
Mokuton Authority(Hiatus).

I died and then reincarnated as Aizen Senju with three little invaluable pieces of informations, the Sage Body method; a technique that helps someone reach a sage body, complete knowledge of Haki in general, and multiverse travel knowledge and somehow due to some genetics shenanigans, I was also born with Mokuton. Follow my adventures where I will overcome my inner demons, find love, become Op enough that gods will fear me, adopt a little girl, and ascend towards godhood and become part of the Omni council. Ps: As a beginner, I was pretty bad, if you can't handle the start of the novel just start from book 3, it's a little bit better I promise.

ClearSkySage · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
282 Chs

And the flame of war only grows

Waking up I feel like the world is spinning everything hurts and if I'm not mistaken I think some shrapnel has been lodged on my body, everything was so fast I was literally in a corner there I wasn't able to launch some large scale Jutsu, besides not having enough Chakra I wasn't with enough time to do big Jutsus that require some time to prepare and launch, as for going underground besides being futile I didn't have enough time, some Jutsus that aren't mastered \they aren't instantaneous like the water prison that I used. Shitty fucker from the suicide squad.

Yep, Iwa has a suicide squad, they are a member of the explosion corps but, the suicide squad isn't composed of normal people no, they are composed mostly of fanatics or people at the death's door be it for having a disease, wound or even a crime, these fuckers stuff themselves with explosion seals filled with some shrapnels in between and go to war, and if they see they are gonna lose they immediately run up to you and blow up, their specialty is running up to you and blowing up, they live and die for it.

I groaned trying to get up, my vision is blurry, and constantly rotating but, I fall face-first to the ground, slowly getting up bit by bit when I was finally able to get up, immediately my Haki scream danger, not having enough strength to do much I just tilt my body a little.


A sword goes through my body, I was barely able to evade this attack from reaching any vital part. In an act of pure reflex and instinct, I immediately activate [Rock Fist Technique] uttering every ounce of strength I have left I unveil a punch to the head of my attacker making it into a paste.

Without much strength I fall to the ground, immediately coughing a bunch of blood when I hit the earth. I feel soo tired... soo painful... soo... sleepy... I just... want.. to.. close... my eyes... i ...
































I REFUSE! to die here without accomplishing anything, with trembling hands I reach to one of my pouches, taking a bunch o food and chakra pills, making me cough even more blood in the process, my hands still trembling I toss all the pills I caught in my mouth and swallow them the result was instantaneous, I immediately feel bloated like I've eaten a shit ton of food, then after that my exhausted chakra start to rise, with a bit more of strength I slowly start removing the shrapnel from the explosion, first the ones on my stomach and chest taking everything cautiously, then after that, the ones in my arms and another hand, thank god I covered my face with my other hand in the explosion I could've easily died or lost an eye depending on where it stuck, now on to my legs removing it, I reach the final destination the sword on my chest.

Touching the hilt I rapidly take three breaths of fresh air and pull the sword as fast as I could causing a lot of blood to gush out, my head starts to get lighter so I quickly concentrate and cycle some Mokuton chakra thought my pathways, this makes instantly a huge difference as my body now flooded with Mokuton chakra rapidly starts to heal all the minor cuts and bruises, then the medium wounds, and lastly the sword wound, I just thank god that I did my training with the [Sage Body Method] I would probably have died if haven't started practicing this technique.

I don't know how much time I was out, so I immediately use my [Haki], the moment I expand my senses I hear an equivalent of a blown horn, the battlefield that I was able to sense instantly start to change, many of the Iwa shinobi start using evasive maneuvers and retreating. At least this battle has ended.

After resting a little bit more I start walking back to the camp covered in mud, blood, and water my clothes in tatters, and some new cool looking scars to show around.

Someone has given me some tips and said i should give more attention to the techniques used. So from now henceforth I will be using [ ] to differentiate techniques from normal storytelling.

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