
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 7

{April 30 2010}

I have finished my personal project it is not from the system but something I made up myself. You see when I buy technology from the system, it also gives me the knowledge in the respective field and also, knowledge on the field is worth less points than the technology. So, I got my self knowledge in Nanotechnology, Quantum Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Fusion Energy. All of which I put into the work to create this piece of technology. *Ding*

[ The user has created Quantum Terraforming Array by himself, He got an additional 2,000 points.]

I was not surprised by the fact that it already knew the technology, I was able to figure out that the civilization that made this system made by a type 7 multiverse civilization. So I am not surprised by it, by the way it is time to go to the Bermuda triangle. It is just magnetic power of earth is strong there but with the Quantum Terraforming Array, which builds an aircraft not affected by magnetic fields. I am able to transverse it safely. 

It was time to build the act by slowing changing the angle down and a few emergency calls, you have an missing billionaire on your hand. Now, I made sure of making the island be able to buy by me as I added it into the contract about me getting full rights to any island found by me. The officials took it as a joke and allowed me to buy any island I found. 

Thus, I crash landed on the water thankfully I built a water proof it and made sure it was able to float on water. The QTA system is deployed to the designated construction site, either from a mothership or via transport drones. Initial surveys and environmental assessments are conducted to plan the construction. Nanobots begin by creating a stable foundation, converting seawater and minerals into solid land. This process involves forming a bedrock-like base that can support the rest of the island.

As the foundation is established, the QTA constructs the island's main structure, layering materials with precision. This material is special in the sense that it not only absorbed radiations but is also nuclear resistance. The final phase involves creating the island's surface features, including terrain, vegetation, and Building. I made a mansion for myself and not only that but also a energy shield that protects the island. It blocks all satellite imaging and it also build a motor to move the island along. So, I moved it to the mid Atlantic ocean. I expanded it there, it now is the size of a large island not a continent but still big enough to be called a country. 

It is the size of turkey and it also built-in Quantum Neural Processor, the entire island is a computer. The QNP enhances computational capabilities by combining quantum computing with neural network integration, enabling it to perform complex calculations in seconds. Its hybrid classical-quantum architecture ensures compatibility with existing systems while providing unparalleled processing power for scientific research, financial analysis, and AI development. Advanced cooling and energy-efficient designs allow the QNP to maintain optimal performance with minimal power consumption. The AI-assisted interface simplifies user interaction, making the technology accessible to non-experts and continuously optimizing its operations. Additionally, the security features, including quantum encryption, protect sensitive data and ensure secure computations, making the QNP a versatile and powerful tool across various industries.

{May 4 2010}

The world media was upside down with my disappearance, the government and investors went full rage mode on my company as expected but was to no avail as unless, I went missing for more than 2 weeks I can't be called dead. Athena as expected used the ships brought from my demons and almost all of them started to search for me and I was found 3 day later. I brought the island as I was the one to discover it and also pulled some strings to make sure that I had full rights to the island.

This had some back draws as the us government called me for a public hearing and me not attending would be a prove that I am guilty. I dialed it by 5 days and focused on making Athena and many of the ships from demons to protect my island. I upgraded the ships to a Quantum-Enhanced Battle Ship, this is epic because now, I don't have to worry about us navy, infact the entire worlds navy is just garbage compared to my ships.

The Quantum-Enhanced Battle Ship (QEB) boasts unparalleled computational power through its quantum computing core, enabling real-time strategic calculations and electronic warfare capabilities. Its adaptive energy shields and metamaterial hull provide superior defense and stealth, making it nearly impervious to conventional and advanced weaponry while remaining undetectable. Equipped with directed energy weapons and autonomous drones, the QEB delivers devastating offensive capabilities and versatile operational reach. The ship's advanced propulsion system ensures exceptional speed and maneuverability, while its self-repairing nanotechnology maintains structural integrity and combat readiness. Additionally, the integrated cyber warfare suite offers formidable defense against electronic threats, ensuring secure communications and data integrity.

This was purchased from the system as I did not have time to experiment with this. I upgraded the ships next was the air force,

The Quantum-Enhanced Air Superiority System (QEASS) revolutionizes aerial warfare with its quantum computing core, providing unparalleled real-time data processing and strategic decision-making capabilities. Its adaptive camouflage and stealth technology render aircraft virtually invisible to detection systems, while directed energy weapons deliver precise, long-range offensive power. AI-piloted drones extend operational reach and versatility, conducting reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and offensive missions independently or in coordination with manned aircraft. Advanced propulsion systems enable hypersonic speeds and unmatched maneuverability, allowing aircraft to outpace and outmaneuver any existing threats. Additionally, self-healing materials and quantum communication networks ensure aircraft resilience, secure communication, and reduced maintenance downtime, significantly enhancing overall operational efficiency and combat readiness.

So now, I am superior in 2 of the 3 war technology. I was confident to take on the world and still survive thus, I made the choice to attend the meeting.

{May 9 2010}

I integrated the entire navy, air force and land force of demons and Athena combined. This was a shock to the world as they did not expect me to have such power. I made sure to not touch the spy system of the demons as they still are around the world. The families found out that I am the owner of all this and decided that having me as a companion rather than enemy is for the best. They invited me to the parties which will be tomorrow, today though I have a public hearing to attend.

I came in white royal car with 5 black cars on the front and back, not that I needed this as I am plenty powerful enough to wipe the entire world 5 times over. I entered the build, as soon as I did all the cameras pointed towards me and I walked and sat on a chair in the center of all this. There were a jury of 6, 3 republican and 3 democrats. I sat down and they began by one of the democrats speaking "I will take this first, as we are here to discuss with Mr. Asher on multiple cases of copyright and not doing his job as the citizen of green card. So, to get started pls tell me Mr. Asher of all the properties you own"

I said calmly "Thank you, Mr."

"Jack" he said

"Thank you, Mr. Jack. Do you want me to tell you all the properties you think I own or do you want me to tell the list I know I own."

He looked surprised before saying "tell me everything you know"

"Ok, I am the sole owner of Themis, Athena, Khoas, Helios, and Qidite. I also own the genesis island."