
Monarch's Rebirth

“Where am I…?” Sung Hei, an above-average university student, is awoken in a world that is unbeknownst to him. He was reincarnated in the body of Artorius Dorman, the trash king of the Faunus kingdom. Artorius is a young king who inherited the crown after his father’s death. He was seen as a prodigy and a favourite in the kingdom at a young age. But, after his father’s death, he grieved deeply and fell into an endless abyss of despair where he turned to alcohol instead of his royal duties. Sung Hei realises the situation and does what he does best, taking advantage of an absurd situation for his benefit. With the status of king and a body of a prodigy, paired with the knowledge of a genius engineer, Sung Hei makes the medieval ages go through an industrial revolution The novel follows Sung Hei, now Artorius Dorman, on an adventurous journey to explore his newly found world and change it for his benefit, achieving his dream of living a lazy and relaxed life.

DivineDoku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
110 Chs

Chapter 64


The sound of plates and cutlery filled my ears as I peeked through the door. On the other side of the door was the ballroom, where my target is.

Cooks were preparing the meals that would be served later into the night. Everyone was rushing around the kitchen in haste, trying to be efficient and on time with everything. No man was allowed to take a break.

I saw him. Crimson hair with a dark red coat. He sticks out like a sore thumb with how tall he is. Not only that, the woman next to him beats out everyone at the party with her beauty. Her dress must've been made only a week ago.

"Oi, Zenith!" Kody's voice shouted at me. "What are you peeking at?"

"S-sorry!" I exclaimed in a panic. "I was trying to locate my target, sir!"

He shakes his head in disappointment. "You could just do that while standing at the doorway, you know?"

I bow my head down slightly in embarrassment. "I understand!" I exclaimed.

Before I could go through the door, Kody stopped me by putting his hands on my shoulder and turning me around.

"Where do you think you're going out from?" He asked. "Go around and through the main doors."

"Yes sir!" I shouted out.

Kody let go of my shoulder and I was free to go. I could sense him staring at me as I left through the other door of the kitchen.

This time I was inside the dining room. It was completely empty but it was still well-lit up. But I was not alone in the vast dining room.

A dark elf dressed in a black suit was fixing his tie as I walked in. He noticed me and stared for a moment before going back to doing his work.

"Oh, you're Zenith, right?" The man asked as I walked past him.

"Yes, I am," I replied as I halted. "Do you need any help?"

"Shift your tie by two centimeters to the left., it's off-center," He says before I could walk off.

I was taken aback by his attention to detail. Then I recognized who it was.

But before I could turn around again and talk to him, I listened to him and tried to fix my tie. Though I didn't know the exact measurement, I made a small adjustment that seemed like it was enough.

"Let's go together then, shall we?" Aurora said before walking past me. "Walk in front of me. If anyone asks, tell them I was lost and accidentally took a detour."

Without another choice, I abided by his orders and walked past him again. We both walked out of the empty dining room and through the equally massive doorways.

"So, Zenith," Aurora spoke up. "How long have you been working as a knight?"

I was not in the mood to talk. I remained quiet to let him know.

"Not the talker are you?" He said to himself. "I figured. You've had a rough time for your whole life."

It took me all my strength to not talk. But I managed to hold back and not speak up.

We made it to the ballroom where the sounds of nobles chatting could be heard. Many laughed and giggled to themselves at the party, spending their time idly. Waiting for the party to begin.

Both of us walked through and everyone's head turned to us. I stuck out easily amid the other nobles. I was short and had a black and gold scabbard tied to me.

"Ah, Eston!" His majesty exclaimed. "I was wondering where you were!"

"Apologies for my delay," Aurora spoke up. "I was lost in this vast castle. Lucky for me, one of your guards found me and brought me to the right place."

The two of them made up the entire conversation, trying to not sound suspicious. Both of them laughed about the situation while I walked away from them, taking my position on the left side of the stage.

My eyes desperately looked around in hopes of locating Artorius. It didn't take long for me to find the man I was looking for. From here on out, I must keep a keen eye on him.


Caught him.

As soon as the young guard walked in, I kept my eyes on him. I've already located two spies and the assassin.

The first spy is called Eston. From what I remember in the briefing, no one was named Eston at the party.

The second is Markel. Another name that was not mentioned in the briefing.

The last one, however, I am skeptical of. This young guard is carrying a sword and has suddenly entered the party with one of the fake guests. He took a position right next to the stage and has been looking at Artorius for a long time.

Meanwhile, all of this was happening, Artorius was talking to all the nobles in the party. He was trying to figure out the other spies and perhaps the assassin as well.

Luckily, he has control over his emotions and does not break easily. He and Alexander were talking to everyone, including empress Feronia. They are quite skilful at their deal-making as well.

"Felix, look after Lady Kathlyn for me," I turned to Felix and told him. "I need to let Artorius know of a few things."

Felix nods in agreement. "You must've found some of them. Go."

I looked around just to be safe. No one looked at me and I was safe to walk up to Artorius, who was talking to one of the dark elf nobles.

"Of course! That's exactly what we need!" Artorius exclaimed with enthusiasm. "It would help us greatly if you could help us with supplies and perhaps fundings."

The noble, who was a young count by the name of Count Graysen, was being dragged into their deal with ease.

"I- I see!" He exclaimed, sounding nervous. "I will take the offer and talk with my advisors about it before making any decisions."

"Thank you, Count Graysen!" Alexander cried out. "It will help all of us, not only just a handful of people."

I was looking for an opportunity where Artorius was open. Now was my chance.

I tapped him on his shoulder to get his attention. Before he could turn around I reached up to his ears and began whispering.

"Talk to me, quick," I whispered to him.

He nods and turns back around to face Graysen. "There is something important I need to talk about. Please consider the offer!"

"I understand. You're a busy man after all!" Graysen said before turning to Alexander. He understood the situation and gently took him under his arms and walked away from us two.

"What is it?" Artorius turned around and whispered.

"I found the assassin and the other spy,"

His eyes widened ever so slightly. "Is that so?" Tell me quickly,"

"A man named Eston. He has a fake name. The guard that came in with him. He's standing next to the stage."

Artorius listened along and nodded. He looked around to see the two people I mentioned and located them in an instant, as he should.

"I see," He whispers to me. "Keep an eye on the assassin. Also, tell Alexander and Felix about this."

Before we grew more suspicious, we broke off and went our ways. I assumed he was going to look for more guests, but I was wrong.

He picks up two glasses of wine from a servant with a tray and walks away. It was strange because he said he won't drink before midnight.


"Come quick!" Amelia exclaimed in a panic to me in telepathy.

"Yes, yes. Give me a second," I replied to her. "I just need to set up my plan."

I walked through the crowd with two glasses of wine. No one thought anything about it, knowing my alcoholic tendencies.

As I walked through the crowd, I saw my destination and my target. Astrid.

Astrid was talking to Kathlyn and she seemed uncomfortable. I told Vincent to keep an eye on Kathlyn, knowing that Astrid is at the party. Seems like the second he looked away, Astrid striked.

"So you are the florist that my son was about to kill?" He asked Kathlyn.

Her face turned into dread just before I could reach her. "Y-yes… I am…"

Before things got any further, I stepped in.

"Hey~! I found you!" I exclaimed while handing her a glass of wine. "Here, you wanted one, right?"

This is why I kept Amelia with Kathlyn.

Kathlyn quickly takes the glass of wine from my hand and takes a sip. I walked around her and grabbed onto her shoulder, pulling her closer.

"Ah, Artorius!" Astrid cried out with fake enthusiasm. "Do you know her?" He asked me.

"Of course! She's a really old friend of mine!" I said joyfully. "It seems you two have talked a bit."

Astrid understood his play was up. "I see! She is quite the interesting person,"

"She definitely is!"

I twirled the glass of wine around while fake laughing with Astrid. Kathlyn took casual sips from her wine glass, still slightly fidgety and uncomfortable.

"Do you want to go and meet empress Feronia now?" I asked Kathlyn to change the topic.

"Yes! I do!" She exclaimed while smiling at me widely.

Her smile had two sides to it. She wanted out of this situation.

"Alright then," I said before turning around. "Let's go and meet her."

Before I walked away from Astrid, I wanted to give him a small hint that can save his life.

"Well then, Astrid," I spoke up before leaving him. "I will see you later then. Make sure you know who you're talking to, okay?"

Astrid's eyebrows rise and his eyes widen. Perhaps I taunted him too much. But he deserved it.

He clenched his fists and gave me a fake smile that twitched as we walked away from him. Kathlyn breathes out a sigh of relief and lays her head on my arm.

"Thank you so much…" She whispered.

"It's okay. No one will hurt you as long as I'm here," I reassured her, giving her a guarantee.

"I actually do want to meet her, by the way," Kathlyn said while looking at me. "Can I really?"

Her eyes glinted with water and I had no other option. I sigh out a deep breath and nod to her.

"Yes, you can," I told her. "She's right there with Lady Serena."

Kathlyn eagerly looked around to find her. "Whe- Oh! I see her!"

As we walked up to them, I noticed I was still holding onto her upper arm while walking. I panicked and let go before people got the wrong idea again.

"Sorry about that," I apologised. "I shouldn't grab you randomly."

She chuckled out a soft laugh. "It's fine! We've known each other for long enough," She said. "We always hold hands when walking so it's fine."

"That's true," I chuckled. "But it may give the wrong idea,"

We walked up to Lady Serena and empress Feronia who were talking to each other about some topic that we didn't hear.

"Oh my! Artorius!" Lady Serena says as she notices me. "I haven't greeted you yet, have I?"

"Good evening, Lady Serena!" I greeted her with a bow. "Sorry, I was dragged into a lot of conversations. I should've made time for you."

She gives me a gentle smile while looking back and forth between me and Kathlyn. Lady Feronia was also looking at me with eyes full of curiosity.

"G-good evening, your majesty," Kathlyn greeted.

"Oh! So you are the notorious Kathlyn Watson!" Lady Serena exclaimed. "Welcome to the castle! I assume this is your first time?"

"Y-yes, you're right," She agreed shamefully.

"It's okay dear," Lady Feronia said. "Relax and feel at home."

The three of them giggled about it while I smiled along with them. Since I was not supposed to be part of the conversation, I didn't want to overreact.

"Tell me if you have any problem, okay?" Lady Serena said gently. "I heard you are quite the experienced florist. Tell us more! Lady Feronia has finally found someone as nerdy as her!"

"Hey!" Lady Feronia exclaimed.

Seeing my opportunity, I slowly drifted into the crowd, leaving Kathlyn in safe hands with one of the hosts and her friend. I knew she was safe now.

Before I lost them, I could hear them talk about Amelia who was on her neck. Seems like they got curious seeing the crimson fox around her neck like a muffler.

"Artorius, I've located everyone," Vincent suddenly whispered to me.

"Wah!" I shouted out. "Don't just come up to me like that!"

Vincent sticks his tongue out and winks. "Teehee!" He says mischievously.

I caress and scratch my head as Vincent wins me over for once. "Anyways, back to the topic," I told him. "Did you really?"

"Yes, I have," He says with a prideful smirk.

"Tell me more you damn troll."