
CH 2

Momonga has made his way out of the city to one of the training zones. He decided to see how effective magic was in this world.

Suddenly 10 goblins ranging from level 30 to 40 popped up.

[Grapse Heart]

A heart appeared in Momonga's hand he crushed it instantly killing a goblin which then burst into bubbles and gold coins were added to his inventory.

"A bit too high Tier but it seems I know all the parameters of the spells I cast. Let's try a lower Tier. [Chain Dragon Lightning]".

A bolt of lightning shot out of Momonga's finger to hit the closest goblin before traveling to 3 more killing all 4 instantly.

"As expected of such low-level monsters. It seems 9th Tier spells take 5000 MP in this new world with 5th Tier spells taking 1000 MP. Let us end this. [Despair Aura V]."

The remaining goblins instantly died and turned into bubbles.

"I will need to test out combat against higher level opponents. Those players in the town ranged from level 5 to level 90, so it is safe to assume monsters range the same if not higher if this game had raid bosses like Yggdrasil." 'I really need some help in understanding this strange new world. [Perfect Unknowable], [Fly]" Momonga cast as he headed back to the city.

Momonga landed on top of the guild hall and looked out at the Sunset.

'Blue Planet, you should see this beautiful sight without all the pollution.' thought Momonga as he gazed into the distance. Momonga was soon lost in his memories of his guild mates. When he finally got out of his daze, he saw the stars.

'it is truly a beautiful sight. I hope you are also in this world my friends' thought Momonga as he descended to an ally to drop his invisibility.

Momonga made his way to an inn to at least have somewhere to stay.

Meanwhile, a certain villain in glasses and his comrades were out getting beat up by low level mobs.


"Time to see if someone has finally calmed down." muttered Momonga as he made his way out of the inn. He saw how people were starting to join their friends in groups.

'They all have guilds huh' thought Momonga dejectedly realizing he is alone in this world. Not even his guild hall or friend's creations came with him.

'I wonder if they would have come to life like the NPCs of this world' Momonga thought. Yesterday he noticed some people trying to tell the People of the Land to get the GM and they called them NPCS. According to one of his detection spells, People of the Land are alive.

' I realized last night but being undead is really inconvenient. Maybe I have a special item to at least give me human form.' Momonga preceded to check the list of his inventory items to find what was a joke potion in Yggdrasil.

"The {Tonic of Mortality} (From fantasy name generator for potions). It's in game item description Allows a heteromorph to be able to switch from their non-human avatar to a humanoid race avatar. The only downside is it teleports you to Midgard in a random location as a gag from the developers." 'Luckily this is not Yggdrasil.' Momonga thought as he drank the potion.

Momonga's body shifted to a human avatar.

'My racial abilities still seem to be active except for the emotional dampner. Instead it mutes the emotions from before I took the potion.' thought Momonga in relief. It is hard trying to feel joy then it is suddenly snuffed out along with the depression that comes after.

Momonga proceeded to come out from an abandoned building he took refuge in before taking the potion though he kept the Mask of Envy and metal gauntlets on.

'Maybe I can finally taste food.' Momonga thought excitedly as the previous day it just disappeared when he put it in his mouth.

Momonga bought a pizza and a basket of chicken wings before sitting by a wall to try the food. He took of the MoE (Mask of Envy) a took a bite of the pizza.

"It taste like the salted mush from home." he thought dejectedly as he lay on the ground in depression.

'I have the chef subclass so that has to mean something.' In Yggdrasil you had to go through the steps to make food which took hours. The Devs added this feature to make the experience immersive *cough* torturous *cough* for players.

'I can try it later.' thought Momonga as he finished his meal. He is used to worst tasting food seeing how in his world you cannot even go outside without a gas mask. Momonga wouldn't be surprised if some of the food he has eaten was irradiated.

Momonga proceeded to a library to read about the history of this world.

*A Couple of Hours Later*

"So adventures (Players) came about hundreds of years ago. Ancients are the NPCs guardians, and the adventures came about to push back and keep the monsters in check. Since it is impossible for a game to be popular that long it must be a RPG where time in the game is accelerated. I do not know the specific ratio though, not that it matters." 'This Debauchery Tea Party seems interesting though. The People of the Land have recorded their achievements, even if barely brushing upon it.'

Momonga was on the street by the guild building and noticed how big guilds seem to be massively recruiting and bossing people around.

'It seems this game allows players to revive, with way less of a penalty then Yggdrasil.' thought Momonga in relief. He of course had no idea people were panicking before this event on if they would die for real.

Momonga decides to camp out on a roof top to star gaze. He has never seen them before, and they are truly beautiful to him.