
Reborn Into MHA

*Third Person*

A young man named Otto was walking down a dimly lit street. He had no discerning features that would allow you to pick him out from a crowd, but nonetheless he had lived an all-around good life so far. It was not anything to brag about but he was definitely better off than some other people.

However, as he reached a road and was about to cross, a car with no headlights went unnoticed by him. As he stepped out into the road, his body was ploughed into and flung into the car's windshield and then over the top.

The drivers did not stop to check his body and instead just drove off into the distance.


"God, it hurts so much. Those assholes didn't even bother to see if I was alright. Although it doesn't hurt as much as I expected it to, well actually it doesn't hurt at all. Wait, am I standing up?"

As I was thinking this, a bright light flickered above me and illuminated my surroundings. This surprised me as I didn't see the road that I had expected, but instead I found myself standing on a stage with an audience of normal looking people despite their aura of importance and power.

An attractive man in a white suit and top hat was the only other person on the stage, "Welcome to todays episode of." He pointed his microphone towards the audience.


I was incredibly confused and thought that I might have been hallucinating the entire thing, "What is going on here?"

The man, who I presumed to be a gameshow host of some sort, responded in a charismatic tone, "Well my friend, to put it bluntly, you're dead. However, due to your incredible luck and our magnificent services, you can have a chance to be reincarnated by just taking part in a few easy games."

While still believing everything that was happening to be a dying thought, I responded, "Sure, why not, I'll give it a go. What's the first game?"

The host looked incredibly pleased with my cooperation, "I'm glad you asked, the first game will be deciding what world you will be reincarnated into. I will ask you as many general knowledge questions as you can get through in a minute, you can pass if you don't know the answer but there is no repercussion for getting one wrong. Depending on how many questions you get correct, you can spin the- (Points the microphone towards the audience) WHEEL OF RE-IN-CAR-NATION- until you get a world you want to be born into. Be warned, if you get a good world but want to try and get an even better one you will not be able to choose the previous world and will be stuck with your last spin's result. Are you ready to play?"

After processing the information, I responded, "Alright, let's do this."

"Your first question is, what kills the most people every year?"

"I think I know this one, is it cardiovascular diseases?"

"You are indeed correct. Your second question is what is the world's smallest country."

"That would be the Vatican City."

"Again, you are correct. There is thirty seconds on the clock and your third question is, how many miles are in a light year?"

"I have no idea, pass."

"The answer was 5.879e+12. There is only time for one more question, what is my name?"

"What, that's a stupid question. I don't know, Mark?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know how he knew but that is correct. That concludes the first game and it's now time to spin the wheel."

Out of thin air, a large wheel with hundreds of different anime and manga names appeared. "Would you like to spin the wheel or should I do it?"

"I think I'll do it."

I walked over to the wheel and spun it with as much force as I could muster. It rotated quite quickly and eventually landed on Digimon, "I never really had an interest in shows like Digimon, so I think I'll spin it again."

"Remember, you only have two more spins."

I spun it again and this time it landed on Berserk, "God no. Anything would be better than this."

"Last chance."

After spinning it for the third and final time, the wheel stopped on My Hero Academia, "That's not too bad, it definitely could have been worse."

"Now that you have finished the first game and found out which world you are going to, it is now time for the next game. In this game, the wheel will spin to determine which world your abilities will come from. After this has been chosen, you will be blindfolded, and powers will rain from the sky. It is your responsibility to grab onto them and hold onto them. If you drop one of them then the ability will not be gained. Good luck."

"That does seem like it could be either very good or very bad. Alright, let's do this."

I spun the wheel and after a painstakingly long time, it landed on One Piece.

This was a good world to get abilities from as most of them were at least somewhat useful, except maybe the human fruit and the jacket fruit.

"The wheel has chosen the world of One Piece. Now it is time for the blindfolded ability grab."

As soon as the host said this, my vision disappeared, and I felt something hit me in the arm and fall to the ground.

Seeing as the abilities had already started falling, I began to attempt to catch some of them out the air. This led to me grabbing hold of one of the circular things in each of my hands and catching another in my arms that I had crossed against my chest.

As the final ability hit the ground, my vision returned, and I saw what I was holding.

There were three balls with pictures of Devil Fruits on them. I instantly recognised them as being the Moku Moku no Mi (Smoke-Smoke Fruit), Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw-Paw Fruit) and Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum-Gum Fruit).

While not necessarily being the most powerful fruits in the One Piece Animanga they were definitely very useful. I knew for a fact that I could make them work as the three fruits went quite nicely together.

Then a thought came to me so I asked the host my question, "How will I have three Devil Fruits without my body exploding? Also, how will I gain the powers?"

"Those are some valid questions. Valid questions which I do not know the answer to. I will answer your second question first, it is different for everybody as some reincarnators are born with the abilities whereas some gain them after a certain amount of time. Due to you being born into My Hero Academia you will more than likely develop them as a quirk. Now then, your first question is much harder to guess about. I don't have an answer for you, but you should be fine, don't sweat it."

The host turned towards the audience and announced that, "Today's episode of RE-IN-CAR-NATION is finished."

He wished me luck and as he did this my vision disappeared once again.

When I opened my eyes again, I felt myself being picked up.