
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 5

Hello, how are you doing? How is the story going along pls tell if you want any changes as I am open to decisions.


{April 10 2010}

I primarily focused on sleep this past days, but my minions are busy at work as the demons were spreading throughout the city's underworld. The company has been doing very good, now for all the wait I finally felt the connection to Gabe. So, well I transferred her money to make a company got the intellectual rights for my project which was not hard with my ai doing all the work. 

"So the opening for Helios was in full swing" I said to Ares

"Yes sir" Ares replied 

time skip....

{April 15 2010}

It has been 5 days and I got permission of all experts in America about the effectiveness of my solar panel, of course I did not show my face but instead Gabe went to each on and said that a secret owner of the company made it and he is the one who is going to take care of the company. It was opened today and already many order were in to show the effectiveness. 

{April 20 2010}

All the order were completed in record time as the greatest feat of this technology is that fact that the solar panel were able to provide an entire city with energy with only one panel. The government also tried to get there hands on this technology but, thanks my lawyer that were contracted by the company they were not able to even touch it. 

{Obama's office}

"What the fuck is this" Obama said, as he sat down on his chair and read a collective report of the entire science department including nasa's on the recreation of the solar panels.

"We don't know sir, We have tried every method and all of that ended with failure. We need the technology to be able to figure out why" Elson said

"So, you are saying that an entire government team of scientist are not able to make something that somebody did in his garage." Obama said, Elson looked down as he knew that this was a bad performance. Right then a knocking on the door was herd as Obama dismissed Elson and called the person in, it was Mr. Keystone the lawyer who argued for the government in trying to process the solar technology.

"Sir we have failed as the theism has won the case." He said as Obama was now even more angry than before. He yelled 

"Get Out"

{Back to the mc}

The company has grown a lot with only requiring one solar panel every city and all that energy is controlled by me as each one of them had Iris installed in them to control all the energy. Not only that but all my technology had iris in them to keep them safe and also provide me with even more control. My popularity is going down at an alarming rate as I did not make a public appearance and the new company overshaded mine. 

Helios energy was then released to other parts of the world as many wanted to gain this technology but alas no one will as the biggest lawyer time is arguing for them. Many people especially the 'go green' one loved this idea as they were the main advertisement and buyer of this technology, this monkeys were so dumb.

Although I liked this one girl, She was an advocate for the go green team in one of the states, she is 21 year old women with green hair and big melons that any man would want to have a taste of. She had green eyes like the tress and wore a cute green skirt, with her crop top dress and slim stomach and thick legs. She was yelling "Go green in the video" But dismissed it and closed the app.

There was again a lot of hate towards me and the new owner of the company as they believe that I started an Era where investors were no allowed into new technology. The government brought this idea and made me there enemy as they started to try to make me disappear from the public eye so that they can take me out. I did nothing as I wanted to be gone from the publics eye as it will become more of a weakness in the later stages. 

[Sir, there has been a discovery you need to know off. It was found out my our demons as they were destroying one of the local gangs and recutting new members.]

As she said that a file appeared in my hands as I began looking through the pictures, the videos and reading the reports. As it turns out the entire world is runed by families, the information provided is too little to find out all of them but there 5 in us alone. This families are behind everything as 9/11 attack, to the election, they are behind ww2 and started in ww1. The Roosevelt for political power, they control the president and the congress right now. The Rothschild family is in business and is currently in the banking department. The Morgan are also in business but in the construction side. The Waldow are deep into the gambling, and housing business and finally the most powerful of them all, not because of money but man power, The Pacifico which is a mafia family and also the leading figure in the whole of America (south and north).

So, I have the pacifico on my tail already as they have been destroyed in new York as all the gangs in new York was destroyed. This does not mean that they are destroyed in Americas, I will have to spread my influence all over the Americas for that. I don't know if the other 4 family would involve themself with this issue and I don't care either I am going to destroy any one who comes in between me and the world.

With that I have decided into putting my system into the new industry, mobile industry. I have brought the cutting edge mobiles that will be another arrow to gain to eventually take over the world. Although I have 0 points left it is for the best as I have almost and entire industry to produce it back in a month. 

As for my body, let's say that I am now bullet proof, force proof, elemental proof, regeneration proof ect. I have a bunch of proof that will make me basically invincible other than they somehow discover a new attack. I have developed a new thing for the virus as now it allows the group to have the same power and not only that but, the more potential someone has the more they are respected so the leaders are chosen by potential of their ability which is another thing as other than me, everyone with develop superpowers. 

The classification of these superpower is that there are basic skill, resistance, group skills (skills that a particular branch has), unique skill. Basic and resistance is something we already have. A group skill is developed by a responsibility, such as invisibility for those who are spy and so on. A unique is well something only that person has. I am above all and I get all the skill even unique and the matter is that they are 100x more powerful. 

This was developed by me as I got the knowledge of genetic and biology from the original scientist and now with new knowledge and all the time I have spent on this. I got it and injected it immediately as not only mine but the entire virus changed including Athena and demons. It turned out only 4 people have the unique skill, for Ares it is called "War", for the leader of Viking it is called "Destruction", for my head lawyers it is called "Law", and for Gabe it is called "Energy". 

War allows a person to immediate wielding and perfect use any weapon of any technology. It gives 100% aim for guns and arrows, 100% kill rate to wield any cold weapon and kill an entire battalion. Destruction is the ability to utterly destroy things. Law is ability to rewrite, redefine, delete, apply and generally manipulate any law which affects anyone and everyone as the user sees fit, allowing them to decide what happens under which conditions in a certain space. (like op-op no mi). Energy is to create and manipulate energy to achieve various effects, it is the most versatile of all the powers above.

For me though I got "War & Peace", "Erasure", "Causality", "Ultimate Energy".