
Mob in a fantasy novel

Sorin, a seemingly ordinary teenager, finds himself thrust into a new world after an unexpected death. Given a second chance at life, he seizes the opportunity to break free from his mundane existence. Sorin, armed with his scheming and cunning mind, faces off against otherworldly monsters, beasts, and demons in the dark world of Arcanists. Sorin's unyielding determination knows no bounds, and he's willing to employ any ruthless tactic to shape his fate and seize his destiny! Follow his journey through a vast world of danger and mystery as Sorin pursues an unrestrained life, unmatched and with no equal! --------------- A/n A very big world where power is the law! If you like novels where ruthless MC gets stronger and schemes against his enemies, this novel is for you! MC is in a novel world and knows the future, however I will note that the plot won't revolve around my MC face-slapping the protagonist nor steal his women... Well, only if he benefits out of it. Please come into this novel expecting a vast and unique world!

Revireuu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Improvements and future plans

Sorin awoke to the persistent sound of knocking on his door. He slowly climbed out of bed, his body still fatigued from the harrowing experience he had endured. 

Sorin frowned slightly, feeling the uncomfortable sensation of dampness on his body. He hadn't bothered to dry himself off before collapsing into bed, and now his body felt chilled and tacky. He simply didn't have the energy at the time to care.

As he rose to his feet, Sorin couldn't help but notice that his body felt remarkably lighter than usual. Setting that thought aside for the moment, he promptly dressed himself before making his way to the door and opening it.

As Sorin opened the door, he found a man standing on the other side, patiently waiting.

"Is this student Sorin?" the man inquired as he looked at Sorin, awaiting confirmation of his identity.

Sorin nodded, acknowledging that he was indeed the student in question.

The man then extended a small, ornate box towards Sorin, sealed with the emblem of the Academy. "I've been instructed to deliver this to you as compensation for the recent incident involving the Dark Arcanists," he explained.

"I see. Thank you," Sorin replied with a polite nod. 

As the delivery man departed, Sorin studied the box for a moment before his lips curled into a knowing smile. He didn't need to open it to guess the contents. 

Closing the door behind him, Sorin promptly set the box down on a table. He then proceeded to head to the washroom, eager to rid himself of the uncomfortable sensation he was feeling from his sticky, clammy skin.

After Sorin freshened himself up, he arrived before the box. Sorin pondered, contemplating the compensation he might receive from the Academy for his 'traumatic experiences.'

Sorin opened the box and couldn't help but scoff at the contents. "The academy is incredibly stingy," Sorin muttered.

Sorin had expected to recieve at the very least 1 high grade arcane crystal, however, it was merely 30 medium grade crystals.

"I guess this is what my value is in their eyes," Sorin lightly laughed to himself.

'Oh well. Nothing I can do about it. At least I received some form of compensation. However, they probably gave much more to students or families with greater influence to maintain their reputation.' Sorin thought.

Sorin set the box aside and turned his attention to his body. He was curious about the changes that had occurred in his body after absorbing one bottle of the Tier 4 treasure.

As he inspected himself, he realised that his skin had indeed improved significantly, feeling smoother and healthier. His hair had taken on a silkier texture, a subtle change that nonetheless caught his attention.

His vitality seemed to have increased significantly, making his muscles feel slightly more defined. His body now felt like tightly coiled springs ready to unleash their stored energy. The beating of his heart also felt more robust.

With a newfound sense of vigor, Sorin decided to test his physical prowess. He squared his stance, focusing his attention on his right hand. He wondered if his dominant hand held any noticeable changes.

He initiated a quick jab, extending his arm with precision. To his amazement, the motion felt effortless and precise, as if his arm had been finely tuned for combat.

Encouraged by this discovery, Sorin decided to test his left hand next. With a powerful swing, he realised that his less-dominant hand now possessed a newfound grace and strength that rivaled his right hand.

Eager to explore further, Sorin turned his attention to his legs. He lifted his right leg, feeling the power within it surge as he executed a controlled kick into the air.

The resulting rush of wind created a faint howl, a testament to the speed and force he had generated. It was as if he had tapped into a wellspring of energy that was just waiting to be harnessed.

Sorin couldn't help but slightly curve his lips. The changes in his body had amplified his physical abilities which would now give him an edge in fights between Arcanists.

Unlike the residents of Nheridia who are mainly body cultivators, people of Terra generally only focus on their Mana Cube and comprehension of spells. This leaves their physical abilities rather lackluster.

In this diverse world of magic, the residents of Nheridia and Terra stood as two distinct groups with vastly different approaches to honing their abilities.

Nheridia, a land known for its formidable body cultivators, placed immense emphasis on physical training and martial prowess. Their philosophy was deeply rooted in the belief that a strong and resilient body was the foundation upon which powerful 'magic' could be built.

As such, Nheridians dedicated their lives to rigorous physical conditioning, developing incredible strength, agility, and endurance. Their bodies became living weapons, capable of unleashing devastating blows and enduring great hardships.

On the other hand, the inhabitants of Terra followed a different path to mastery. They focused their energies on the cultivation of Mana, the life force that allowed them to cast spells and harness magical powers.

For the people of Terra, physical training was more of an afterthought, a means to maintain basic stamina rather than a primary pursuit. Their primary goal was to expand their knowledge of spells, develop their Mana Cubes to their fullest potential, and unlock the secrets of the arcane.

Both groups had their distinct advantages and disadvantages, fueling a series of conflicts aimed at asserting the superiority of their ideologies. This often led to many wars and battles between the two.

'Dealing with the people of Nheridia may be bothersome, but they are straightforward. Much like in Terra, strength is held in high regard, and in Nheridia, it's even more pronounced. There, disputes are resolved through displays of power, which can result in brutal battles or, surprisingly, the forging of strong bonds,' Sorin reflected.

'This world has a significant issue with racism. While there are places where demi-humans and intelligent Mana Beasts coexist within Terra, maintaining their safety requires substantial power. Nheridia shares similar challenges,' he contemplated.

Sorin's physical prowess had already experienced substantial enhancements, and these improvements would continue as he consumed the remaining four bottles.

The effects would diminish with each use, but the end result promised a dramatic surge in his strength.

A vessel perfectly made for body refinement, one might say.

Unfortunately, Sorin lacked a body refinement technique like Leo's, which were closely tied to his spatial affinity. A truly powerful technique.

Sorin at this moment, doesn't plan to do body cultivation like Leo. Body cultivators are extremely powerful, however they need just as much or more resources than Arcanists. 

Attempting to cultivate both his body and the Mana Cube would be foolish if Sorin couldn't handle the demands of either one.

On the topic of money, Sorin understands the importance of finding a stable source of income. While competitions and tournaments in the Academy may provide some money and resources, he recognises that it won't be nearly enough to meet his needs as an Arcanist.

Sorin contemplated, thinking up a few methods to increase his wealth. He eliminated a few ideas such as going into rifts. Though they had lots of treasures, they would either be too dangerous or they would open much later in the novel.

After eliminating a few more ideas, Sorin then started thinking about some individuals within the novel. These would be, friends and allies Leo would meet on his journey. He would save them, and they would compensate him.

Sorin also got rid of this idea. Though it could solve his current situation, these events happened a lot later in the novel and required the abilities to do so. Those being the means to heal people or strength needed to defend someone from an attack: something Sorin still lacked.

After pondering some more, Sorin then remembered some information within the novel about a succession crisis that happened to one of Leo's friends. It was about how he became King, however he had to fight against his brothers and even one of his sisters.

'If I remembered correctly, this person was the weakest out of all of them and he was overly kind to everyone despite being treated so poorly in his upbringing.'

He had been ostracised by his family, however after his talents towards the spellwright occupation had bloomed, his life dramatically shifted. 

Sorin's desire for wealth led him to see the potential benefits of befriending a future leader of a kingdom. 

However, he needs someone that would be an effective tool. He doesn't need a kind-hearted individual like him that would refuse to even hit an animal if it benefited him. Much-less use him to scheme against his own family members.

After thinking a little about which person he should help out, Sorin decided on the princess. 

Sorin recalled that in the novel, Leo's friend had described the princess as an utterly ruthless individual, capable of resorting to any means to achieve her ambitions. She had cunningly orchestrated the downfall of two of his four brothers before her treacherous schemes were exposed, ultimately leading to her execution.

The princess's circumstances seemed to align perfectly with Sorin's needs. She was in a vulnerable position: an unlikely candidate for the throne, and her status was only slightly better than Leo's friend before his talent was discovered. Additionally, she is female.

In this world, due to magic, patriarchy wasn't as oppressive as it had been in Sorin's previous life before the advent of gender equality laws.

However, women were still looked down upon in this world.

Sorin began thinking of a few ways to help the princess. He also needs to make sure that she was actually useful. If Sorin's intuition about her was wrong, he could simply choose one of the brothers.

With his plans in mind, Sorin turned his attention to cultivating his Mana Cube. It was a crucial step in his journey to gain power and influence in this world, and he knew that he needed to make steady progress in order to achieve his goals.