
The Sexy, Sexy House

"So!", Phil exclaimed, spearing his arms to gesture to the whole mansion, "What do you think?". 

"It's great!", Matt exclaimed. 

"It looks awesome!", Desiree remarked. 

"There's an actual infinity pool!", Bella yelled in excitement. 

"Meh", Zephyr shrugged, "It's okay I guess. I'd have to make a bunch of changes to make it more modern and centralise the control for everything so we don't have to rely on a remote that could be lost at any time". 

"What he meant to say", Matt interrupted, "is that it's awesome!". 

"That's not what I was sayin-", Zephyr tried but Desiree covered his mouth. 

"Yep", Desiree nodded, "That's exactly what he meant to say". 

"That's great news!", Phil commented, "I'll make sure to tell Cyril about your offer. I don't want to get your hopes up too much but it seems you guys are the frontrunner for the property". 

"Thanks for doing this Phil", Matt thanked as he shook Phil's hand. 

"Nonsense", Phil waved him off, "You guys are basically family at this point and you're serious about buying the mansion, so what more could I ask?". 

"Once again, thanks for this Phil", Desiree muttered, "Matt and I were worried about finding a bigger home for us to live in after things were starting to get cramped and you've been accommodating". 

"Ahh no worries", Phil laughed things off, "I'll see you on Saturday then?". 

"Yep", Matt nodded, "We'll all be there". 

"Of course we will!", Desiree remarked, "How could we miss the annual Saturday where we all get together to have the Thanksgiving leftover". 

"Bye then", Phil waved as he opened the door. 

"Bye", the family of four said together. 

"I have to go get Bella some equipment for her Biology project so you're going to have to go with Zephyr Matt", Desiree informed as soon as Phil closed the door.

[A few minutes later - in the car]

"So", Matt asked, looking back at Zephyr with the rear-view mirror, "Are you going to tell me what's wrong with you? Every property we've looked at so far, you've complained about". 

"There's nothing wrong", Zephyr denied. 

"Are you though?", Matt raised an eyebrow, ""Every house we've seen you've had some small problem with that you take out of proportion. Cyril's house is a great choice. It has a great view, it's in a great location, it's got everything we could need and you still found a problem with it. I can tell that something's bothering you so why don't you tell me what it is?". 

For the next few seconds, the car was silent, with neither Zephyr nor Matt uttering a word. Taking a deep breath, Zephyr ended the silence that smothered the car, "I guess ... it's just that ... it feels ... strange". 

"Strange how?", Matt inquired. 

"I've basically spent all my life at our house. I grew up in that house. It's where I took my first steps, said my first words, where I had my first birthday. It's ... where home is. Suddenly moving out feels like we're forgetting everything that happened there", Zephyr muttered, releasing a tired sigh after finally releasing what was on his chest. 

"I never realised you felt that way", Matt muttered, not fully sure on he should respond. After a brief moment, he comforted Zephyr, "I know it feels like you're leaving your past, but think of moving houses as a new opportunity. A new chapter of your life so to speak. It may seem daunting, but I guarantee you that we won't move houses until you're fully ready". 

"Really?", Zephyr asked, somewhat surprised by his words. 

"Of course", Matt nodded, "I'll explain it to Desiree and I'm sure she'll understand". 

Hearing this, Zephyr let out a depressed sigh, "When you say it like that, you make it seem like I'm the villain". 

Matt shook his head, "You're not comfortable with suddenly changing houses so it's fine. We'll discuss things as a family and think of the best course of action". 

"You're not making this easy", Zephyr muttered under his breath as he gazed out the window with a blank look on his face. 

[The next day]

"Well, I'm off", Alex announced, getting up from her seat, "While I do love the new sudden tradition of all of us getting together for Thanksgiving leftovers, maybe next time we can order a turkey that doesn't have its own event horizon". 

"I'm sorry", Manny interrupted, cleaning his mouth with a napkin, "But was that meant to be a joke?". 

"You guys might not find it funny, but it's deffo going to slay at my astrophysics club", Alex remarked.

"First time anyone in that club gets slayed", Haley whispered under her breath, causing everyone at the table to laugh. 

"Seriously?!", Alex exclaimed, "You laugh at that but not at my joke?". 

"Forget them and let me give you a hug goodbye!", Gloria announced, getting up and giving Alex a very, very tight hug, "I cannot believe that you're going to college already! It feels like it was only yesterday when you were a little girl reading at college level". 

"Thanks", Alex gratefully said upon separating, adjusting her glasses which had fallen down her nose slightly. 

"Well", Zephyr remarked, getting up from his seat, "That's my cue to go as well as her ride". 

"Let me give you a goodbye hug as well!", Gloria yelled, pulling in a surprised Zephyr for a hug, "It feels like it was only yesterday when you were this cute little boy who'd struggle talking to Alex". 

"Thank you", Zephyr muttered, but then he leaned in and whispered, "Next time you try to take my wallet, don't roam your hands over my back, makes it obvious". 

As they separated, a look of surprise flashed in Gloria's eyes which she managed to quickly hide. "Make sure you drive safely!", Gloria waved at the couple as they were leaving. 

"I told you that everyone knows your driving is terrifying", Alex whispered as they walked out. 

"Pft", Zephyr scoffed, "They're just jealous of how good I am". 

"Good at getting us killed", Alex argued, closing the door. 

"Drop the act", Zephyr instructed as soon as the door was closed, "Where are we really going?". 

"We're going to go to Cyril's house", Alex explained. 

"Okay", Zephyr nodded, getting into his car, "Why are we going there again?". 

"Come on!", Alex exclaimed, "You can't be oblivious to what we're obviously going to do at that sexy, sexy house". 

"I just wanted you to confirm it", Zephyr rolled his eyes, "You can never be too sure with women". 

"What was that?!", Alex raised her voice, narrowing her eyes at Zephyr. 

"Nothing!", Zephyr quickly answered, not wanting Alex to be in a bad mood. 

"Good", Alex proudly nodded her head, "Now hurry up and drive!". 

"You asked for it", Zephyr smirked upon hearing her words and before Alex could correct herself, the car roared into life and blitzed away from Jay's house. 


Zephyr and Alex

"I've thought about it for the past few days and realised how childish I was being. I wanted so desperately to cling to something that I was so familiar with that I didn't realise how stubborn I was being. You see, moving houses is a strange and bittersweet experience. It's as if you're leaving a piece of your heart behind. Home, you see, isn't just the four walls that shelter you; it's the memories etched in those walls and the love that seeps into every nook and cranny.", Zephyr began.

"When you pack up your life, you're not just boxing up possessions; you're boxing up pieces of your heart. Each room, each corner, holds stories of laughter and tears, moments of joy and sorrow. It's where you've celebrated birthdays, where you've been raised, where you've grown up. So, when you close that front door for the last time and look back at the empty rooms, it's like leaving a piece of yourself behind. You're leaving behind the echoes of your laughter, the scent of your favourite meals, and the warmth of shared moments. It's like saying goodbye to a dear friend, knowing you might never see them again". 

"But perhaps, in this bittersweet farewell, there's also the promise of a new beginning. A chance to create a new home, to hang up new memories on the walls, to let the sunlight find its way to your heart again. Because, in the end, home isn't just a place on the map; it's the love, the laughter, and the life you bring into it. And wherever you go, you carry that home within you, making every new place a canvas waiting for the colours of your existence to paint it with the hues of belonging.". 

"That's very mature of you", Alex remarked. 

"That and we had sex in there so I'd feel bad if we didn't buy the house after that", Zephyr added. 

"And here I thought you wer-wait!", Alex stopped him from continuing, "Does that mean that you've bought everywhere we've had sex so far?". 

"Yeah", Zephyr nodded like it was nothing, "The yacht where we had our first time, that hotel we stayed at in Spain during the summer, that other hotel we stayed in and that hotel resort on the coast. I was going to try to buy the dorm we stay in but they won't let me".

"Oh my God!", Alex exclaimed. "What's wrong with you?!", Alex yelled as she grabbed his shirt and began violently pulling and pushing it. 

"Hey!", Zephyr quickly separated and defended himself, "I'm saving them for our future anniversaries. Damn it! I wasn't meant to say that!". 

"Aww! You did?", Alex asked, moved by what he said. 

"Well. Yeah", Zephyr sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. 

"That's so romantic", Alex commented, grabbing his collar and pulling him in for a kiss. 

[Commentary ends]

(AN: For those of you who are confused by Zephyr's attitude, allow me to explain. Most smart people tend to be control freaks or have an innate need to feel in control. So far, everything that's happened, Zephyr knows due to his previous knowledge so he can easily control the direction of things to go in the direction he wants so a sudden change, no matter how small, like suddenly changing houses, makes him feel like he's losing control, hence his reaction.)