
MONARCH │ Entity

Isabel sees the start of a deadly war in Europe, and while trying to save her loved ones, she is reincarnated as the 3rd Daughter to the Duke of a weak, contested land in the center of the world called, 『Ryuusia』

RinAmano · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Aimer Xyra

She opened her eyes to see a vast void. The expanse seemed to go on for eternity. She tried to move but was bound by chains. She remembers where she just was. Where was she now? The last thing she remembered was... no. Ava? Zane? Kyle? Where are they? The chains shook as she tried to break free. She needed to get to them! They were in trouble! The last thing she remembered was that the Federation attacked... Ava... Ava has to be okay, right?

The chains began to pull her backward. She tried screaming but no voice came out. She writhed in the chains, trying to look for a way to escape. The chains shook as her determination to leave the chains increased. She began feeling an intense heat. Hell? Was this...

She dug her heels into the void and pulled hard. With all the might she could muster.


She couldn't hear it but she felt the chains snap. Her right hand was free. She stood her ground and pulled against the second chain. The chain lost its grip and fractured into multiple pieces. Her hands were free now, but her legs were still sinking down. She felt a warm light on her back. Not one that felt like the heat of Hades, but one that felt calming and soothing. She looked up to see a bright light before fading into darkness.

She forced her eyes open to see another dark space, this time lit up by one bright orb with many things branching out of it, just like a tree of sorts.

"Looks like you're interested?" A glitchy, raspy voice spoke behind her.

She swiveled around to see a humanoid figure, glitching in and out. It didn't really have a color to describe, it couldn't even be described with human words.

"Glad to see that you can interact with me. Looks like the memory restoration earlier didn't COMPLETELY mess up. Though, it seems you went through a lot of pain."

She looked around for anyone else, she was afraid. Afraid of the figure in front of her. It clearly wasn't human, no... it wasn't even a being. It was a...


"Hm? Do not be afraid. I have not come to harm you. Huh, looks like the memory restoration did work as intended. Not only can you somewhat make me out, but you can also understand most of the languages that you need to." She shivered and her on her body stood up.

"Ah! I forgot to (re)introduce myself, how rude of me. I am Aimer, Aimer Xyra. And you, are going to be reincarnated." The Deity slightly bowed. "Ignore my unsightly appearance, I don't usually look like this."

Aimer put a finger to his cheek. "Well, it really won't be considered reincarnation. More like transferring specifically only your memory and consciousness into another vessel. You're maturity and wisdom will stay behind, kind of awkward to be a toddler with the maturity of an adult." Aimer chuckled at the thought.

"Well, who am I kidding. It's not like you'll remember this interaction anyway. I won't bother to give you a briefing. I just have to wait a slight bit before I send you down there. Let's just entertain ourselves, shall we?" Aimer gave a slight smile, it felt very creepy... all-knowing.

"Oh, I'm not all-knowing." The Deity scoffed at the thought. "Ah, it might be quite uncomfortable to only communicate by using your mind." Aimer snapped his fingers and she began coughing.

Her throat was dry and definitely sore. "What am I doing here?"

Aimer tilted his head. "Didn't I just say? I was instructed to reincarnate you. I do wish we could spend more time though." Aimer laughed and put his finger to her forehead.

"I truly see why you were chosen as the 『Queen』 to be able to break the 『Chains of Fate』 like that is nearly... no, literally impossible by any mortal. Hmm, maybe he could do it too... sadly I have no need to reincarnate him."

Iris was confused, her mind was a complete mess, Queen? Chains of Fate? What the heck? And who the heck is he talking about?

"Ah, I forgot that you don't have your memory yet. It'll be too much of a pain to explain. And the guy I am talking about of course is..."

Some being suddenly appeared in a bright flash of light. It was indescribable. It seemed to have eight wheels, each of them bearing a turkey's feather. It had three heads, one of a dragon, one of a dog, and one of a cat.

"Appear in your humanoid form for the poor girl, Samuel."

The being quickly morphed into a human with white hair, behind him he had large white, feathery wings. The being wore armor and had a sword, all made of some type of golden material.

"YHWH has declared it time."

The angelic being disappeared in another flash of light. Aimer sighed and turned back to the girl. "I guess that's enough chit-chat." Aimer waved his hands a gigantic pattern materialized. As the pattern was in the middle of materializing, Aimer struck up a conversation again.

"I'll see you again soon enough. As I stated earlier, you will not remember me. Damn, it feels like it has been so long since I've seen you." Aimer shook his head before waving his hand again. The magic circle completed and started shining in a golden color. The Hebrew-like text started to materialize around the outer line of the circle. Aimer seemed to be in heavy concentration as the text continued to take shape around the circle.

The girl stood up and examined the room she was in. She began to reach for the orb of light in the middle. It felt warm in her hands. "You really do like the Aethereal realm, don't you?" Aimer struggled while sweat poured from his skin. Skin? She looked back but Aimer was back in his previous form.

"Huh, there really was an error in that memory restoration magic. You were able to make out my true form for just a slight second. Ughh! That's what happened because I was too excited to restore your memories." Aimer smirked as the magic circle reached completion.

Aimer walked over to the girl as the girl began stepping back. "What are youー"

Aimer embraced her in a hug as tears dripped onto her shoulder. "I missed you, so much." A pained expression was on his face. "Don't hold back. Do what you have to do."

"I love you."


A man with blonde hair was holding me. "Iris. Iris is her name." I looked around. What... just happened. I died on Earth... and now I'm reincarnated here. Yet, I feel like something is missing. Wait a minute... are those cat ears?

The blonde man had cat ears. I looked around to see a woman, sweating heavily. She had a bright smile as she stared in my direction, her bright blue eyes piercing my vision.


Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi! Where am I?

Now, this is a turning point in the story. Everything you thought will happen will change. Try not to predict the future, you'll get it wrong.

RinAmanocreators' thoughts