
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 4

Hello, how are you doing? How is the story going along pls tell if you want any changes as I am open to decisions. Join my discord, I will post the character images, polls and other stuff there.



{April 4 2010, 9 pm}

With the government distracted, I was able sneak past the FBI agent and was able to reach my apartment where I originally lived. I took out the set of masks that were made by a tailor that also drank my wine. I wore the purple and gold one, It is a asura mask with black face gold horns and purple eyes. I then went to a local gang, I liked this gang over the other because they were not a gang at all.

They did not do ra*e, steal or hurt. All of them were high school drop outs that went around the city 'cleaning the trash' for money. They are more like mercenary but also do the drugs business, cheat and scam the rich people. This is the reason I wanted them as they do evil but to a limit. Which is perfectly fine in my opinion, I made my way to the base. I dropped down and I saw that there were about 50 people. All of them were staring at me but partied way to their leader. I went to the person who sit in the center and said "I want your loyalty, be my servant"

No one spoke after that, this was a first to them. Someone actually came in and told that to their leader. Even the leader, A red hair man that looked like a Viking with the armor and how he braded his hair. This was something all of them had in common as they call themself the Viking. He then began laughing and said "Only someone who beat me in a match will have my loyalty" 

"Then let's fight" I said and commended Iris to download the top martial arts in attack, speed and defense into my brain and thanks to the adaptation, I now have a muscle memory of them all. I also told her do it for all the people who have the virus. As the person got up, he immediately thrown a kick which was a speed that no normal human had. He was peak human in terms of his condition. But, we have a supernatural condition and it was very easy to defeat him in a few punches. 

"You have my loyalty" He said, then I said 

"Good, now take my blood and become by general" and dropped a blood drop which went into his mouth he looked surprised when I said that but after it went down and the virus and it's function was explained he immediately spared it among his subordinates. In the end almost 45 people were infected while the rest were too weak. I told him to spread his influence in the mafia and grow strong enough to fight the government if he needed to. 

I also distributed the masks, which were red asura for normal solider but for my general it was a blue mask. I went home and slept for the rest of the day.

{April 5 2010, 6 am}

I woke this morning made myself a coffee, eat breakfast just because someone actually starved themself for no reason because I make sure all my subordinates get food and I got hunger resistance I still prefer to eat. While eating I checked my twitter as I scroll down the list of '#' I got and read some of them.


[ I hate the fact that Asher made his company private like you could lose a 1% of your ownership and not be any less rich]


[ @JamilBreatoventhe43rdJuniore, None of your business he has done things that no other person has. To me, He is good.]

I read those two and most of them were actually about the same topic, investors and government hates me for making my company private owned as well, some want control and other want money. Greed is truly the greatest sin of all. Anyway since the Konon is such a hit I plan to make more, first I am right now dominating the hacking industry as almost all countries have to pay me 1% of their budget for military. So, I am gaining about 16 billion dollars annually from that, not to mention almost all major companies used my product and the common people brought premium so that brings my total earning from the hacking industry to 20 billion dollars annually.

With the points I gained approximately 1,000,000, I decided to spend it on my new black technology Advance solar systems.

[Advanced solar panels: One notable advancement is the development of perovskite solar cells, which utilize organic-inorganic hybrid materials with a perovskite crystal structure to achieve high efficiency potential and low manufacturing costs. Additionally, thin-film solar technologies, such as cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), and amorphous silicon (a-Si), offer lightweight, flexible alternatives with competitive efficiency levels. Tandem solar cells combine multiple layers of different materials to capture a broader spectrum of sunlight, while bifacial solar panels utilize both front and back surfaces to increase energy yield. Transparent solar panels enable integration into building materials without obstructing light or views, contributing to the advancement of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). These advancements, coupled with innovations in manufacturing techniques, durability improvements, and efficiency enhancement strategies, are driving the commercialization and widespread adoption of advanced solar panels, facilitating the transition to a sustainable energy future. Points: 500,000]

This was actually the only technology that was well not named as some fantasy realm but just advance solar panels. So, I waited until my web had spread far enough and while I do that I make more money. I said out loud "Find a person that is capable enough to handle business related to renewable energy."

After a few minutes of loading it showed a name

[ Gabe Fox: An student in mit, he is very knowledgeable about business but chose to research renewable energy in the hopes to get rich soon. He is orphan and had a girlfriend but she cheated on him for money. Since then he stayed home most of the time.]

"I see, ask the demons to bring him in quietly and give him 'wine'." I said with an evil smile as I look out the giant window at the glowing city under me.


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