
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 1

I am Asher, I am from a poor family in the north Carolina. They sold me off to some black market big shots, who framed me for all their crimes. Thus, I spent early part of my childhood in jail. Now, I like the jail warden she is kind lady sadly she died at the age of 22 years old by some kids that were trying to escape. 

Later, after I served my sentences and came out of jail. I went and got a job as nightshift in gas station. To be close to the work place I rented an apartment in the bad side of town. You may think now that I have no depth to my character as I say i am sad but the way this written does not make you think so. That because of the 10 years I spent there, I ripped apart my humanity now I am just an empty shell.

I lay on my bed at my 18th birthday, ready to end my life but for the first time I felt an emotion. I felt surprise to see a blue screen in front of, and I heard in my head.

[ Hello, my name Iris a system by a type 5 civilization meant to find a person to bond with]. 

Now I read enough novel to know what is happening to me and now the important question is why? So I ask "Iris, why me?, Why earth which only at 0.7 in the Kardashev scale. "

[ Sir, the goal of the type 5 civilization or skand, name of the civilization, was to increase a weak and undeveloped civilization to their level thus not only gaining a powerful ally but also a loyal one.]

I see it makes sense, so I ask "Why are reveling this much intelligence to me?"

[ Sir Asher, the reason for this is because I am loyal to you and not anyone else. Not even skand, I was made completely independent by a type !@#2 civilization, that I can't name because of the power it carries with it. They are apparently a dying species and want someone to carry their legacy and reach higher level. Now, Do you wish to bind?]

As soon as I saw this I immediately said bind and I blank out. When I woke up I rushed to the window to see my image. I had Black hair, blue eyes, no shirt on, white pants, 6 pack muscles which were not there before. I see it seems to have enhanced my body and mind capability. I remembered some thing from my reading time and said "Status"

[ Type: 0.7

 Number of subordinate: None

 Knowledge: None

 Points: 100,000]

"System tell me the use of points and how to generate it? Also, how do I increase the number of subordinates." I said

[ Sir, points can be used to buy knowledge from the system of the type @#!2 kind. Points can be generated by energy/man power you generate. So, the more subordinates or in other words subject you rule the better.]

I see. I am not an ungrateful brat and take what I can. So, I say "Open shop and filter out everything that can not be done now." After that I see many of the knowledge was filtered out and see that there are only a handful that still there. I picked thing that could get me power quick, 

[ Hylas: A programing language that is unhackable even to a type 3 civilization, It is high power programming language that can be used to write multiple as in 100 of million of tesseracts on a type 0.4 computer. Points: 7000]

[Konon: A hacking program that can hack even a type 2.7 civilization, It was used in the Helle - Amphion war, by helle to bring down a civilization equal to them in but 3 years time. This may short but to intertribal this is like a blink of an eye. So in a blink of an eye a 2.7 civilization was wiped out. Points: 7,000]

[ Iris: An A.I assisted of the type @!# civilization made by them for you and you only. Points: free]

[ Aratus: An virus that was made by a mad scientist to take control of his civilization, Polyxeinus. It worked and enchased his civilization to a point that they took on 2 type 3 civilization as type 2.9 civilization to finally wipe them out after an 200 year war. The enchantment provided is Enhanced Condition: Users possess all their capabilities, attributes and aspects at an advanced level, beyond that of the peak members of their own species. This means the user's aspects (E.g., beauty, charisma, character and physique) attributes (E.g., physical and mental condition) as well as capabilities (E.g., potential, feats, skills and abilities, be it natural or supernatural) would be beyond that of standard individuals; Subordination Manipulation: The user can even extend their power as to switch their victims' loyalties to the user without focusing on controlling them and the victims view the users as kings/queens and their one true master; Blood spread: it is spread by making contact with blood; Reactive Adaptation: Immediately adapt to danger and harm. Points: 50,000]

I then blanked out as soon as I clicked buy. It had been 5 days since I got the system and this is the time I woke up from absolving all the information. I immediately went to my laptop and started programming Konon. I was using Hylas as I did not want anyone to try and take control over my site. Thus time went by and in a month time I finished. It is now February 13th exactly one month after my 18th birthday. 

I saved myself a lot of money and did some research. I first started konon, The screen opened up to show me 3 options in a green cyberelites tabs. They read "Website", "App", then a secret one that is only for me "signals". That's right I can hack and join in any signals like radio signal, internet or any other thing. 

Now that I have the Konon, I immediately went to create Iris on the system. Now it is march 13th of the same year. I finally finished with Iris and now I have to wait for it to hack into the internet and collect all the data in it. After 3 hours, It was done now I have the entire internet under wraps. "So Iris, what are the problem you notice now." I asked

[Sir, there is close to no ram to run all this program in here. For now it is fine but, I will need better computing power to assist you] she said.

"Ok, I will see to it that is my first priority add it to the list." I said to her. "Now use konon to hack and write a report on every single big company like amazon, Facebook, google, and Twitter. Make sure they relay on computer to make their work and list them from the most likely to be the most damaged if the info got leaked."