putting on airs thinking I am some weak so I broke some of his teaths so he is like this.

" cheh....its boring " I ended up saying but as I said I felt some peoples coming. No one said anything as all of us stayed in the open courtyard monitoring the others. That's rather common since everyone is viligant around another.

' I used to read so much about these cults in those stories....but they really aren't the same. I mean everyone is in a causal clothing ' And that was in my mind. All of them were at king level but not above 5th tier and that's just one of them so that makes me a little happy cause mostly I am struggling bitterly to catch up to peoples I know. I guess this happiness comes when you feel you have some self achievement.

" Everyone here " I could hear a well build man with a man with thin posture but clearly he was the dominant one here since the speaker was that thin guy but what intrigued me most was the fact is the amount of red wisps around his body, its mkee than that saint I have seen. It could be the fact that saints are better at controlling energy but it doesnt change the fact his was completely Red like hot lava and even the temperature of the room had been affected. I knew he was gonna be the leader of this plan. At that time everyone except one guy kneeled down including me.

" What's the meaning of this " Said the bodybuilder shaped man behind him to guy with the power of King 5th tier. I was kinda perplexed too.

" No one is worthy for me kneel except my parents and heaven " I know, I have the same face as you guys and that says ' Is this guy an idiot '. Who says and does such weird things but I didnt say thing.

" A worthy man indeed...." The thin guy said again and now my mouth is completely open by the fact that what type of peoples I have to interact with for this mission. Lucky my black smiling mask covered it.

' These guys are idiots.' I thought as I cleared my mind again. At any rate...I have to deal with it.

" Thank you my lord " And finished.

" So let's the meeting shall we " strength speaks here . On earth there was a law regarding ' everyone had right to speak ' though it was just in name, here though you need proper strength or background for that as for this case since I was strong I confidently said.

hello guys author here. one problem that main stream face is they become boring as time pass which I clearly dont want it to. so I am trying something new for this novel and its the first time I am reading this in wuxia too...so Yahoo.

Anyway I will if you like it and if you dont I will stop and will not more characters. and again I am free to all suggestion

lordblanckcreators' thoughts