
Modern Azur Lanes

-)In this world, there is no COVID-19 outbreak as the world controlled it before it could happen but a few people still got it. -)world of Azur Lanes but in Modern times with a United Azur Lanes -)Before she became the Nimitz the main character was born Mary Elizabeth “Nightwitch” Nimitz the great-granddaughter of Chester William Nimitz, until her death she became and was the mother to the ship girls of Azur

Howard_Nichols · Videojogos
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: "Homecoming: A Mother's Journey"

-Mary's POV-

-Age: 35-

-May 3rd, 2021-

-Time: 9:30 am-

-Location: USS Nimitz (CVNG-68), 30 nautical miles off of Pearl Harbor-

As I let out a violent cough from my lugs that riddles my whole body I hear one of the many medics of the ship says "That was a bad one Admiral, from the sounds of it you do not have much time left", with a light smile I say to Medic "yes I know that I will not last the night that is why I have had the USS Nimitz (CVNG-68) parked 30 nautical miles from pearl to see my daughters one last time."

As if on cue a large fleet of WW2 ships appears over the horizon in the lead of the large are eight ships which are Enterprise (CV-6), Belfast, Amagi, Bismarck, Kirov, Richelieu (Battleship), Jean Bart (Battleship) and Vittorio Veneto (Battleship), all of hum have come to spend my last day alive with me.

-15 minutes later (time 9:45 am)-

I watched as my last daughter set foot onto the flight deck from a Boeing CH-47F Chinook Transport helicopter that went to get them Enterprise, the lead ship, stepped forward as soon as the last of the ship girls disembarked from the Chinook. With a warm smile, she began, "Hello, mother, it is good to see you."

But before she could finish her greeting, a violent cough seized Mary, shaking her entire frame. The suddenness and intensity of it startled not just Enterprise but all the ship girls gathered there.

As the coughing fit subsided, Belfast, one of Mary's daughters, stepped forward, concern etched on her face. She handed Mary a cup of steaming tea, saying gently, "Here, Mom. This should help soothe your throat."

Mary accepted the tea gratefully, feeling its warmth soothing her raw throat. "Yes, I know you're all worried and scared," she replied to her concerned daughters, her voice weakened but resolute. "I won't last much longer. That's why I wanted to see my daughters one last time, here on the USS Nimitz, named after the great-grandfather of Chester William Nimitz, and to be with me when I pass on."

Moved by her mother's words, Belfast spoke softly, "If that is what you want, Mother, then it will happen. We, your daughters, will spend this last day with you."

And so, the day passed with Mary surrounded by her daughters, reminiscing about their shared memories and cherishing each moment together. As night fell, a makeshift bed was set up on the flight deck under the starlit sky.

Mary lay down on the makeshift bed with her eyes heavy with fatigue but her heart at peace which showed in her eyes, she closed her eyes one last never to wake up the next morning. Unbeknownst to Mary and her daughters, her soul would be reborn into a unique entity known as a wisdom cube, a 6x6x6 silver cube with a golden center, representing her as the mother of the ship girls, the Kasen of the USS Nimitz.

Mary Elizabeth "Nightwitch" Nimitz had earned the nickname and title "Mother of Ship Girls" when she was just 20 years old. Despite losing the ability to have children of her own at 18, she embraced her role with unwavering dedication.

As the night wore on, Mary's breathing grew shallow until it eventually stilled. Her daughters mourned her passing but found solace in the knowledge that her legacy would live on, woven into the fabric of their world.

-2 Months Later-

-Enterprise's Point-Of-View-

Two months had passed since the passing of our beloved mother, Mary Elizabeth Nimitz. In that time, the Kasens, or ship girls, had moved on, visiting the USS Nimitz (CVNG-68), the Nimitz-class Guided Missile aircraft carrier where a plaque now adorned the conning tower in honor of our mother's memory.

But as I made my visit to the Nimitz on July 3rd, I was met with a startling sight. The carrier was dead in the water off the coast of Somalia, where it had been deployed for anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden. Panic surged within me as I approached, fearing the worst.

As I pulled up alongside the Nimitz on my Idle Rigging, relief washed over me as I saw members of the crew still on board. However, confusion soon set in as we discovered that they had no idea what was happening. The ship seemed fine, yet it wasn't moving.

My heart sank as I ventured into the engine room, hoping to find some explanation for the ship's predicament. And then I saw a spot near the reactor where a wisdom cube should have been placed. But to my shock, the space was empty.

"No way, it can't be," I muttered to myself, unable to comprehend what I was seeing. The realization struck me like a thunderbolt, The memory of the glowing aura surrounding her body on that fateful night flooded back to me, our mother, Mary, had become one of us, a ship girl, the very night of her passing one month ago. But the question is where was she right now?

I, Enterprise (CV-6), a Kasen and one of Mary's many daughters, would not rest until I found her and unraveled the mystery of her transformation.

A week had passed since Enterprise discovered the USS Nimitz (CVNG-68) dead in the water, its missing wisdom cube revealed to have somehow fallen into the hands of Somali pirates just 15 miles away.

In response to this dire situation, the US government, with the support of nations around the world, launched a massive rescue and retrieval operation for the wisdom cube — the soul of Mary Elizabeth Nimitz. Task Force Mary was assembled, comprising elite units such as the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and Army Special Operations Command (USASOC).

The Task Force consists of 11 members from the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D or "Delta Force"), 23 members of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU or "SEAL Team Six"), and 11 members each from the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) and the 75th Ranger Regiment (Army Rangers). They were supported by 3 F/A-18E Super Hornets, 2 Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II Stealth Multirole Fighters, and 5 Sikorsky MH-60L Black Hawks, along with 2 MH-6MJ Little Birds from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) "Night Stalkers", totaling 66 men.

Amidst the urgency of the situation, all of the ship girls, along with representatives from each nation in the United Nations and the Eagle Union, gathered. The President of the United States addressed the assembled group, emphasizing the gravity of the mission.

"You 66 men have been chosen in this dark hour," the President began. "Your mission is to retrieve a wisdom cube currently in the hands of a large group of Somali pirates, now labeled as terrorists. Enterprise has discovered that her mother, and the mother of all ship girls, Captain Mary Elizabeth 'Nightwitch' Nimitz, has become the wisdom cube. This is a rescue mission of utmost importance. All members of both the U.N. and Azur Lane are watching. Now, move out and bring her home. Now, move out and..."

Before the President could finish, Enterprise and the other ship girls spoke as one, their voices echoing with determination, "Bring our mother back to us."

-Point-Of-View of a navy seal-

-1 Hour Later-

As we landed a mile from the Somali pirate stronghold, the 66 men of Task Force Mary gathered to plan our approach. With no intel on what awaited us, we prepared for the unknown.

After an hour of flight time, we hoofed it to the location, only to be greeted by a daunting sight of a large force comprising over 100 men and an array of military vehicles and aircraft. Tanks, trucks, infantry fighting vehicles, and attack helicopters littered the landscape, presenting a formidable challenge.

Standing on a hill overlooking the fortified base, we received a shocking revelation over our comms. The President of the United States informed us of an MQ-9 Reaper Drone armed with Hellfire missiles, providing a live feed of the situation. We were facing a well-equipped enemy, and stealth would be paramount.

"Stealth is key, men," the President's voice crackled over the comms. "Use your suppressors and target the Shilkas and aircraft with C4. We need control of the air while you search for Mary."

As we processed this information, a breakthrough occurred through the camera of the Reaper Drone, Mary appeared on the screen, standing atop a building in the heart of the base, clutching her wisdom cube. She was dressed in a full Admiral Full Dress White Uniform, a rank bestowed upon her during a speech where the plaque honoring her adorned the conning tower of the USS Nimitz.

"One minute, found her, Mary is in the middle of the stronghold, with her wisdom cube." someone said through the radio disbelief evident in the voice.

Mickael, leading Task Force Mary, took charge. "Alright, everyone," he said, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "We have our target and her location. Let's move with precision and stealth. Suppressors on, and let's neutralize those threats. Mary's and her daughters counting on us."

With determination in our hearts, we advanced, each step bringing us closer to our objective, to retrieve Mary and bring her home. For she was not just our leader the Admrial but the Mother of Ship Girls, guiding and protecting us even in the darkest of times.

-Mickael's Point-Of-View -

As we advanced stealthily towards Mary's location, our mission weighed heavily on our minds. The 66 men of Task Force Mary moved with precision, planting C4 charges on the Shilka and aircraft, neutralizing threats as we went.

Finally, we reached the building where Mary stood on the roof, her wisdom cube emitting a dim glow on the rooftop, as we cleared the building we saw a few of the Somali pirates with broken necks and knives in their hearts, in one of the room was a bed and a dead Somali pirates who looked like he was light on fire due burns to hands and face, as soon as we get to the rooftop she comes into view, It was a relief to see her, but our relief was short-lived as we observed blood staining her white dress gloves, showing that she had been in a struggle with the Somali pirates and killed form the bodies below us.

Approaching Mary cautiously, I checked her over for any other wounds, seeing none on her I look her face and said to her "Admiral Nimitz, you may remember me, I am Captain Mickael James Kayel of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU or "SEAL Team Six") my team and 44 others are here to get you home. Your daughters are waiting."

With Mary in tow, I led her back to the other members of Task Force Mary, but as we all stepped outside, we noticed that the other 44 men were missing. Before I could inquire about their whereabouts, the sound of tanks approaching interrupted us.

"Quick, get back inside. They can't see us," I ordered, urging Mary and the SEAL Team Six members back into the building we had just exited. Glancing across the street, I saw the other 44 men of Task Force Mary taking cover in nearby buildings, their heads peeking out cautiously.

We were in a precarious situation, outnumbered and outgunned by the advancing tanks. But we were determined to protect Mary and complete our mission. For she was not just a leader to us, but the Mother of Ship Girls, and we would do whatever it took to ensure her safety and bring her home.

-Mary's Point-Of-View-

Huddled with the 24 Navy SEALs in the building, I watched anxiously as the situation outside unfolded Across the street, I saw the other members of Task Force Mary, along with their reinforcements, were hiding, just like us, as the menacing tanks rolled into view.

My heart sank as I realized the danger we were all facing. I knew that I couldn't intervene directly as my wisdom cube was too vulnerable, too easily damageable at the moment if something were to happen to it, I could truly perish, leaving the ship girls without their mother.

But just as despair threatened to overwhelm me, I heard Mickael's calm and determined voice which I turned to see talking to one of him "James hit it,".

Without hesitation, James pulled out a C4 detonator, turns to me with a smile says to me "Here goes the boom", and then depressed the lever on the detonator went 'click' not a moment later, the air was filled with the deafening roar of explosions as all four of the T-72A Main Battle Tanks erupted in flames, taking out the men riding on their backs.

Relief flooded through me as I realized what had happened. Mickael and the others had acted swiftly and decisively, neutralizing the threat without hesitation. At that moment, I felt a surge of pride for the bravery and resourcefulness of Task Force Mary.

As I finally reunited with the other members of Task Force Mary, relief washed over me. We were united once more, a formidable force against the Somali pirates terrorizing the region. But as we gathered, our attention was drawn to the sky, where two MH-60L Black Hawk Direct Action Penetrator (DAP) Helicopter gunships and three AH-6M Little Bird light Attack Helicopters, each one armed with 2× 7.62×51mm NATO M134 Minigun and 2× LAU-68D/A 7-tubes rocket pods firing 2.75 in (70 mm) Hydra 70 rocket projectiles soared overhead, a minute later 12 F4F-3 Wildcat that my daughters Yorktown, Hornet, and Enterprises symbol on the tails, I could not help but smile as the last the F4F-3 Wildcat flyes by with a single barrel role.

The sound of gunfire and explosions echoed in the distance as the helicopters targeted the positions of the Somali pirates, swiftly neutralizing the threat. It was a sight to behold, the sheer power and precision of the US military in action.

As the AH-6M Little Bird flew over, one of the Delta Force members handed me a radio. I listened intently as the voice of the President of the United States came through.

"Mary, if you are hearing this, then you have been found by Task Force Mary. The world stands behind us in our mission to return you to your daughters," the President's voice declared with conviction. "As the President of the U.S., I will stop at nothing to see that happen. The fight to get you back is on and the Somali pirates who are holding you from your daughters will face the consequences of their actions."

I looked up to see an MQ-9A Reaper Drone hovering overhead, armed and ready to provide support. Despite the danger I faced, I felt a surge of hope knowing that the world was rallying behind us, determined to bring me back to my daughters.

But as I stood there, surrounded by my fellow soldiers, I couldn't shake the knowledge that my wisdom cube was vulnerable. I knew that I couldn't risk endangering myself any further. My daughters needed me, and I would do whatever it took to ensure their safety, even if it meant remaining hidden and out of harm's way.

-Third Person Point-Of-View-

As the live feed from the MQ-9 Reaper Drone continued to stream, Enterprise, Yorktown, Hornet, New Jersey, South Dakota, Baltimore, Bremerton, Reno Saniego, St. Louis, Mullany, and Charles Ausbune all watch intently, witnessing the valiant efforts of the 66 men of Task Force Mary as they worked to rescue their mother from the clutches of the Somali pirates.

Meanwhile, New Jersey, freshly refitted with her 1982 armament: 9 × 16-inch/50-caliber Mark 7 gun (3 Mounts x3), 12 × Mk 28 Mod 2 5"/38 caliber Deck Guns (6 Mounts x 2), 32 × Mk-143 Armored Box launchers (8 Launchers x 4 BGM-109C Tomahawk missile's), 16 × Mk-141 Guided Missile Launching System (4 Mounts x 4 RGM-84A Harpoon), 4 × 20 mm Mark 15 Phalanx Block 0 Close-in weapon system (CIWS), stood ready to provide fire support. She listened as the drone controllers and Navy SEALs called in shelling requests, directing two BGM-109C Tomahawk cruise missiles and 16-inch shells toward hardened targets.

The tension was palpable as the helicopters carrying Task Force Mary before the fighting started approached the LZ. Then, with a sense of relief and triumph, they watched as their mother handed her wisdom cube to one of the SEALs before fading away, safe and sound back into her wisdom cube, then lifting off back to the fleet.

"Home Plate, this is Night Stalker 5-1 changing callsign to Nightwitch 2-2," one of the helicopter pilots radioed in. "Passing Phase line lighting, repeat, we are Passing Phase line lighting now going by Nightwitch 2-2. We have them, returning with the package. Have the girls waiting for their mother and a welcome home for her. One last thing: there were no non-combatants in the area of operation, can confirm that there are only the Somali pirates. Let them have it, Big J. Wipe them off the map with the remaining 30 Greyhounds you have and your nine 16-inch guns. Nightwitch 2-2 out."

With a grin that goes from ear to ear and glam in her eyes, New Jersey says over the radio "With pleaser Nightwitch 2-2 and thank you, Big J out" unleashes all 30 BGM-109C Tomahawk missiles and lets her nine 16-inch guns on the compound, obliterating the Somali pirates' stronghold from the face of the earth when the last shots from the Tomahawk missiles and letting nine 16-inch guns form new jersey are done Enterprise exclaims, her voice filled with pride and a big smile on her face "They did it, they got her…OUR MOTHER IS COMING HOME, SHE IS COMING HOME!"

The ship girls erupted in cheers of happiness and Joy their voices echoing as one repeating Enterprise. "OUR MOTHER IS COMING HOME, SHE IS COMING HOME!" they exclaimed, their relief and joy palpable. Finally, after a harrowing ordeal, their beloved mother would be reunited with them once more.

-Enterprise's Point-Of-View-

I watched as the helicopters touched down gently on the deck of the USS Nimitz (CVNG-68), and my heart raced with anticipation. As the rotors slowed to a stop, I watched eagerly as the SEALs disembarked, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and relief and in Captain Kayel's hands, the wisdom cube glowed with an ethereal light, signaling my mother's imminent return.

-Mary's Point-Of-View-

As the SEALs stepped off the MH-6MJ Little Birds, the wisdom cube in Captain Kayel's hand pulsed with energy, and before I knew it, I found myself materializing in my full Admiral Full Dress White Uniform. Blood-stained white dress gloves, a grim reminder of the struggle I endured at the hands of the Somali pirates.

-Enterprise's Point-Of-View-

Without hesitation, I enveloped my mother in a tight embrace, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks, I whispered to her, my voice choked with emotion. "Welcome home, mother, We all have missed you so much."

-Mary's Point-Of-View-

As I returned to Enterprise's embrace, I glanced around and noticed that only ten ship girls were present. It dawned on me that the others must be back at Azur Lane, awaiting word of the operation. Turning to the members of both the U.N. and Azur Lane gathered on the deck, I asked tentatively, "Would it be alright if we headed to Azur Lane to see my other daughters?"

With their unanimous consent, I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me. Despite the trials and tribulations we had faced, I was surrounded by allies who supported and cherished me. As we prepared to depart for Azur Lane, I knew that I was not just a mother to my ship girls, but a part of a larger family that spanned oceans and continents.

As the fleet of ships made its way back to Azur Lane, I found myself surrounded by my daughters, their voices filling the air with tales of their adventures and experiences over the past two months. We shared laughter and tears, reminiscing about our time apart and expressing our love for one another.

But amidst our conversations, the sound of familiar engines overhead caught our attention. Looking up, we saw WW2 planes flying in formation, F4F-3 Wildcat, Supermarine Seafire F Mk XVII, Mitsubishi A6M2 (Type 0 Model 21) "Zero" and Messerschmitt Bf 109T-1, each one from each of the major factions of Azur Lane. It was a heartwarming sight, a clear sign that my other daughters knew I was coming home.

As more planes appeared in the sky and a squadron of Heavy and Light Cruisers emerged on the horizon, led by Prinz Eugen with horns blaring, I felt a surge of emotion. These ships were not just welcoming me home; they were also tasked with ensuring my safe arrival.

With tears of joy streaming down my cheeks, I gazed out at the approaching fleet, overwhelmed by the love and support of my daughters and their comrades. In that moment, I realized just how fortunate I was to be surrounded by such strong and caring individuals.

As we continued our journey back to Azur Lane, I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. No matter what challenges lay ahead, I knew that I would always have my daughters by my side, guiding me, supporting me, and loving me unconditionally.

As we neared the Azur Lane base, I looked out at the formation of ships surrounding us, my heart swelling with pride and gratitude. Three aircraft carriers, Enterprise, Hornet, and Yorktown, along with the battleships New Jersey and South Dakota, heavy Cruisers Baltimore and Bremerton, light cruisers, Reno, San Diego, St. Louis, Mullany, and Charles Ausbun with Prinz Eugen leading the fleet of heavy and light cruisers came to escort us back to the base, formed a protective circle around us.

With tears of joy in my eyes, I watched as my daughters stood on the decks of their ships, their expressions filled with love and anticipation. The horn blaring ceased as they prepared to welcome me home once more.

As we neared the base, I was greeted by a sight that took my breath away. My daughters had formed a line going from destroyer to Battleship into the base with their ships, their horns blaring in celebration, my daughters who had idel rigging as aircraft carriers proudly displayed their nations' flags, alongside the Azur Lane flag and a copy of my personal flag right in the center of their flight decks in the middle of the bay.

With a sense of awe and humility, I led my daughters with me into the bay of the base, surrounded by the sounds of horns blaring and cheers echoing in the air from my other daughters who are still here at the base. It was a moment of pure joy and reunion, as I embraced each of my daughters, feeling the warmth of their love and the strength of our bond.

As I stood there, surrounded by my beloved daughters and their comrades, I knew that I was truly home. Azur Lane was not just a base; it was a family, a place where I belonged and where I was loved unconditionally, with tears of happiness streaming down my cheeks, I whispered a silent thank you to the universe for bringing me back to my daughters.

As I docked the USS Nimitz (CVNG-68) in one of the docking areas of the bay, I was greeted by the heartwarming sight of my daughters lining up on the docks, eager to welcome me to their home. They reached out for hugs, their expressions hopeful that I would choose to stay and become the commander of the base, a role left vacant by previous male commanders who were unfit for the position.

Before I could even step off the ship, I was approached by the President of the United States and members of Azur Lane. Their presence was unexpected, but their words were even more surprising.

"Admiral Mary Elizabeth Nimitz 'Nightwatch..'," the President began, his voice filled with respect and admiration, "after a long discussion on the way here, we have come to a decision. We believe that you are the best candidate to lead and command the forces of Azur Lane base therefore, we offer you the position of Commander and Leader of Azur Lane, as well as a permanent residence here with your daughters. What do you say?"

I felt a surge of emotion overwhelm me as I looked to my daughters for guidance. Their faces were filled with love and support, their silent encouragement urging me to accept this incredible opportunity.

Turning back to the President, I nodded firmly. "Mr. President, I was hoping you would ask. I want nothing more than to be by their side from here on out. Yes, I am honored to accept the position of Commander of Azur Lane."

As the words left my lips, cheers erupted from my daughters, their horns blaring sounding all out the base in celebration. Tears of joy welled up in my eyes as I realized that I was not just their mother now also their leader, entrusted with the responsibility of guiding them and protecting them.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I stepped off the ship and embraced my daughters, feeling a sense of belonging and fulfillment washed over me. Azur Lane was not just a base; it was my home, and I was determined to lead my daughters and their comrades with strength, wisdom, and compassion.

-)Mary Elizabeth “Nightwitch” Nimitz: She became the mother of ship girls when she was 20 years old which earned her the nickname and Title ‘Mother of Ship girls’, she took the role with everything she had this is due to when she was 18 years old she lost the ability to have any children of her own

-)Weapons of Task Force Mary (all have suppressors); Heckler & Koch MP5N Submachine gun, Colt M16A4 rifle, M4A1 SOPMOD Block II Carbine, Knight's Armament SR-25 Semi-Automatic Sniper rifle, and M60E6 General-purpose machine gun

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Howard_Nicholscreators' thoughts