
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 8

I realize that some people asked me for a rewrite, So there is poll in discord if you guys want to a rewrite pls do so, but be warned that once it began, I will not post any new chapter until the entire story is perfect and no holes are left. Thank you for you participation!!

Invite Code: TbkQZ8bvYy


That made everyone pause as they realize that the first trillionaire is in front of them. The jury then erupted into question and I answered them with all honesty without endangering my plans. The jury who was asking me question the first asked "Who made all this technology as there is no mention of them anywhere"

"I am the solo owner and founder of all the technology in my basement." This again made everyone pause as that would mean that he was also one of the smartest people alive, probably ever because he is only 18 years old for god sake.

"That is not possible, you have not been in any competition nor are you in newspaper for having a great IQ." one of the jury quickly retorted.

"Yes, I have not but are you sure that I didn't intentionally did not did those things"

"Why would you do that?" One of them asked

"Well, for starts I was in jail for most of childhood, I grew up quickly and made sure that I can be safe at any cost possible. I did not want the government to take any advantage of me so, I kept low at all times. Once I turned 18 and responsible for my own life, I started my endeavors" I said as it was elaborate lie. The public sentiment for me grew back again, it wrath was turned at the current government. 

"Are you not an us citizen and have responsibility to the government -" one of the began, but I cut him off

"Are we talking about the same government that put me in prison for a crime I did not commit, The same government that was built on the principle I was denied" I said with a raised eyebrow, this added fuel to the fire as the public was even more enraged at the government.

{Obama office}

Obama was fuming as he watched the livestream continue on, he was angry at Asher for not recognizing the bigger picture more importantly he was cursing himself for listening to those families. "Why did he have to come out at my term" He said out loud, he will never win the reelection, he would be luckily to keep his office now.


They continued to ask stupid question which were answered with my honest answers. I kept on adding fire to fuel and then the most quite one asked "You live in our land, you have a duty to keep it safe and thus, you should be contributing to the country"

"I am, the GDP of us is now higher than before" I said with a deadpan

"No you could be doing so much more than why do keep your standards so low" he continued

"You know I should shouldn't I, I should aim for the skis why should I stand here and hear you stupidity any more." I said and stood up and put my foot on the table before I said in a loud voice "I hereby declare my freedom from the us, from the hypocrisy and establish my own nation on my island." I said before walking away from the stunned crowd and exited the building before transforming my car into a air craft and flying to my island. 

{May 5 2010}

The entire media was exploding none stop with comments on the current issue. One man had made his independence from the government and to add fuel to fire he already had an island. I decided to put my army in front of the world, I made a video of all the capabilities of my battle ships in front of the world. I also made another video on the capabilities of air crafts and another on how I built this island, this includes the QTA. I did not make a video of QNP, that is my trump card and I can't let that out. 

It has become a sensation of the year as people now come to be if they need protection and I got plenty of letter from the families to join them at there parties. I have decided to let all the families in the world into my home for a grand party, and over the next few days I organized the grandest party I could think of. While the media and news were beginning to cool down, I gave another shock to the world as I made it public that all the influence families were meeting in my place for a grand party. 

I made sure however to know that all of it would be checked by my army and no one could hurt one and another in the island. This party was a grand one with 100,000 fireworks show, most influential music groups on the planet performing, magic tricks and more. It was going to be grand as people all over the world are coming to this, I made sure to build a device that automatically translates in 0.000000001 seconds. I also made a variety of food as food from the entire world is in one place and none of it goes to waste as I made it so. 

I also made the Quantum-Enhanced Combat Suit (QECS) significantly enhances soldier capabilities with adaptive quantum armor, providing superior protection and self-healing nanotechnology that ensures durability and reduced maintenance. Its integrated exoskeleton boosts strength, endurance, and agility, allowing soldiers to carry heavier loads and perform complex maneuvers.

The suit's quantum computing core delivers real-time data analysis, secure communication, and strategic recommendations via an advanced HUD. Adaptive camouflage makes soldiers nearly invisible in various environments, while built-in medical systems monitor vital signs and administer first aid, improving survivability. Enhanced sensory systems offer night vision, thermal imaging, and augmented reality overlays, providing comprehensive situational awareness and threat detection.

{May 21 2010}

It was time for the guest to arrive as all of them arrive and were given an introduction to the feature available to them and also a warning about the high technology suit. All of them were already num to me so they got over it, some of them were guided back to the ship as they were photographers but I allowed 2 in particular to enter. It was time for the party to began and I was suppose to deliver a speech since it I that threw the party.

"Hello my friends, I am here as your host this party is dedicated to those of whom I will be working with very closely. I here are know to you all the biggest owner and worlds first trillionaire but, in the end I am also human so let us enjoy till the night bleeds into the day" as I said that the roof opened to show the fireworks play across the the sky illuminating the entire island with it's colorful glow.