
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 9

{May 22 2010}

That was a great party as all the families wanted to buy a house here as, the island is effectively the safest place on earth. Many were attempting to buy my favor with political marriage but I was not that guy that would take anyone to my bed, you got to have a certain class to meet my requirements. I agreed to them moving to island though, I had to make a statement that I will am not picking sides and all conflict between families stays outside the island.

This is a conflict free that means no armed weapons or fight can happen in the island. I don't care if you destroy each other outside but inside there will be no fighting or a drop of blood will be spilled. This made many feel safe inside and no one would go against me of course, they will still pay taxes and unlike before where they could get away with not paying them this time they have to pay 10% of there net worth. 

Another rule was that no business is allowed in here other than mine, this was a disappointment to everyone. Someone asked what about banks, and other necessary things, to that I said that I will take care of them. Thus, began my working day I came up with multiple ideas, the people of my island will have Unlimited Clean Energy provided by the government: Solar, wind, and fusion power are ubiquitous, providing abundant, clean, and virtually free energy.

They will have access to Quantum Levitation Transport System, Quantum Smart City Infrastructure, Quantum Health Optimization System, Quantum-Enhanced Learning Environment, and Quantum Environmental Remediation System (QERS).

[QLTS enables frictionless, ultra-fast travel through quantum levitation and electromagnetic propulsion, significantly reducing travel times and energy consumption. Its dynamic network and real-time AI routing optimize traffic flow and prevent congestion, ensuring efficient and seamless connectivity. Integrated energy harvesting technologies and regenerative systems make the QLTS highly sustainable, with a minimal environmental footprint. The system's smooth, silent, and stable ride enhances passenger comfort and safety, while advanced materials and modular design allow for easy scalability and adaptation to various urban and regional needs. Additionally, hyperloop integration within the QLTS offers hypersonic long-distance travel, revolutionizing both local and intercity transportation.]

[The Quantum Smart City Infrastructure (QSCI) dramatically enhances urban living by leveraging quantum computing and AI for real-time optimization of resources, reducing waste and lowering costs. Its integrated IoT ecosystem and adaptive energy grid ensure efficient energy distribution and sustainable resource management, significantly reducing the city's carbon footprint. Autonomous transportation and smart traffic systems provide fast, eco-friendly mobility, minimizing congestion and pollution. Advanced materials and smart buildings enhance comfort, safety, and efficiency, while augmented reality and virtual reality technologies enrich everyday experiences and social interactions. Robust security systems and quantum encryption ensure high levels of public safety and data privacy, making the city secure and resilient.]

[ The Quantum Health Optimization System (QHOS) revolutionizes healthcare by using quantum diagnostic imaging to detect diseases at the cellular level, enabling early and precise diagnosis. Personalized medicine leverages quantum computing and AI to tailor treatments to individual genetic profiles, ensuring optimal and adaptive care. Nanorobotics deliver drugs directly to affected cells and perform microsurgeries, minimizing side effects and enhancing treatment efficacy. Regenerative medicine techniques, such as advanced stem cell therapies and tissue engineering, allow for the regeneration of damaged tissues and organs, significantly improving recovery outcomes. Overall, QHOS enhances diagnostic accuracy, treatment personalization, therapeutic effectiveness, and patient recovery, transforming modern healthcare.]

[The Quantum-Enhanced Learning Environment (QELE) offers personalized learning experiences by leveraging quantum computing and AI to adapt educational content in real-time based on individual student needs and learning styles. Immersive VR and AR technologies create interactive, hands-on learning environments, making complex concepts easier to understand and remember. Advanced brain-computer interfaces monitor cognitive states and adjust the learning environment to enhance focus, retention, and comprehension. AI-powered tutors and mentors provide continuous, personalized support, improving student engagement and learning outcomes. Additionally, quantum-enhanced collaborative tools facilitate global interaction and teamwork, preparing students for a connected and diverse world.]

[The Quantum Environmental Remediation System (QERS) offers unprecedented advantages in tackling environmental challenges with advanced technologies. First, it utilizes quantum computing to accurately model and predict environmental processes, enabling proactive and precise remediation strategies. Second, nanotechnology and nanobots target pollutants at a molecular level, enhancing efficiency while minimizing ecological impact. Third, autonomous robots perform ecosystem restoration tasks with precision and adaptability, restoring habitats and biodiversity effectively. Fourth, quantum sensors provide real-time monitoring of environmental parameters, ensuring early detection of pollution and prompt response. Lastly, QERS promotes sustainable practices through energy-efficient operations and the use of sustainable materials, contributing to long-term environmental stewardship and resilience.]

All of these are good and all, not going to lie my pockets are bleeding a little but all is good because from now on I will control the world's economy through the families so, I am effectively the king of the world. The media is still no calming down with all the news, I been releasing and may governments are discussing a alliance with me at all cost. My country is now officially has the strongest standing military and now I plan on building this and giving a tour to the world on all the features and the only tax policy.

Now to build this I am still using the QTA and it will take in all the pollution as it's fuel to construct this magnificent technology. It will be done in an hour so, I sent a letter to all the families and also all my workers to come here with there families to join my empire. Yes, I am not putting a front on it and openly claim that I am the sole ruler of this place. Everyone already knows this as, I control everything here. 

{May 23 2010}

I have done the tour of the place, and my army with their families are also settled in and I was left with a lot of space. So, I decided to allow my everyone with the virus and their family to leave with me. I still left with over 100 cities to fill, I am not allowing random people to come here and stay so, it will stay empty until people passes the extreme citizen test that people have to take to live in this country. 

I also upgraded the island as a flying island but, it will be in the ocean most of the time. I have also build weapons that are a lot stronger than normal as, Quantum-Assisted Kinetic Rifle, Quantum-Crypto Pistol, Quantum Cannon, Quantum-guided Hypersonic Missile System, Quantum-Enhanced Missile Guidance System, Quantum Enhanced Nuclear Warheads and finally Quantum-Enhanced Nuclear Safety and Efficiency System. 

[The Quantum-Assisted Kinetic Rifle (QAKR) revolutionizes firearms with quantum technology, offering unparalleled advantages in accuracy, range, and effectiveness. Quantum-assisted targeting systems enhance precision by calculating trajectories and compensating for environmental factors in real-time. Integrated quantum sensors improve situational awareness, enabling rapid target acquisition and engagement with minimal user input.]

[The Quantum-Crypto Pistol revolutionizes firearm technology with quantum encryption, rendering it virtually impossible to hack or intercept its communication signals. This ensures secure transmission of authentication codes, preventing unauthorized use and enhancing firearm safety. Its advanced encryption capabilities make it a formidable tool for military and law enforcement applications, safeguarding critical missions and personnel.]

[A Quantum Cannon represents a revolutionary advancement in weapon technology, harnessing quantum mechanics to deliver unparalleled destructive power with precision. It utilizes quantum entanglement to bypass traditional defenses, enabling instantaneous targeting and devastating impact across vast distances. The cannon's deployment could potentially redefine military strategy by offering rapid, unstoppable firepower capable of neutralizing threats swiftly and decisively.]

[The Quantum-guided Hypersonic Missile System offers unparalleled advantages in precision, speed, and maneuverability, enabled by real-time quantum computing algorithms. It ensures highly accurate targeting and evasive maneuvers at hypersonic speeds, enhancing operational effectiveness and reducing response times in critical scenarios. This technology provides a significant strategic edge in modern warfare, combining rapid deployment with enhanced precision strike capabilities.]

[Quantum Enhanced Nuclear Warheads (QENWs) hypothetically offer several advantages: increased precision in targeting due to quantum computing's enhanced simulation capabilities, potentially reducing collateral damage. They might feature improved security through quantum encryption, safeguarding against unauthorized detonation or tampering. Lastly, advanced materials and design could enhance reliability and effectiveness, ensuring deterrence capabilities while potentially reducing overall nuclear stockpiles.]

I skipped most of the missiles as you get the idea, I could destroy the earth if I wanted to. Did I mention that I released a website with all the capabilities of my nation. They call me the greatest threat to humanity and the doomsday clock is always near midnight whenever it is about me as I could probably destroy the world in seconds. I released a statement that I would do no such thing as I am too busy taking care of myself to do so anyway. Little did this monkeys know I could destroy the world without any need for this all. 

I did not release the superpower thing to anyone, I would but I think it is better to wait till the world calms down first before raising the temperature again. I also made it public that only those whom net worth crosses the hundred billion line can buy a house here. As for the inside, many families complained that they have to pay 10% of their net worth but the army does not have to but they were quite down with me just saying that they serve the country and they should be given the respect they deserve. 

I also made sure that the laws are iron made, as even an army man is not able to break any of it. Many families wanted to join the army and I allowed them to, above the age of 18 and under 65, they are more than welcome to join the army but, only the person in the army will get exempted from taxes the rest have to pay. So, the family of the army men will pay but it will be with my own money as I give them a salary of 100,000 per year after taxes. Not to mention, with the bank under my control I can print as much money I want but the economy is not going to inflamed as I am the economy, and also everything is free, food, education, travel, all are free and only entertainment is not.