
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 2

{March 14th of 2010}

It was the next day and my life continued as it usually did. 

[ Sir, I got the list. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and amazon, Facebook is most likely because of the information they collect on the user that could get them in trouble with international law if found out.]

"Good, now send an email and a snap shot of each of the hacks we found. Make sure to emphasize that we have want money and nothing more and appear like white hats."

[Done sir]

Now I wait.



Today was supposed to be a normal day for Sofia Reid, the current director of Facebook under the CEO. She logged in to work to find that Robert King, the head programmer had found an email. 

"It is just an email, I am sure that it's a prank" I tried to salvage the situation.

"It would have but he provided me with few of the holes and they work perfectly" Robert said and continued "This means that he could have more holes."

"We need to meet him, email him back and say that we will give him the money, But need to meet to discuss the amount." I said.

A few minutes later....

"I got return email sating that meeting him is not possible but he can voice call you" Robert said "It is probably nothing serious, He just wants to protect his identity. He also told that he had 10 critical, this means it could worth hundreds of millions." 

"I see...Ready the conference room, call the lawyer and get me a laptop." I said.

A another few minutes later....

The conference room was ready and the voice call was on. *Ding* It connected and the person on the other end said

"Hello, I think we all know where this is going. I have provided with the necessary evidence and I am sent to Robert another critical hole that i found, this should show that I have all the prove needed. I want 900 million dollars" Asher said.

"I am sure we can talk a little more. I understand that 10 critical level is a lot of money but 900 million dollars is" One of the lawyers wanted to say but Asher cut him off and said

"That is true, but the peculiar information the holes have provided me with is enough for your competitors or the us government to pay that amount don't you agree?"

After a bit of more attempts to reduce the price, which were boiled down to Asher saying that he will report your ass to the government and take there money. They finally agreed, "We will pay 900 million dollars" I said with a bit of pain. 

"It is a 1 billion dollars now." Asher said 

"What? how could you increase the amount?" One of the lawyer shouted.

"Time is valuable, especially my time. Now do you want to continue our discussion to make it 1.1 billion dollars." Asher said

"No need, we will pay" I said with a heavy heart, 'but at least I will also got the solutions to it right' I thought.

After that the call disconnected, Asher attended a few more meetings which resulted in the same conversation. After all that at night, I saw my bank account go from 90,000 dollars to 4 billion dollars. I made sure that this stays a secret between me and Iris as I hacked the bank to make sure no one noticed this. I know that this is ideal money and it is just waste, I need power. Thus, tomorrow is going to be a big day. 

{March 15th of 2010}

It is 5 pm now, all day was spent getting a new lookover. I brought many suits and cloths, I brought a house and extremely overpriced decorations the only reason they exit is to show wealth of the person who owns them. I brought a car showroom, it is extremely easy to do so with just a few hacked phone, taking photos of him and his mistress and vola, you brought yourself the entire inventory of cars that you will never use but, got it for couple hundred million dollars but the rest was paid by the owner. He is so kind!

Time to get back to work, I installed all the data from my previous laptop to the new one and said "Iris, How do you like the new laptop?"

[It is good enough for now, I can only run 0.76% of my true capabilities here]

"Ok, I promise to build a new one didn't I. But for now I need power, Release what happened yesterday to the news, also make sure the phone call and cctv pottage are clean" I said 

[Way ahead of you and made sure that all of the companies also release a statement that this is true. It will appear exactly at 6 pm on the new, Also due your spending your current amount of money is 2.1 billion]

"Expected as much, Invest a billion of them into different company to start generating long term profits. Use the internet knowledge" I commanded before going to sleep. I woke up around 12 am, and got to work I went down into the basement, it was filled with all the equipment I needed to create the virus.

I spent 5 hours on it with the step by step knowledge, I don't know how the mad scientist accomplished such a marvelous piece of biotechnology but, it is mine know. I injected myself with it and asked Iris to put me to sleep.

I woke up 2 hours later, at 7 am in the morning. I got breakfast and looked through the news, It was all about me as the mysterious person to have become a billionaire overnight. I am sure that by now the FBI is already watching me, so I asked Iris, "Hack as much as you can about the government and report to me, what they did, Also arrange a meeting with the press." 

[Yes, sir]

It is 9 am and I am outside my home where there is press meet going on. I began by saying "Thank you everyone for coming in a short notice, You know me as the latest new billionaire, my name Asher. I will take all of your question now"

Few hands shot up and I picked up the closest, The reporter said "What is your next plan? and how are you able to succeed so quickly?"

"Well sir, I am a programmer and developed this software I call Green Light. It allows you to insert a website or application and get all the hackable paths and security breaches in it. I am planning to start a company and release a less potent one to the public, while keeping more potent but not to a point that I have to the business for extra money, and keeping the complete form for the government but they also got to pay." I said

To most people watching the new live, It was shock the first part of such a software but, the rest was mind blowing almost insane. But, to our mc it matters not as he continued the press meet "Any more questions?" A lot of hands that were present at the start were not present, there were only 2 hands and he again picked the closest one. The reporter said "Didn't you spend your childhood in jail? What is your statement on it?" herring this almost everyone listened closely. Asher began 

"Yes, I was arrested and spend time in juvenile. As for my feelings, I will tell you the truth now. I was born to poor farmers in the middle east but they sold be to the dark web. I was then used to frame me for someone else crime, this was all at the age of 11 years old and they say that I killed a family of millionaires and somehow bypassed there security. As far as I remember I had not given the chance to pick my lawyer or anything. One moment they told me to hold the knife and stand there and the next movement I was in juvenile, I was not presented to the court even." I said in a clam tone at the first but increasable more and more emotional.

Of course it was fake I didn't do it because I truly felt but I wanted something powerful 'Public Sympathy'. For the next few weeks I will have politicians, businessmen and more than handful of 'special' people call me to show there sympathy and want me to come to there launch or campaign. This is the lesson people, Power is the only right in the world. After that, I wiped my face of few tears and said

"I have no proof other than the fact that, there was not a single written statement about me anywhere. Thus, I don't blame you if chose not to believe me. I also wish not harm those who hurt me as I don't even remember there face. Only thing I overheard was that they were some dark web members. The press meet is over." After that I went into the house. My part is over, As from what I investigate I already know that the culprit is dead and if people were dug enough they would find many evidence that clearly shows it is not me. 

Now then uncle Sam, what have you been doing in my closet?


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Power Stone pls.