
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


I will not list the status ever chapter or every time there is something new. I will also list the description of the technology here.


[ Type: 0.7

Net Worth: 1 trillion dollars.

An law firm that is worth around 20 billion dollars

An security team, Athena that is worth around 50 billion dollars

Khoas that is worth around 25 billion dollars

Helios energy that is worth around 345 billion dollars

Qidite which is worth around 674 billion dollars

 Number of subordinate: 2 million (Athena, and the demons).

 Points: 0]

[ Hylas: A programing language that is unhackable even to a type 3 civilization, It is high power programming language that can be used to write multiple as in 100 of million of tesseracts on a type 0.4 computer. Points: 7000]

[Konon: A hacking program that can hack even a type 2.7 civilization, It was used in the Helle - Amphion war, by helle to bring down a civilization equal to them in but 3 years time. This may short but to intertribal this is like a blink of an eye. So in a blink of an eye a 2.7 civilization was wiped out. Points: 7,000]

[ Iris: An A.I assisted of the type @!# civilization made by them for you and you only. Points: free]

[ Aratus: An virus that was made by a mad scientist to take control of his civilization, Polyxeinus. It worked and enchased his civilization to a point that they took on 2 type 3 civilization as type 2.9 civilization to finally wipe them out after an 200 year war. The enchantment provided is Enhanced Condition: Users possess all their capabilities, attributes and aspects at an advanced level, beyond that of the peak members of their own species. This means the user's aspects (E.g., beauty, charisma, character and physique) attributes (E.g., physical and mental condition) as well as capabilities (E.g., potential, feats, skills and abilities, be it natural or supernatural) would be beyond that of standard individuals; Subordination Manipulation: The user can even extend their power as to switch their victims' loyalties to the user without focusing on controlling them and the victims view the users as kings/queens and their one true master; Blood spread: it is spread by making contact with blood; Reactive Adaptation: Immediately adapt to danger and harm. Points: 50,000]

[Advanced solar panels: One notable advancement is the development of perovskite solar cells, which utilize organic-inorganic hybrid materials with a perovskite crystal structure to achieve high efficiency potential and low manufacturing costs. Additionally, thin-film solar technologies, such as cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), and amorphous silicon (a-Si), offer lightweight, flexible alternatives with competitive efficiency levels. Tandem solar cells combine multiple layers of different materials to capture a broader spectrum of sunlight, while bifacial solar panels utilize both front and back surfaces to increase energy yield. Transparent solar panels enable integration into building materials without obstructing light or views, contributing to the advancement of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). These advancements, coupled with innovations in manufacturing techniques, durability improvements, and efficiency enhancement strategies, are driving the commercialization and widespread adoption of advanced solar panels, facilitating the transition to a sustainable energy future. Points: 500,000]

[Qidite: The near-future smartphone is a marvel of modern technology, integrating a quantum computing chip that handles complex computations effortlessly, ensuring unparalleled processing speed and efficiency. Its graphene-based battery charges in mere seconds and offers days of power, revolutionizing the user's experience by minimizing downtime. An advanced AI assistant, deeply integrated into the device, learns and adapts to the user's behavior, offering personalized assistance and predictive recommendations that enhance daily tasks. The smartphone features a holographic display, capable of projecting high-resolution 3D images and videos, providing an immersive visual experience. Security is paramount, with a biometric security suite that includes DNA scanning, advanced facial recognition, and heartbeat authentication, ensuring that only the rightful owner can access the device. The phone's body is made of self-healing materials that repair scratches and cracks automatically, maintaining its pristine condition over time. Embedded nanotechnology sensors monitor the user's health in real-time, providing continuous feedback and alerts for a proactive approach to personal well-being. A neural interface allows users to control the device with their thoughts, offering a new level of accessibility and convenience. Advanced augmented reality (AR) integration seamlessly overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing navigation, gaming, and educational experiences. Zero latency communication ensures instant data transmission, facilitating real-time interactions without any delay. Environmental monitoring sensors provide real-time data on air quality, UV levels, and pollution, helping users make informed lifestyle choices. Lastly, adaptive energy harvesting technology extends battery life by collecting ambient energy from the environment, reducing the need for traditional charging methods.]

[NeuroSync OS: NeuroSync OS represents the pinnacle of operating system innovation, featuring a sentient AI core named "Aeris" that evolves its personality and preferences over time, making interactions more natural and personalized. This AI learns deeply from the user's habits and routines, fostering a unique relationship between user and device that goes beyond traditional digital assistants. The OS includes intuitive gesture control, allowing users to navigate and interact with the device using hand and body movements, providing a dynamic and hands-free user experience. Predictive resource allocation intelligently manages system resources, anticipating which apps and services will be needed and optimizing performance and battery life accordingly. Contextual app management opens and closes apps based on the user's habits, location, and time of day, ensuring that the right tools are always available when needed. Deep learning personalization continuously adapts the OS interface and functionality to the user's evolving preferences, maintaining relevance and usability over time. A universal translator offers real-time translation of spoken and written language across all apps, facilitating seamless communication across different languages. Secure multi-user profiles allow multiple users to have their own secure spaces on the same device, making it suitable for family or shared use without compromising privacy.]

[Quantum Terraforming Array (QTA): The Quantum Terraforming Array (QTA) is an advanced, semi-autonomous system designed to rapidly construct landmasses, such as islands, in a matter of days. This technology utilizes a combination of nanotechnology, quantum manipulation, and advanced robotics to achieve feats of engineering that defy current scientific limitations.]

[ The Quantum-Enhanced Battle Ship (QEB) boasts unparalleled computational power through its quantum computing core, enabling real-time strategic calculations and electronic warfare capabilities. Its adaptive energy shields and metamaterial hull provide superior defense and stealth, making it nearly impervious to conventional and advanced weaponry while remaining undetectable. Equipped with directed energy weapons and autonomous drones, the QEB delivers devastating offensive capabilities and versatile operational reach. The ship's advanced propulsion system ensures exceptional speed and maneuverability, while its self-repairing nanotechnology maintains structural integrity and combat readiness. Additionally, the integrated cyber warfare suite offers formidable defense against electronic threats, ensuring secure communications and data integrity.]

[ The Quantum-Enhanced Air Superiority System (QEASS) revolutionizes aerial warfare with its quantum computing core, providing unparalleled real-time data processing and strategic decision-making capabilities. Its adaptive camouflage and stealth technology render aircraft virtually invisible to detection systems, while directed energy weapons deliver precise, long-range offensive power. AI-piloted drones extend operational reach and versatility, conducting reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and offensive missions independently or in coordination with manned aircraft. Advanced propulsion systems enable hypersonic speeds and unmatched maneuverability, allowing aircraft to outpace and outmaneuver any existing threats. Additionally, self-healing materials and quantum communication networks ensure aircraft resilience, secure communication, and reduced maintenance downtime, significantly enhancing overall operational efficiency and combat readiness.]

[ The Quantum Neural Processor (QNP) dramatically enhances computational capabilities by combining quantum computing with neural network integration, enabling it to perform complex calculations in seconds. Its hybrid classical-quantum architecture ensures compatibility with existing systems while providing unparalleled processing power for scientific research, financial analysis, and AI development. Advanced cooling and energy-efficient designs allow the QNP to maintain optimal performance with minimal power consumption. The AI-assisted interface simplifies user interaction, making the technology accessible to non-experts and continuously optimizing its operations. Additionally, robust security features, including quantum encryption, protect sensitive data and ensure secure computations, making the QNP a versatile and powerful tool across various industries.]


Ultimate Energy: The user can create, shape, and manipulate ultimate energy; a unique energy that derive from essences of ultimate force of power, in itself it is an elemental variant of pure energy that holds unimaginable and unlimited potential that transcends beyond any other kind of energy in any universe. This energy hold raw power over any to all known energies that flows throughout the very foundations of existence.

Causality: Users can manipulate causality, the relationship between causes and effects, allowing them to decide what happens and what doesn't, when and how. There is no need for a "why" however, as the why of something is determined by causality itself, which is at the users' command, making it one of the few powers that reasonably don't need a reason in certain space around the user.

Erasure: The user is able to erase things from existence. This means that the object no longer exists - there is no debris or leftovers from the erased target. It is completely removed from reality. Note that this power is not absolute in any way, and that there may be ways to undo this removal using appropriate powers.

War & Peace: The user can manipulate both war and peace in all forms (Physical, mental, spiritual, etc). They can induce, erase war and peace at someone they touched.

Emotion Manipulation: I can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. Emotions have been described as discrete and consistent responses to internal or external events which have a particular significance for the organism. They are brief in duration and consist of a coordinated set of responses, which may include verbal, physiological, behavioral, and neural mechanisms. In addition, relationships exist between emotions, such as having positive or negative influences, with direct opposites existing. The contrasting and categorization of emotions describes how emotions are thought to relate to each other.

Environment: which allows the user can create, shape and manipulate the environment, whether natural or artificial, and everything in it; including all the aspects, natures and systems of the environment, including all its inhabitants, from the purely physical ones and also mythical/conceptual ones and how they are influenced/how they interact amongst themselves or the outside.