
Modern Family: The boy who Reincarnated

Hello guys, this is my new fanfic about 'the modern family' show which I was watching some time ago and unknowingly I make a plot in my head and now here we are. This is an AU universe of Modern Family where our MC/OC is reincarnated by a ROB with some wishes and now those wishes won't be that big like Haki or Chakra but they would somethings that can exist in reality so you should also stay tuned for that.

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19 Chs

Chapter 11

The chapter will be very short and written in hurry so please corporate.


Next Day

Logan reached where Alex usually takes her classes and started to wait for her in his car, the car Logan bring today was a 2009 Lamborghini Gallard in Orange colour.

Soon Alex come out and Logan waved his hand Alex saw him and also waved her hand. Alex come and sit his car and asked," Why do you have to bring a car that attracts attention every time?"

Logan shook his head and said," It doesn't matter if I bring expensive cars to pick you up or not. it's just my personality is like which attracts attention."

Alex nodded and Logan just drive away from her cello teacher's house. Logan on the way saw that Alex was kind of upset about something and asked," Is there something bothering you."

Alex shook her head and said," No, it's just my Cello teacher is not happy with my performance and said that I should stop playing it."

Logan looked at Alex with raised eyebrows and said," Woah, that's something new to hear because what I know is that Alex can not be so bad at something that she had to stop doing it and these words are not from someone good at teaching."

Alex didn't say anything just nodded and Logan asked," Do you really enjoy playing the Cello."

Alex was startled but nodded and Logan said," You don't really have to hide it from me, I have a good eye for a person's behaviour and can easily find out when someone is telling truth or lie."

Alex made a downcast expression and both of them soon come to a cafe. Both of them sit at a table inside the cafe and Logan asked," why don't you just quit if you don't like it."

Alex shook her head and said," I never quit anything in middle and my family have expectations from me so I can't."

Logan nodded and asked," And that's your reason for keeping doing something you don't like. that's something a sane person will never do."

Alex huffed and said," We shouldn't waste our precious time together talking about matters like these and just spend it happily together."

Logan nodded and shrugged his shoulders, he give the menu to Alex and both of them order something after some time.

Logan was telling Alex about his day and both of them were having a good time suddenly Alex said in the middle of their conversation," The wind today is very soft and cold, it would be nice to have a bike ride on this sunny day while the soft and cool wind blowing on your face."

Logan heard her words and asked," Yeah it would also be nice to sit on the grass under the shadow of a tree while enjoying the peace of the countryside."

Alex nodded and continue eating her sandwich and Logan suddenly asked," do you want to go somewhere with me for a day."

Alex shook her head and said," Mom would never allow it."

Logan said," I will talk to her and I will take you on my responsibility."

Alex said," Logan we are just 11 years old and we don't have to do like stuff like going on a ride for a day just to enjoy the breeze."

Logan shook his head and said," No, the place I am taking you is very special and I don't know when I will have a free day and age is just a number for me you know."

Alex looked at him and said," Okay, if you can convince mom I have no problem."

Logan said," Deal then, just wait and watch."

At Dunphy's house

Logan was saying," Mrs Dunphy I promise you on my name that I will take care of her so please permit us."

Claire said," No never, I will not allow it and even if I do then whenever Hailey ask me permission to go night out with her boyfriend or friends then I will not have the right to reject her."

Logan replied," but she is not even here and you can just say that Alex is doing a sleepover at her friend's house."

Claire replied," She doesn't have friends close enough to do sleepovers and after you became her boyfriend her friends also started to maintain their distance from her."

Logan inhale and exhale deeply and said," Mrs Dunphy I didn't want to say this, but you forced me. if you won't allow us to go I will run away with Alex."

Claire looked at Logan completely stunned and Alex asked him," When did we agree with this?"

Logan replied," We didn't but I know you will support me."

Alex shook her head and said," I will never support you at something like this."

Logan become disappointed and Claire said," Okay, I can't allow you to go for a day but it will be alright if you drop her off by midnight."

Logan was surprised but said," Roger, I will not be late even a second after 12:00 pm."

Claire nodded and Logan pulled Alex who was shocked by him and sit her in his 1958 Mercedes-Benz 190sl convertible.

[Image Here]

Alex said," I thought you only like modern things but never thought you would have this also."

Logan smirked and said," you still don't know many things about me." and drive away from her house.

Claire at the house thought,' it will be a hassle to convince Hailey .'


Thanks for reading, I was thinking of making it a two women story so tell me your thoughts and if yea then chooses someone from reality who was at their age in 2009.