
Monarch of Seals

He could taste and smell the sweet flavor and scent of death as it beckoned for him, now he became sure of it – Who ever said death was scary lied. He was Jason Varros, a mute legendary killer who always carried a black violin and whose mere mentioning brought despair to his foes. His death was nothing short of spectacular but he was glad for in his generation, He - a mute had bested them all. Unfortunately, fate had something in store for him, his chapter was not over yet. As a matter of fact - his story was just beginning for he would later awaken a forbidden power - a power others deemed sacred and only for the Gods and he would be hunted for it. The power of SEALS. But Jason being Jason would never submit, he would show them all,,,,,the masses and their gods alike- they would all kneel before him.

Hero_8745 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 16 : Speech?

Two wisps of golden flames came into existence and landed on the lifeless bodies of Samael's parents and then slowly began to disintegrate them. Samael panicked, pushed himself up and quickly ran towards "them" to try put off the flames. Marcel just stood nonchalantly and watched with a wide grin plastered on his face.

He watched as Samael helplessly tried to put out the golden flames but the flames just kept burning more and more. It went to the extent that they even stuck to the boy and his clothes were set ablaze. He started to shriek and thrash around wildly and even sometimes rolling on the ground but the flames continued to burn. Watching the show made him chuckle, what was the boy even doing? He could not stop the flames from burning those two devils into ashes, so what was the point? Anyhow, he truly enjoyed watching those deemed by the holy church as heretics suffer. Their pain and suffering bought joy to his life.

Unknown to him and while he watched, true darkness was waking up within Samael. ("Why must you do this? They are dead already, what more could you hope to achieve. You won already, why couldn't you just leave them be. Why? why? why? ") but no one heard Samael's questions and no one answered him. ("I am pathetic and weak. I hate this. I truly hate it.") His eyes had turned red from the pain and tears, His skin was singed red from the flames and what was left of his parent were ashes.

He slumped on his side, while the golden flames still licked and ate at him but he was just worn out and too exhausted both physically and mentally to resist. It was hopeless. Everything was just bleak. His body still occasional and instinctually twisted and turned but besides that, there was nothing. There was nothing else he could do except hate.

"ESTINGUISH", Marcel said and the flames died from Samael.

"HEAL." A green flowery smoke rose from the ground and encased Samael. The healing spell permeated every part of Samael's body and healed every biological macromolecule in his body. He was truly healed to physical perfection but that was all there was to it. His mental state was broken and he was just mindlessly staring ahead. If his previous adversities from earth could have seen him, they would have been truly shocked to witness how the mighty Reaper had fallen.

Pah! Pah! Pah ! Pah!

Slaps started resounding again and the gravity of their force woke Samael up from his stupor. There was something strange with those slaps. Samael was feeling a strange stinging peace every time he received a slap. Crazy right? But he swore it was true. Every time he received a slap, he felt at peace. More and more slaps resounded, and his sense of peace grew but his face was also swollen up and bleeding at this point time.

Marcel then spoke up," Well I have patched up some damage to your soul and took away some of your pain and grieve. You probably should be grateful right?"

Samael just starred at him.

" What? You don't want to? Ungrateful bastard. What was I even expecting from a messed up creature like you."

Samael just continued to stare at him with no expression whatsoever.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....what is it? Are you in the rebellious stage now? Answer me dammit !!!!"


A high velocity kick landed on Samael's stomach and he flew away like a wrecking ball. "Oh my bad, I forgot you could not speak. What a mess. Perhaps I should just kill you and get it done and over with. But on the other hand, I could try doing that thing. HAHAHAHA...amazing! I am simply a genius.

After that, Marcel started whistling a tune and went to fetch Samael. He grabbed him by one of his legs and dragged him back to where they had been and then slumped him down on the hard dungeon floor. Samael was bleeding and hurting all over but was wondering if this guy had a screw loose or something. One moment he was talking, the next moment he was screaming and kicking things around. What a nutjob.

Marcel walked and stood Infront of Samael. He stared at him and Samael stared back. In Samael's mind what was going on was that, if Marcel does anything more to him, so be it. If he kills him so be it. He was tired anyway, way too tired of everything.

Marcel flashed a grin and said, " Your courage is commendable young spawn. Its either you are getting brave or are truly desperation." Marcel then grabbed Samael by his throat and clutched him tightly while raising him up in the air. He Just as quickly waved his hand and the next moment a vial with a sparkling golden liquid appeared. While Samael was busy choking and having difficulty breathing, Marcel opened the lid of the vial and poured the whole golden liquid into Samael's mouth and then tossed him into the ground.

One moment, Samael's body was greedily taking-in air after being starved of it but the next moment he abruptly clutched his own throat in pain. His whole nasal passage and jaw muscles were burning up. It was painful. Very painful. Next his chest started wrecking him up with more agony as well. He truly felt like digging his hands inside his throat and ripping it out. But he was not going to do it. He was not going to give Marcel the satisfaction of seeing him committing self harm. Besides, It was all Marcel's fault. Damn. ("I am gonna kill him, I am gonna kill him, I am gonna kill him, I am gonna kill him, I am definitely gonna kill him, I am.... go...nna kill him!)


Samael screamed his lungs out in agony but in the next moment the pain disappeared like an illusion. In actual fact the pain was still there but Samael no longer felt it. His mind was too focused on the idea, the notion and prospect of reality that he had actually heard his own voice. He could speak now? Was that real or was he finally going "locho" up in his head? he wondered.

The rhythm of his heart started picking up speed in anticipation. Just for a moment, the idea that he could now speak made him forget his predicament with Marcel, it even made him forget his pain and sorrows.