
Monarch of Heaven's Wrath

Liang Chen was a normal youth, one could easily find countless others like him in the Qing clan. He thought that his normal and unremarkable existence would continue for the rest of his life, a thought that was shattered when he was 12. His parents were forced to take the blame for something that they had not done, causing them to be publicly executed. Liang Chen had been told about how just the heaven's were, how they would punish evildoers and those who killed the innocent. But now his parents were dead, and the man responsible for it walks free without suffering anything. That was when Liang Chen learned the truth. The heaven's aren't just, they are indifferent. That was when he decided, if the heaven's won't send down their wrath on the man who caused his parents to die, then he would. If the heaven's have no wrath, then he will become that wrath. (Before i get any more messages about it. Just because it is a story about a guy who wants revenge, it does not mean that the MC will turn into a murderous cunt who will murder everyone.)

ShiranuiShukumei · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
391 Chs

Heaven Altering Mask.

While Yan Ling was dragging Liang Chen towards the Mission Castle, not giving him the chance to walk on his own, Yan Wuhan and Yan Ying were sitting on the floor, a table with a steaming pot of standing between them. Floating in the air in front of them was a silver screen that showed Yan Ling and Liang Chen's current action. Looking at the two, Yan Wuhan shook his head with a light sigh, turning to Yan Ying.

"Really, they got back from a mission just recently, but already they are running off again. She really has started ignoring us quite a bit ever since he came along, almost makes me jealous as a father."

Yan Wuhan had been paying attention to both Liang Chen and Yan Ling after the Hall Competition, keeping an eye on their actions. Of course, he still respected their privacy and didn't actually watch what went on insides of their houses. He did, however, listen in on the conversation the two had after Liang Chen entered Yan Ling's living area, so he and Yan Ying had heard everything the both of them talked about.

Upon hearing about his birth and bloodline, both of them could not help but be shocked, as they had never expected Liang Chen to have such an extreme bloodline. But neither of them knew much about the Genesis War, and they certainly weren't alive back then, so the word Sebettu didn't mean much to them. As Liang Chen and Yan Ling got closer to the Mission Castle, Yan Wuhan seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Ying'er, could you deliver this to them? Since the other sects have already sent assassins after them once before, they should at least hide their appearance when they leave the sect. Also, tell them to be careful."

Yan Wuhan waved his hand, a ripple passing through space in front of him, two items falling out of the ripple. The items looked like translucent masks as thin as a cicada's wing, a strong fluctuation of Qi running through them. These masks were called Heaven Altering Masks and were made from a special type of silk only created by a ferocious Demonic beast known as the Rainbow-scaled Wyrm, a Demonic beast that could evolve so much it could become a rank 9 Demonic beast.

Because of this, the masks were notoriously hard to produce if one wasn't able to get their hands on a young Rainbow-scaled Wyrm, making them rather expensive. Being made by such a rare material, the effect of these masks was of course extremely useful. Wearing the masks, one could connect their mind to them and freely change one's appearance and aura, either perfectly copying someone else or becoming someone completely new.

Yan Ying looked at the masks in front of him with some surprise. The Storm Wolf sect was quite old and very powerful on not only this but some of the few surrounding planets as well. But even then, they only had a grand total of seven such masks, so it was clear that his father placed quite a bit of importance on Liang Chen. He gave a short nod of his head, picking up the two masks and standing up.

"Don't worry, Father, Little Chen is surprisingly cautious."

Yan Ying had some understanding of Liang Chen's personality, he knew that he was rather serious and mature, to the point where he might even be called callous and cold at times. But what he forgot to take into account was that while Liang Chen could indeed be like that at times, it was a bit different when he was around Yan Ling.

Yan Wuhan simply nodded his head and waved his hand, a ripple surrounding Yan Ying and sending him away. After sending away Yan Ying, Yan Wuhan's gaze returned to the silver screen, another light sigh escaping from his lips.

"I'm more worried about what trouble Ling'er might cause."

Yan Wuhan knew his daughter well, and he knew that she had a lively and bubbly personality, she also had a penchant for causing trouble whenever she left the sect, or even within the sect. Last time, she was confined to the castle of the Snow Mirror nation to protect the princes and princesses, but now she would be practically given free rein to explore an entire city, who knew what havoc she might cause.

But he didn't want to restrict his daughter too much, especially now that she had found someone like Liang Chen, someone who could slowly heal the wounds she kept hidden within her. Because of that, he could only give another shake of his head, gazing at the image of the silver screen with a gentle gaze.

"Liang Chen, Ling'er, I hope that you manage to find the things you are searching for."

Liang Chen was still being dragged to the Mission Castle by Yan Ling when space in front of them suddenly started to ripple, Yan Ying walking out from the ripple. Yan Ying looked at the two, a faint smile visible at the corners of his lips as he gave a casual salute.

"Yo, long time no see, Little Chen. Although, I guess it might have been longer for you than it has for me."

Yan Ling let go of Liang Chen's collar, allowing him to finally straighten his body and properly stand up. He cupped his hands at Yan Ying, giving him a respectful greeting.

"It really has been a while, Senior Brother Ying."

Liang Chen truly respected Yan Ying, not only because of his strength but also because of the kindness Yan Ying had shown him. Had it not been for Yan Ying, Liang Chen would not have been able to join the Storm Wolf sect, he might even have been killed and eaten by a Demonic beast after he used the Two-Petaled Elemental Lotus to summon the heavenly lightning back in the Mystic's Hidden Realm.

Yan Ying had picked him up and given him a chance to join them, even giving him some weapons and training, allowing him to better protect himself. Liang Chen was very clear on the fact that without Yan Ying, the current Liang Chen would probably not exist.

While Liang Chen was cupping his hands, he suddenly felt all the blood in his arms freeze up, preventing his hands from completing the respectful greeting. Yan Ying let out a light chuckle, flicking his finger and causing Liang Chen's arms to return to his side.

"No need for such a respectful greeting, just treat me like you would any normal friend. We are friends, after all, right?"

They had fought and bled together, and even though there was quite a big difference in strength right now, Yan Ying did not for one second doubt the fact that Liang Chen would swiftly catch up to him, possibly even surpass him. Facing Yan Ying's chuckle, Liang Chen could only return a smile of his own.

"Right, sorry. It really has been a while, Brother Ying."

Yan Ying was the most likely future sect leader of the Storm Wolf sect, so even though they had a rather friendly relationship inside the hidden realm, Liang Chen thought that things might change after they met again in the Storm Wolf Sect. But it seemed like his thoughts had been completely wrong, Yan Ying didn't care in the slightest about the difference in position.

After getting the proper greeting from Liang Chen, Yan Ying nodded his head with a smile and flicked his finger again, allowing Liang Chen to regain control over his arms

"Much better."

While Liang Chen was waiting for Yan Ying to speak, as it was clear that he had come here with a specific goal in mind, he felt someone give his side a sharp pinch. Turning his head slightly, he could see Yan Ling fiercely pinching his side, glaring at him.

"Oy, why does he get to be called Senior Brother?"

Her big brother was respectfully referred to as either Senior Brother Ying or Brother Yang, but she was still referred to as Yan Ling. Why was the difference in treatment between the two of them so big? Facing the glare of Yan Ling, which could only be described as cute, Liang Chen simply shrugged his shoulders, a faintly teasing smile creeping up on his face.

"What can I say, he's just so damn respectable. Much better than a certain someone who throws people through the air like they were ragdolls, or kicks them, or throws them in water before even greeting them."

Yan Ling only pinched him harder after getting his response, only stopping when she noticed that Liang Chen numbed his sense of pain. She straightened up her body, crossed her arms in front of her chest, and then let out a snort.

"You deserved all of those. And I would, and will, do all of those again if given the chance, just you watch."

Liang Chen was about to retort, but Yan Ying waved his hand, interrupting the two which seemed to have completely forgotten about him.

"Alright, let me finish what I came to do and not hold the two of you up for long, wouldn't want to get in the way."

After he caught their attention, he swiped his interspatial ring and took out the two Heaven Altering Masks, handing one to Liang Chen and one to Yan Ling. Yan Ling was rather shocked upon seeing the masks, but since Liang Chen didn't know what they were, Yan Ying gave a quick explanation.

"These are a gift from Father, he said you should hide your appearance when you are outside, otherwise the other sects might send more assassins. Ling'er can teach you how to use it."

Liang Chen didn't know the exact effect of the masks, but it was easy to guess at what they did from Yan Ying's words. And looking at the shocked expression of Yan Ling, and the fact that they were a gift from the Sect Master, it was clear that their effect was rather strong. Liang Chen stored away the mask, cupping his hands in gratitude.

"Please convey my thanks to the Sect Master."

These masks were clearly not cheap, and they were also extremely useful to Liang Chen and Yan Ling, who had already faced assassins once before. With these masks, doing missions would become far easier for the two of them. Yan Ying only gave a casual wave of his hand, sauntering away with a nonchalant gait.

"No problem. I'll be leaving now, so the two of you are free to continue what you were doing."

Liang Chen and Yan Ling looked at the leaving Yan Ying for a short moment before they continued heading towards the Mission Castle. While they were walking, the voice of Yan Ying suddenly fluttered into Liang Chen's ears.

"Little Chen, please take care of Ling'er."

Yan Ying was so far away that Liang Chen had no way of responding, so he could only give a stealthy nod of his head and hope that Yan Ying somehow noticed it.

After this, Liang Chen and Yan Ling entered the Mission Castle and put on the Heaven Altering Masks, their appearance changing and making them unrecognizable. They picked up the tokens needed for them to return to the Mission Castle after completing the mission and then set out, once again leaving the Storm Wolf sect.