
Monarch of Entertainment

3 chapters at every sunday 4pm UTC At least 2k words per chapter. *** Time:- 1992 Location:- unspecified. *** "Heh, Who would have thought it would just take a single box office hit to stop them from coming after my armour" Tony snickeringly said while he was reading the newspaper in his hands. *Scribble scribble* "Who pissed you off enough to use that notebook." Tony curiously asked a man with blue eyes sitting infront of him. "Some wannabe time traveler." The man with blue eyes said as he wrote 'Nathaniel Richards' including a graphic description on what would happen to him on a black leathered notebook. "Oh, anyways which superhero movie are you planning to release next?" Tony didn't bother and asked what he was actually curious about. "Probably the X-Men, Xavier has been nagging me recently" The man with blue eyes said as he relaxed back into his chair. Before Tony could comment A knock was heard from behind him as a Female voice said "Luke, Odin has sent the list of repairs they had to do because of Goku." Which caused Luke the man with blue eyes to rub his forehead as he muttered "Sigh... Why did I think it would be a good idea to summon him..." *** Anyways hopefully you liked the synopsis, that was a foreshadowing to a future Luke is an OC or self insert. Yes he is a reincarnator. Yes this is a harem but it's more so me trying to wingman him than him being horny, he much rather spend most of his day trying to get rich or explore the other universes. The entire plot of the marvel is fucked, so don't worry about canon stuff, Consider it entirely AU with just the character existing with new background information. Yes there is also a system. Yes He will visit more than one universes after chapter 5. so be warned Anyways join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN, if you wanna.

Rillik · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 007: The lonely Ravenclaw


Previous chapter recap:-

Luke stayed with Harry Potter in the pocket dimension after realizing he couldn't fast-forward the time due to being materialized, They took a train to Hogwarts, where they also met Draco and did an unspeakable act to him, later Hadrid mistook Luke as Harry for a bit due to their matching eye color, at the sorting ceremony, Harry and Ron got into Gryffindor, Luke and Hermione got into Ravenclaw.

Chapter 7


Time:- 9:58Pm, 5th of September, 1981, Saturday

Location: Luke's Bedroom


The Hogwarts classes quickly begun for the squad, Ravenclaw had Herbology with Hufflepuff, Luke also met Neville there as Neville had been sorted into Hufflepuff.

At Charm classes with Gryffindor. Harry complained to his friends about Snape's behavior towards him while they were hanging around.

And finally, History of magic with Slytherin, Where Draco tried to avoid Luke as much as he can. Which luke found amusing.

Over the next week, He had Transfiguration with Gryffindor, Potions with Hufflepuff, Dada with Slytherin

Luke didn't waste his time as he made sure to visit the Hogwarts Library each day to learn varies things he wouldn't have known about as the pocket dimension filled them with interesting topics, spells and even history based on the description he had depicted when Hermione usually visited here in his comic book.

Luke also didn't have to worry about not remembering it as Due to Moira, his system leveling up, he could now store those things as knowledge and skill cards. He merely needed to comprehend it for once.

Eventually Early October, Luke and his friends were moving to the dining hall while Harry elaborates on how he became the youngest seeker. The stairs magically shifted which only Luke noticed as he thought 'So Dumbledore begins his plan to nurture harry…'

Just as he pondered that they 'accidentally' discovered a three headed dog staring directly at them. Before the others could even do anything Luke immediately puts it to sleep using a spell as he shouts "RUN BACK!!" which they complied.

"My goodness! huff… Why is there a three-headed Dog there?!" Hermione exclaimed after they managed to escape

"Hmm, That was probably the Third floor I think, Dumbledore warned first years to not go there, Perhaps that dog was the reason" Luke said after he contemplated.

"Oh yeah, now I remember and thanks for the quick rescue, Luke." Ron said as he looked at Luke with appreciative eyes, which made Harry and Hermione also thank Luke.

"But, why would they keep such a dangerous three-headed dog there?" Harry then asked as they began to take another route directing them to the dining hall.

"Hmm, From what I have read in the Library, Those kinds of magical beasts are usually used to guard something very valuable" Luke lightly said.

Which got the trio curious about it as Ron excitedly suggested "Maybe, we could make this our fun little adventure and find out the mystery!"

After contemplating they decided it would be fun and thus they began their investigation.

When it was close to Halloween, Luke had successfully managed to accomplish one of his goals, which was being invited to the nearly headless nick's annual party. Luke decided to bring along his three friends who were somewhat hesitant and scared as he felt they deserved to experience this once in a lifetime opportunity.

"L-Luke… they don't eat students righ- right?" Harry asked with a stuttering voice. Luke rolled his eyes as he said "Stop behaving like professor quarrel, if that was the case Dumbledore would have chased them away."

"But what if Dumbledore isn't as mighty when it comes to ghosts?" Ron skeptically asked. As Luke let out an exasperated sigh thinking Dumbledore is probably listening to this conversation via his Spector mark.

"If you are that guileless despite being in Gryffindor, then you might as just go back" Hermione snidely commented which made Luke chuckle as he thought 'I think I made her more Gryffindor than the other two combined…'

That did irk Harry and Ron who felt embarrassed but they decided to stay to prove Hermione wrong.

Soon they arrived at the appointment classroom where the party was taking place, Nick Gracefully greeted Luke and his friends who gradually realized they were just like normal wizards but with the extra quirk of being a ghost. Thus they got comfortable enough to explore on their own.

Luke then looked around for his Target, spotting her, he pretended to wander around aimlessly until he was within at least 10 meters of his target. Who as if they sensed something immediately rushed in front of him.

They stared at each other, Luke pretending to be confused as he asked "Hello Miss? Do you need something?"

Helena looked at Luke intensely as she tried to hold back her tears. She said "I… come with me, I want to talk to you about something." but before Luke could even say anything he was floating behind Helena.

They moved to a secluded section outside of the classroom. Helena tried to calm down yet she couldn't properly as she said with a quivering voice "After so many centuries… When I already lost all hope… sigh apologies for my unsightly behavior.. I am feeling very emotional…"

"No worries, it happens to the best of us, take your time." Luke comforted with a smile.

Helena smiled sweetly as she said "Thank you". After a few minutes she managed to calm herself down.

"May, I please inquire about your family?" Helena first asked, which Luke shook his head as he answered "Unfortunately they are not in this realm." which was technically true since Luke's parents were not in this pocket dimension.

That disappointed Helena somewhat but she still gently patted Luke's head as she said "I apologize for reminding you of something gravely saddening." As she started to feel a sense of companionship with Luke who seemed similar to her when it came to the tragedy of loneliness.

Luke gave an awkward smile as he said "I am used to it, Don't worry." While inwardly thinking 'It's for the Greater good! Greater good!' as he was shamelessly doing the same thing Baldymort once did to her.

Helena thought Luke was trying to be nice to her which made her feel more touched.

She then began to explain her backstory "You see… I was the sole cherished daughter of My beloved mother Rowena Ravenclaw… but I was rebellious while growing up thus I didn't realize my mistakes until I lost my life to the baron…."

Luke patiently and attentively listened to her despite already knowing many things about her as unlike baldythot, he wasn't a playboy who exploited others for his own gain.

Soon when Helena neared the end of the story she said with a bittersweet smile while looking at Luke "That is until I sense you or rather your soul, I could feel a sense of familiarity as if I am meeting a distinct relative of mine that I haven't seen for a very long time yet still remembered."

Luke hummed as Helena explained his heritage which he himself had set up with the identity card. She then requested Luke accept the Ravenclaw surname Publicly so her family could finally thrive.

"Uh about that… Can I wait a year or two…?" Luke carefully asked as he saw shifts in her emotions he quickly explained "While I am a fast learner, but you have to realize I am still only in the first year, if I expose myself right now… there might be people with bad intentions visiting me and taking advantage of me"

Which appease Helena who let out a sigh while she said "Very well, You may keep it a secret until third or fourth year. however until then, you are to visit me whenever you can"

'Fuck!' Luke inwardly exclaimed but outwardly he smiled sweetly while he said "Of course! That is not a problem, after all even I am curious to know more about you, perhaps my only family member in this world."

Helena chuckled sweetly as she rubbed Luke's head gently "You sure know how to talk to a lady."

They then talked for a few more minutes as Luke told her about his life so far on Hogwarts but their conversation was interrupted as a Troll invaded the area they were in.

Helena became immediately vigilant and hostile as she threateningly said to the troll "Go away!! I shall not let you harm my family!" while she protectively moved before Luke.

The troll however seemed to be intoxicated as It grunted while releasing hiccups while saying some gibberish in the trollish language.

Then it grabbed it's huge club as it tried to swing at Helena who narrowed her eyes as she said "Very well… you shall know the consequences of troubling, Helena Ravenclaw!"

Just as the club was about to hit her, there seemed to be a ghostly force that stopped it in its track. The troll looked confused as it tried to apply more force yet it didn't budge much.

Which caused the troll to be more furious as it's eyes turned redder, a sign of it turning berserk but before it could a couple rays of spelled hit it on the head as it groggily felt sleepy instead.

Helena seemed a bit surprised as she looked at Luke who casted the spells from beside her.

Helena then complimented with a smile "It seems you weren't bragging about being a fast learner." as she knew that was a 4th year spell.

Soon the troll fell down on the floor with a huge thud which caused the area around it to vibrate. The troll started to release a snoring sound.

The other ghosts were startled and quickly came out to check, where they saw a bizarre scene that they would never forget. A troll sleeping on the floor while at the side, Helena Ravenclaw who was usually gloomy and quiet, was happily chatting with a young boy of 11, who they knew as Luke Throne, a new friend of Nick.


Soon It was November inside the pocket dimension, Luke and his friends were watching Harry's first quidditch match against Slytherin.

"I still can't believe he actually got a Nimbus 2000 as a gift!" Ron exclaimed as he saw Harry move around in the sky but when he spotted draco following by he let out a disgusted look while saying "How did the professor's allow draco in tho…"

"Well besides the obvious bribery and his father's influence, he does have some pretty decent skills so they turned a blind eye" Luke commented casually.

"Indeed, although your friend Harry is very skilled, I would say he is probably a once in a century genius, already so natural in his first quidditch game…" Helena commented who was floating next to Luke yet she didn't get to finish as Harry started flying weirdly.

"What's happening?? Did his broom malfunction" Ron frowned as he looked at Harry.

"Someone is casting a spell!" Hermione quickly noticed while Helena also confirmed her thoughts "Indeed, I can sense a magical spell string coming from the professor's sitting area directed to Harry's Broom"

Luke immediately casted a mirage spell and invisibility spell on Hermione as he hushedly muttered "Cause a distraction in there, it should make the spell caster distracted enough to break the spell, I will stay to make sure Harry doesn't fall… Go." to the invisible Hermione.

Who said "Got it" as she quickly went to the Professor's section while a mirage version of Hermione stayed behind to not raise suspicion.

Soon a fire was spotted in there as Harry's broom also stopped acting weird, He quickly dashed forward to grab the golden snitch and barely managed to it. Thus letting Gryffindor win the match.

They checked on Harry who was in the pharmacy ward then returned back to watch the next game with him.

The next game was Ravenclaw against Hufflepuff, where Hufflepuff was truly shining as they had a very solid teamwork. They defeated Ravenclaw with a strong lead which caused Helena to be somewhat livid.

Luke was calming her down while pondering 'Hmmm how much exp would I get if I win a quidditch match…?' as after reaching level 20 before, the exp needed had drastically increased so he had to find more ways to grind the exp

[Notice: A lot, Estimated to be help you level up several times depending on the difficulty of the match.]

'Hmm, sorry Harry, it seems I would be stealing your spotlight…' Luke inwardly muttered an apology to his close friend.

Soon December was here, everyone was giving everyone a gift, Luke as a gift to Ron, improved Ron's Magic chess to be more competitive and advanced as it was an older version of magic chess board. Luke received a comfortable sweater from Ron's Mom and some prank items from the twins.

Luke gifted Hermione a notebook containing his insights and breakdown analysis of all the First year and second year spells, Hermione gifted him a magical rubik's cube which she felt was too underwhelming compared to what Luke gave her.

Luke gave Harry a pair of magical glasses which could zoom in like a camera and take pictures. While Harry gave him a quidditch related book.

Harry also gets his iconic invisibility cloak from a 'Mysterious sender', who later that night tried it out and found the mirror of Erised not knowing Luke and Dumbledore was keenly Watching him from their respective Spector marks.

In January, Harry participated in the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match, which he helped win by catching the golden snitch again yet to him it felt more challenging due to the Hufflepuff's teamwork.

"Where's Luke?" Harry curiously asked when he didn't spot him.

"I don't know, He said he had something very important to do." Hermione answered.

Helena merely smiled mysteriously when the trio looked at her for answers.

Soon the announcer announced Ravenclaw vs Slytherin. Where the trio saw someone they knew very well in the ravenclaw team which caused them to exclaim loudly "Luke?!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?!" as the nearby viewers stared at them "Uhm sorry!"

Luke merely gave a smile and a wave, as he casually sat down on his broom.

"Hello, Draco boy" Luke playfully Said to Draco across the field who had a scowl on his face.

Soon the game began until eventually at the midpoint, the golden snitch was released, Draco and Luke chased after it, Draco having a better broom thus faster taunted Luke.

Who uncaringly ignored him while focusing on the golden snitch, Draco, although dissatisfied, also focused on the golden snitch.

They chased after it, nearly managing to catch it many times until it neared the end of the game where draco noticed they were leading by many points thus he instinctively started relaxing which Luke used as the moment to catch the golden snitch casually.

'Just as planned' Luke thought while the announcer announced Ravenclaw's victory, He had intentionally stalled for time until the end.

Although the golden snitch gave a huge amount of points, if caught early then the other team might catch up after becoming more aggressive and serious, especially since Slytherin had better brooms due to their lord and savior Draco. So they would be faster than his own team with a somewhat worse broom.

[Congratulations on winning your first quidditch match! You gain <Draco Malfoy> character card (Assimilation only) due to defeating him in a quidditch match and 25 million exp for…]

'Woah, I can gain character cards?' Luke thought, although it was limited to assimilation, it was still overpowered, since what if he beat Dumbledore in chess three times, he might gain three Dumbledore cards and upgrade the one he has to the next potential rank.

In February, It was Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw, Harry looked at Luke as he said determinedly "I won't lose!", as he had seen Luke's skills over the last month whenever he practiced quidditch.

The match quickly began, as Luke and Harry battled for the snitch. This time it was more intense due to Luke being unable to use the same strategy he used with the Slytherin.

Although it was a close call, but he barely managed grab the golden snitch from harry, But even then the Gryffindor's started collecting points more aggressively as there was some time left in the end, Ravenclaw barely won by a mere 10 point lead.

'Sigh, Truly formidable… but not for long…' Luke thought as he saw the system notification

[Congratulations! Due to defeating Harry Potter in a quidditch match, You gain <Harry Potter> Character card (Assimilation only) and 40 Million Exp]

Just from two quidditch matches, he had managed to reach level 29. Which meant he was close to approaching C rank.


Word count: 2739

Author's section:-

The next chapter, I will probably wrap up the first year in Hogwarts. Which I will probably release in an hour or so after this chapter if I can finish it in time or something unforeseen like electricity goes out.

In the 9th chapter, we will see some preload to marvel events and probably Emma's reaction to the first three books of Harry Potter, if you don't want to read Emma's section then let me know.

Because I can't promise a good chapter as this is my first time writing a reaction chapter, if you know any good fanfics which I can use as reference or tips, then do let me know.

Btw, when he reaches level 40, he will get a job quest similar to sung Jin woo, So suggest some ideas on what enemies he will face in there, I already have a job idea planned for him… just read the title of this fanfic 💀. Then finally the first Marvel event will begin related to the X-Men. So probably in chapter 13, if I perfectly plan the chapter number.

Anyways thanks for reading :) Consider donating your power stones if you like my fanfic, but wait until the ps resets, else it will be in vain since you know new week. 💀