

##Disclaimer- This is pure nonsensical crap that has no relation to anything living or dead.This is not a romance, but if you squint hard you might find some..This is about a group of "decent" and "normal" high school students running after decent ghosts. PLOT-After being suspended from the newspaper club for publishing articles against the student's Council, high school girl Jan Keiro joins the ghost club where her best friend is a member. Apparently, her best friend Shimlee can see ghosts because of a peculiar gene passed down in her family. They are also joined by the scientific genius Julis Roju who is kicked out from the science club for his out of the world experiments. Besides club activities, Keiro also has to handle her arch-enemy Matt Moncee, the handsome and clever student- council president who hides his true nature behind a righteous exterior. ~~~Quotes by the great personalities of this novel Keiro: "It is not 'survival of the fittest' . It is the survival of those with the fittest friends." Gara Shimlee: "If one sees a ghost, one should have the courage to admit it. People might think that you are weird though." Roju: "Yes. I love the moon. But only half of it." Berthy: "Nothing is more important in life than peace. In order to have peace one ought to stop thinking.In order to stop thinking one should go to sleep." May Rusa: "Did you say your house was haunted? Give me your address right now!" Moncee :"Everyone has a weakness which can be used to manipulate them. But those who do this should take care not to have a weakness of their own." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAQ: IS THIS A HORROR NOVEL? ANSWER: No. At least that's the plan. This work has been edited by : Jack Tyler. ( Arigato ) Yes.You guessed right. The cover was done by me. I'm hoping that some day a cool artist will fall for my novel and offer a free cover...

LAUDAsan · Adolescente
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35 Chs

Why it was important to him

Matt Moncee had been painstakingly preparing for the charity party. Though he did have many people to work for him, he was shouldering the responsibility all on his own. It was his idea after all. Moncee knew that the event would bring good fame for the Student's council and will also be mentioned in his school records.

But there was one other reason he had planned such a huge event. He desperately wanted to get some recognition from his father. They had been on bad terms ever since he had left home two years back and joined the Mariposa gang. Even though he had left the gang and turned over a new leaf, there was this awkward distance between his father and himself.

He had called his father on the previous day of the party.

"Will you come?" Moncee had asked.

"I received your invitation. Do your best." His father replied in his usual cold manner.

Their conversations always lasted a couple of minutes. So Moncee had prepared beforehand how to convince his father to attend.

Moncee: "There will be a piano performance. It will be the debut of Pell King's son." He knew that his father loved music.

"Hmm, sounds like you have prepared hard.How did you get him to agree to perform? Aren't you guys on a low budget?"

Moncee: "A friend of mine arranged it."

"Oh, you have decent friends now?" His father had asked. There was a bit of mockery in his tone. "I'll make some time to come." He said before hanging up.

Moncee felt like he had completed one major task. Finally, his father would get to see his capabilities. He went over his checklist again. Invitations had been sent, permissions had been obtained. He went over to the stage and personally made sure the lights and sounds were in good shape. He wanted nothing to go wrong, not under him.

Soon the D-day arrived.The party was set for the evening and Moncee looked extra handsome in a black tux. He personally showed the VIP guests their seats and they seemed to be impressed with him. The hospitality club was made to handle the rest of the tasks.

When Moncee spotted his father, he went up to him. Moncee saw that his secretary had come with him.

"You look neat." His father remarked after they shook hands.

Moncee: "Thanks for coming Dad."

"I came for the piano performance,but I can see that you have done a good job here."His father said looking around. Some of the guests were acquaintances of his father and Moncee gave his father a seat near them. He himself took a seat among the other council members.

The event went well and Moncee smiled with satisfaction. When it was time for the piano performance, Pell Hugo was invited to the stage. Moncee turned around to look for the 'friend' who had arranged it. When their eyes met, Keiro gave him a thumbs-up and Moncee gave her one of his rare genuine smiles. The MFC would have killed to capture it on camera.

But when the performance started his smile vanished.