
Monarch of Entertainment

INDEFINITE HIATUS (Read the chapter with the same title to understand why but mostly because I am exhausted due to personal circumstances and want to focus on writing another fanfic idea) At least 2k words per chapter. *** Time:- 1992 Location:- unspecified. *** "Heh, Who would have thought it would just take a single box office hit to stop them from coming after my armour" Tony snickeringly said while he was reading the newspaper in his hands. *Scribble scribble* "Who pissed you off enough to use that notebook." Tony curiously asked a man with blue eyes sitting infront of him. "Some wannabe time traveler." The man with blue eyes said as he wrote 'Nathaniel Richards' including a graphic description on what would happen to him on a black leathered notebook. "Oh, anyways which superhero movie are you planning to release next?" Tony didn't bother and asked what he was actually curious about. "Probably the X-Men, Xavier has been nagging me recently" The man with blue eyes said as he relaxed back into his chair. Before Tony could comment A knock was heard from behind him as a Female voice said "Luke, Odin has sent the list of repairs they had to do because of Goku." Which caused Luke the man with blue eyes to rub his forehead as he muttered "Sigh... Why did I think it would be a good idea to summon him..." *** Anyways hopefully you liked the synopsis, that was a foreshadowing to a future Luke is an OC or self insert. Yes he is a reincarnator. Yes this is a harem but it's more so me trying to wingman him than him being horny, he much rather spend most of his day trying to get rich or explore the other universes. The entire plot of the marvel is fucked, so don't worry about canon stuff, Consider it entirely AU with just the character existing with new background information. Yes there is also a system. Yes He will visit more than one universes after chapter 5. so be warned Anyways join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN, if you wanna.

Rillik · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Basic explanation About System


Preferably read this chapter after reading Chapter 5 at least.










This chapter will discuss many aspects that Luke have learned about the system and it's features thus far. So it is subjected to change based on future chapters.


IPs (Impression Points):-

First. He earns IPs or Impression Points by releasing a franchise to an audience. No matter what kind of reaction or opinion they may have for the series. As long as they know it exist, he gains 1 IPs.

Second, Plot relevant characters in marvel may give him more IPs, for example: Tony resonating with the Terminator series may give him 100 IPs, if he feels inspired by it enough to deviate from his destiny, Luke would gain 500+ IPs depending the significance of it.

Third, He can only earn 1 IPs from a person reacting to a specific franchise, this however excludes additional content he adds later on like sequels or prequels. For example: if a fan reads the first collection/book of Harry Potter series Luke would only gain 1 IPs. But if that same fan reads all 7 collection/book, Luke in total would gain 7 IPs from that fan's reaction to that specific franchise. He would continue getting more IPs from that same fan if that fan decides to interact with other franchises of Luke.



The system has many helpful features despite being incomplete. Such as the gacha feature, Card Shop, Room of desires, Inventory.

Gacha:- There are currently two types of Gacha, Franchise Gacha and Card Gacha.

Franchise Gacha:- He can either use 100k IPs or 1m IPs to gain more franchises. The main difference being, he can only choose 1 franchise out of 10 rolled franchises from the former while the latter he gets keep all 10 franchises he has rolled.

Card Gacha:- He can either spend 1m or 10m IPs. Main difference is similar to the previous Gacha. He only gets to keep 1 card out of 10 cards while the latter he gets to keep all 10 cards.


Card Shop:-

There are currently five types of cards.

Franchise card, Character card, Skill card, Item card, Knowledge card.

However Franchise card can only be obtained via Franchise Gacha or if Luke makes it himself without the help of the Room of Desire.

The latter four types of cards are limited to what franchises he has published. So he can't just buy the Goku character card if he doesn't own The dragon ball franchise.

Character card:-

He has to spend 1 million IPs as the fixed price on top of the potential rank cost if he wants to buy a specific character card.


Potential Ranks are what a card could achieve at their maximum.

The following is only the Planetary scale, for further information please check Ranking section (Warning for Chapter 12).

X > O > S > A > B > C > D >E > F

X rank costs 10m IPs

O Rank costs 5m

S Rank costs 2.5m

A rank costs 1m

B rank costs 500k

C rank costs 250k

D rank costs 100k

E ranks costs 50k

F rank costs 25k IPs

Potential rank for a character can be increased by combining three potential Ranks of a same character. I.e He needs 3 S rank Dumbledore card to upgrade it's potential to O rank.

To have a better visualization on how powerful an S rank character is, please refer to a manhwa known as Solo leveling.

X rank is basically Jin woo when he fought the dragon monarch.


He can also pay 1 million IPs to gain a character card of a specific species that exists in one of his franchises (Summoning only). For example, T-800, Kraag and yes also humans.

However they would be at Their infant stage if summoned, so he would need to raise the human. T-800 thus being a Robotic species would have the basic understanding of the world and Luke himself,if Luke allows it to learn about it by default.

Luke can either spend the actual cost of the potential rank to give that character card a specific potential rank or he could roll three times for free to get a random potential rank for that character card. He can still try to buy the potential rank if he is unsatisfied by the rank rolls.

All characters cards if summoned has free will, depending on how they perceive Luke, they may either choose to leave him or turn back into a card. They can't however ever cause any harm that would lead to his death.

Robots, android and such robotic species may only gain hints of Sentient beyond B+ Rank in Potential.

Skill card:-

It is essentially anything a character card has such as talents, any sort of power, any sort of genetical advantage. I.e Luke can buy The ability to use magic from his Dumbledore card.

He can also help assimilate skill cards to other individuals besides himself which in turn would give him their character card. I.e if Luke gave Tony the ability to use magic, then he would gain Tony's character card.

Skill cards have both potential and mastery ranks.

The mastery rank is to determine how proficiently someone is using the skill card they have. There are in total 9 ranks unlike the potential ranking with it's different scales.

Sovereign > Grandmaster > Master > Expert > Adept > Journeyman > Apprentice >Novice > Newbie

These are the costs to upgrade a skill card to that Mastery rank.

Sovereign Costs 10 million

Grandmaster costs 5 million

Master casts 2.5 million

Expert costs 1 million

Adept costs 500k

Journeyman costs 250k

Apprentice costs 100k

Novice costs 50k

Newbie costs 25k


Item cards are essentially anything that doesn't have a soul or free will I.e C rank and below rank robots are considered item cards due to not having any sentience.

Item card has both Potential and Mastery Ranks.


Knowledge cards are essentially anything a character card may process in terms useful knowledge such as knowing how to use a gun to building a terminator.

They also use Potential ranks to determine how valuable it is.




The first system Update.

At chapter 5, after Luke gained a franchise known as 'Solo leveling', The system went through an update due to detecting an unknown system concept and feeling it's existence being threatened.

The system has the following features afterward.

[Update successful! <Entertainment system> is now Lvl.1. here's the update log:-

- The host may now level up.

- A new 'System Gacha' has been implemented.

- The inventory has been revamped and expanded. Host may store anything that is considered not sentient.

- The system store has been revamped and expanded. New store currency called 'Kroton' has also been introduced.

- The host may now pick optional quests for optional rewards. (Note:- System deems Freedom of choice to be more important than obligatory punishment. That however depends on the host if 'he' prefers to be punished>)]

It also learned to reply back to Luke. As before it was mostly quiet.


System Gacha

He can spend 1m or 10m, to gain 1 or 10 system related items such as coupons for upgrading character cards, discount for the system store, Franchise keys and etc such items.


Franchise Key:-

It's basically similar to dungeons from solo leveling, a pocket dimension linking to a specific franchise, They all exist within 'Hall for desires', where previously many unspecified doors existed.

The benefits of the Franchise key, majorly lies in the ability to gain any cards without the usual costs imposed by a certain entity. So for example if he managed to convince Harry to become his servant, Harry will turn into a character card that he can now summon in his reality without spending any extra IPs.

How long he can spend in that Pocket dimension depends on how long the story lasted in his canon version of the franchise. So for example, He can spend two whole years in the Harry Potter pocket dimension currently since only two of its books have been released.

That however can also be fixed by completing all of the main quests within the pocket dimension, which would give him permanent access to it. This is only available for a finished franchise so he would need to publish all 7 Harry Potter books if he wanted to complete all the main quests.

The time will slow down to the point that if he spend 1 month in that Pocket dimension it would have been only a day in his own reality.

But if he is in his own reality the pocket dimension will freeze in time similar to pausing a single player game unless that pocket dimension has been completed then Luke will gain permanent access to it and the time flow will be similar to his reality.

He can pick what kind of background he would have before he materialized within the pocket dimension and everyone will presume he existed as such. He can't be permanently killed inside there unless they have a way to harm and kill his soul.

He can buy a specific franchise key if he wants to but it will cost 10 million IPs on top of what rani the franchise key has.


System quests

They are generated based on what Luke wants as a reward, so if he wants Goku's character he would gain a quest that had something to do with Goku, like beating Goku in a fight or something similar.

He also gains exp via these system quests.


The system store now offers more than just cards. He can now also purchase a new card called Identity card, which he can only use on a character card before summoning them. It will automatically create an authentic legal background for that character and everyone will presume they existed except perhaps Multiversal entities.


Leveling Up.

He can now level up via gaining exp or spending a certain amount of IPs per level, he gains 10 free attribute points per level and 5 fixed attribute points per level.

he has five stats 'Strength', 'Intellegence' 'Vitality', 'Speed' and 'Perception'






Before chapter 12:- Max level 150

After chapter 12:-

The maximum level currently is 3000

Multiversal level:-

2250 to 3000 is XXX rank

1751 to 2250 is XXO rank.

1251 to 1750 is XXS rank

1000 to 1250 is XXA rank

901 to 999 is XXB rank

801 to 900 is XXC rank

701 to 800 is XXD rank

601 to 700 is XXE rank

501 to 600 is XXF Rank

Universal level:-

401 to 500 is XX rank

351 to 400 is XO Rank

301 to 350 is XS Rank

276 to 300 is XA rank

251 to 275 is XB rank

226 to 250 is XC rank

201 to 225 is XD Rank

176 to 200 is XE Rank

151 to 175 is XF Rank

126 to 150 is X rank

100 to 125 is O Rank

76 to 99 is S rank

51 to 75 is A rank

41 to 50 is B rank

31 to 40 is C Rank

21 to 30 is D rank

11 to 20 is E rank

1 to 10 = F rank


Chapter 12:-


Name: Luke Spencer/Throne

Title:- None

Class:- Monarch of Entertainment.

Level:- 147

HP:- 12,000/ 12,000

MP:-13,440/ 13,440

Strength:- 1000

Intelligence:- 1120

Vitality:- 1000

Speed:- 1105

Perception:- 820

Free AP:- 220 ]


That is all for now. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.