
Mogul of Culture

Hikaru got reincarnated to another world and awakened the system that tells him to spread the culture from his past life? Is it that interesting? ------ this book is made for fun and if the feedback is good I might continue writing this. this is not purely my own work and I received some help from a friend. this will have smuts and a harem but rare

AvoidingFailure · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 9- Volleyball Game

He can't be half-assed about the story he will write because he needed to win the Grand Prize, it's not like he cared about the system but the Grand Prize gives a lot of money, 3 million Yen is a lot of money, if he gets that then doing the remaining missions will be easy, though, it wouldn't be enough to establish a company, it will greatly help him from saving up and he could also elevate the situation of his family.

Anyway, if Hikaru really wants to win, he will need to go to the best of the best, Rance 01-Ahem, sorry wrong story, he should go with No Game No Life Zero, it fits the minimum requirements of 500 thousand words and it doesn't to be per volume as Hikaru can just make it a single volume, yes, its short but good things are always short.

And also by choosing this he won't have to write 2 books at the same time, it will surely burn him out if he did so.

No Game No Life Zero, has its charm compared to others, first of all, this story takes place in a fantasy world, though its not all about games, this is weak against strong and its wittd against absolute power, the plot is god tier and even the characters more are so.

So definitely, this story will get the attention of many readers, it is also suitable for all ages? I guess, but anyway, after thinking for a while, Hikaru decided to go with it, and just as he finished his thought, he suddenly felt chills all over his body.

"What the?"

He turned his head towards where he felt the chill and just beside him, he saw Komi staring…glaring? At him.

"O-Oh Shouko so you are already here, my bad I didn't notice you, I had something on my mind so…"

Hikaru laughed it out as he rubbed the back of his head in an embarrassed manner.

Komi shook her head.

[Its nothing, Good morning]

Komi still greeted him despite the fact that she looked worried and curious about what he was thinking.

"Good Morning to you too, you see, I plan to join a writing contest and I was thinking what story I will write"

Komi's cat ears suddenly perked up when she heard that, she then flipped a page of her notebook and wrote something then showed it to Hikaru.

[Speaking of Stories The Log Horizon is fun to read, I can't wait to read more]

"Eh? You read it in one go? That is amazing Shouko"

Hikaru gave a smile as he looked at her, in which she blushed.

"Then I will immediately write my next book so you can read it"

For some reason, whenever Komi saw Hikaru's smile, she felt her heart thumping, but it was not of fear or anything, it was thumping and it made her very happy, she didnt know what this feeling was as it was the first time, is it normal to friends?

There was still time before the class started so Hikaru took out his laptop from his back which he brought with him everywhere and started writing.

"Whoa, what are you doing Hikaru-san? Your hand is turning blurry from typing"

Tadano who was near noticed Hikaru and exclaimed, it was heard by Najimi who has a god like ears to hear everything around him and immediately went towards Hikaru.

"What- what is it?"

He reappeared under the table of Hikaru and looked over. Hikaru didn't mind as he was very focused on writing right now, he just noticed today that he felt like his writing speed had increased and he also wrote the story in an organized manner.

He has watched No Game No Life Zero a lot of times because it hypes him up a lot, but it was in the movie so putting some actions to words were bound to be difficult but to his surprise, everything seemed to be in place as he wrote like a flowing water, it was also the same for Log Horizon, he only knew about the next volumes after the anime so the writing quality in that story is bad.

But now, he could feel that his writing has not only improved but also continuously improved, he also saw some mistakes and immediately changed them and he noticed that his vocabulary is also expanding at a very fast speed.

In just 10 minutes, Hikaru was able to write 7,000 words, he was astounded by the speed. He stopped writing as he saw that the class will start soon. Meanwhile, Najimi who was reading his story was surprised that Hikaru stopped.

"Eh? Why did you stop? Who did he meet? What happened?"

"The class is starting, go back to your seat"

Hikaru ignored Najimi's question as he hid his laptop back in his bag. Komi, who was by the side who wasn't able to read anything, became curious as she heard Najimi's question. She was now very interested, even Tadano was interested.

Soon the class started, and today they are playing volleyball. Every student went to change to their P.E uniform. Hikaru made his way towards the bathroom to change. He can't show his tattoo after all. He brought Tadano and Najimi with him to guard the door.

He may not know the true gender of Najimi but since Najimi made Najim's gender secret, Hikaru just brought him along, and Najimi is also one of the people who knew about his tattoo, it didn't take long for Hikaru to change , they then all gathered in the gym.

Arriving at the gym, Hikaru saw that the other students from other classes were also here. He looked around the place and saw Hachiman. He immediately rushed beside his good bud. Even though this guy has a uhh…a unique personality, he is a good guy.

"Yo, you look like a dead fish as usual"

"Is that a praise?"

"Naa, so have you read my book?"

"The Log Horizon? Yeah, it's good, I especially like his personality, he isn't an idiot like those Shonen protagonists"

"Speaking of a book, I will send you a file later, it's a book based on real life story, though I will not publish it yet but I hope you will like it hehe"

"What is that creepy laugh, are you planning something you spawn of a devil"

"Nothing, but I'm sure you will love it"

"I doubt that"


Just as the two were talking someone called him out, turning his head he looked over and saw Najimi and the others approaching in his direction.


"We are in a team Hikaru-san"

"Nice, ah, this is my besto friendo, Hachiman, he is kind of sadistic but go along with him okay"

"Who the hell is sadistic?"

[Nice to meet you]

Komi stepped forward with a notebook in her hands, seeing a beautiful girl talking to him, Hikigaya couldn't help but blush, then he felt Hikaru nudge him, then Hikaru whispered.

"Stop acting like a virgin"

"What do you mean don't act like a virgin? I'm a virgin, and what is wrong with acting as one?"


"Hey, did you just click your tongue, you just did?"


"The game is starting, first match, Class 1 against Class 6 Girls first, players step forward"

The teacher announced.

Hearing the announcement, the female players stepped forward, and one of them was Komi. The entire gym immediately erupted into an uproar but Komi didn't enter the court immediately but looked at Hikaru as if waiting for something.

Seeing this Hikaru gave a smile and then said.

"Good Luck Shouko, go win it!"

Komi nodded and entered the court.

"What is that? Is she your child or something?"

Hachiman noticed.

"Hahaha, what, do you also want to be my child? Just call me daddy"


He made a disgusted expression, in which Hikaru just laughed out.

The match started with the ball going to the Class 1 side, the match was fairly entertaining to watch for everyone, especially those… are sight to see, he is not a pervert or anything, Hikaru just knows how to appreciate things and boobs are something that a man could appreciate seeing.

But one that caught the most attention is of course Komi, not only is she beautiful but she is also very athletic and she is very good at playing volleyball.

A student received the ball and lifted it in the air, the setter immediately positioned herself and yelled for Komi's name, Komi started running forward and jumped high ‌in the air, the blockers also jumped for the block but Komi's just is very high and they weren't able to reach her.



"End of the match, the winner is Class 1!"

Everyone cheered loudly as they saw the amazing play of Komi, truly the queen in their hearts, Komi was also happy that they won, she then looked around looking for someone, then after looking for awhile, she found him, sitting at the very back, she immediately ran towards him.

"Yo! Shouko, that was a good game, you were amazing"

Hikaru praised Komi. He chuckled when he saw her joyful expression, it felt like she really did her best. Anyway, after he praised her, their other classmates immediately joined in and started praising Komi.

After that, the girls' match continued until it was finally the boys' turn. Hikaru stood up and stretched his body. Sitting for a long time made his body stiffen.

"Class 1 Against Class 3"

"Class 3 huh? That's the class where most athletic guys are"

Someone commented, then a few moments later, tall buff guys stepped into the court flexing their muscles as they lined up. Hikaru couldn't help but whistle when he saw this. Compared to his teammates, which are somewhat unique, going against these guys would be a little difficult.

'Thankfully, I played a little of volleyball in my past life so I'm not a stranger to the game'

Hikaru thought, he then talked with his teammates and determined their positions. Hikaru will go left wing, Tadano is the libero, ninja is the setter, the other guys are the rest, and as the most powerful of class 1, Hikaru became the leader of the temporary team.

"Toss coin"

"We will go for heads"

"Then tails for us"

Toss coin for who's the ball going to go first, the teacher, who is the acting referee tossed the coin, and it landed on heads, which means the ball will go to Class 1.

The players entered the court and faced each other. After some not so friendly handshakes, the game started.

"Nice Serve!"


The ball flew towards the other side and was immediately received by the other team, the setter then positioned itself near the net and the two wings moved at the same time, seeing this Hikaru immediately knew they had a somewhat good coordination.

He looked at the setter and saw that he was looking at the left guy, Hikaru moved towards the right but he only nudged his body a little bit before going left.

The setter flinched when he saw this, he thought he faked Hikaru but he was read like a book, it was too late to diverge the ball now so he just trusted his teammate.

Hikaru and the spiker jumped at the same time. Hikaru jumped leisurely while looking at the spiker. He then saw the spiker's hands tilt a little to the left. Hikaru immediately moved fast and moved his hand to the right.



"Nice block!"

Everyone cheered when they saw the successful block of Hikaru, the ball bounced back as if it bounced away from a wall, it landed on the ground.

"Class 1 Scores!"

Hikaru returned to his position, but he was a little dazed. He looked at his hand. Just now, when he was in the air, he felt like everything moved slowly, no; it was like he reacted quickly and somehow he could analyze the spiker.