
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 6

{April 21 2010}

I am now the richest person in the world, Sadly I have yet to tap into the full power of my technology as I still have more than half the world to conquer. I decided to go into the phone industry as it is most viable option. Now since I was the os and Qidite phones both of which are 1 civilization tools. I decided to build a phone company.

Now all I need is a new dude to handle the business side of the issue. "Iris, Find a qualified candidate for the position of the CEO of future biggest phone cooperation." 

[Yes sir]

Now that is over, the government is really trying to get under my skin right now. It is has launched investigation over investigation and all of them were blocked with no chance of escape. Now I also need to buy this one thing for the Iris and then I will be able smooth thing out much quicker. 

{May 21 2010}

It has been a month and I am confident that the public has forgotten about me and only remember me as an other billionaire. The mobile phone company has been spreading at alarming speed, It totally has the entire worlds economy boosted at least 5 times. It spread from Canada to U.S, India, Russia, all of Europe as my technology is a 100x faster than the rest thus, people were more incline to buy mine. 

The person I choose, Leo, was a college student who was on the verge of death when the demons found him. It turned out that Leo's best fried murdered him for petty cash, I decided that he shall be my next CEO and he unlocked a new unique skill 'Fear Manipulation' it allowed him to sense and manipulate the dread, fear, horror and terror, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling fear, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. They can cause others to fear even the most harmless of things to the point of becoming catatonic.

Thus with 100x amplification, I got 'Emotion Manipulation' I can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.

Emotions have been described as discrete and consistent responses to internal or external events which have a particular significance for the organism. They are brief in duration and consist of a coordinated set of responses, which may include verbal, physiological, behavioral, and neural mechanisms. In addition, relationships exist between emotions, such as having positive or negative influences, with direct opposites existing. The contrasting and categorization of emotions describes how emotions are thought to relate to each other.

This is especially works with my war and peace now I can go underground and manipulate the entire world as I wished. Leo is also the reason the company is spreading faster than all my other company as he is completely inducing fear into competition. The investors are again not happy with this as there is another new company with even higher spread rate. 

There is sharp collapse in finance degree as people are not taking the course anymore as the tread is leading towards solo owners. The government is also very mad and yet can't do anything as Themis is already there. It wants someway of making people not want it but it also doesn't want to be seen as power hungry freak. It resorted to making baseless claims and propaganda against the company. Which Themis used to make full advantage of and sued many government official for defamation. 

{Obama's office}

"What the hell are you doing?" Obama shouted at the lawyer present

"we are trying" one of them said

"Well not enough, There are 4 companies completely private and there is not a single one of you has been capable of cracking at least one of them."

"Sir, I have a suggestion" The head lawyer spoke

"Speak" Obama command 

"If we were to bring the president to a public hearing and ask him questions we may be able to get a answer that we could use against them" The head lawyer said.

"Then do it." Obama said with glim in his eyes.

{Back to the MC}

He knows about the next move and he is already prepared for it. He is going to delay it as long as possible by going missing but infact he would be building a new island. It is going to be the size of Bermuda triangle and it is going to be near the Bermuda triangles. He already brought the necessary technology for it too, it is also necessary to move iris as the Quantum Neural Processor (QNP) needs a large place like that.

I had all the preparation done as it was suppose to be a causal trip but as we reach the Bermuda, the triangle effect takes place and launches us into the ocean but there was an island there all along and we were rescued a month later. The trip is this Saturday and the government does not have enough time to stop the trip. As for what will happen to the companies, we have been hiring lawyers the last week to increase the protection of not only my law firm that is now worth around 20 billion dollars. The law firm now owns about 30% of all the law industry in the world. People did not care as it was proven that we were the people's 'force'. HAHAH monkeys.

All my companies are worth more than 20 billion dollars as the law firm is the smallest one. My security team Athena was contacted by many rebels groups to help them against the dictators. It won every war with little to no casualty as we had to fake a lot of injuries to keep the question away. It is now the most desired security group and it is under me as know to the public. But, the exact worth of the security team is 50 billion putting me in the one of the richest man alive.

Khoas is now worth 26 billion dollars as it now has clients from all over the world as many government contacted us, I was close to reaching the hundred mark but my other company Helios energy is now a massive supplier of energy and had to face many monopoly cases well it is a monopoly as almost the entire industry is just Helios. But, government and especially the people of go green want the energy so everyone ignored the clear monopoly. Some were defiantly fought with us by not buying out technology but it was so little that their company jumped up the prices to compete with us causing the people to change for us. So, Helios is worth around 345 billion dollars.

All that money in the hand of one person made many government put the CEO of Helios in the highest level of secret. It was now time for, Qidite as with Leo as the CEO, it was on a strict rise. The technology was advance and no one could possibly recreate it. Almost everyone who has meet Leo was afraid to death, thus he was able to buy many of the companies in the industry.

This would have raised suspicious but, with my image it was possible to convince the masses that there was nothing going on. Now Qidite alone is worth around 654 billion dollars, this made the government give up on holding this company and started to try and work with us. I did help them under the cause that they would help us back against anything and with a bit of emotion manipulation, I was able to hold the 4 of the 7 superpowers Russia, Germany, Japan, and China under my hand. 

The demons were flourish in the under world as almost all of the gangs in US were eliminated and They were able to destroy an entire family, this made the other families scared to act against us. I also found out that they were around 200 families around the world, All in banking, politics, or mafia as now the demons were considered the strongest mafia force especially after some how they got their hand on the nuclear bombs. They also have a navy, air force, and a research team that build all this.

I also got 2 new superpower as from Wigdros the leader of air force, He got 'Storm' which allows The user can sense, create, shape and manipulate storms, including strong wind, hail, thunder and/or lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation (snowstorm, rainstorm), heavy freezing rain (ice storm), strong winds (tropical cyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting substance through the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc. I got "Weather" which allows users can sense, channel, shape, create and manipulate the weather, i.e. the meteorological phenomena. It grants them an innate connection to the Earth's atmosphere, enabling to shape and influence various weather patterns on both small and large scales. They can sense changes in air pressure, temperature, humidity, and other meteorological parameters, granting them an almost instinctive understanding of impending weather changes.

There are five main factors/elements/aspects of Weather Manipulation:

Air Manipulation: For wind and related effects like fog.

Electricity Manipulation: Lightning in all variations.

Thermal Manipulation: Make it cold or hot.

Water Manipulation: Make rain, tidal waves, hurricanes etc.

Ice Manipulation: Make it snow, hail or a blizzard.

Then the other one, Eagi, the leader of the navy has 'Ocean', what I got was 'Environment' as both storm and ocean fused by ultimate energy to make 'Environment' which allows the user can create, shape and manipulate the environment, whether natural or artificial, and everything in it; including all the aspects, natures and systems of the environment, including all its inhabitants, from the purely physical ones and also mythical/conceptual ones and how they are influenced/how they interact amongst themselves or the outside.