
MMORPG: To the new world

Lati_Naik · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

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In the heart of a dense forest, a group of people concealed themselves among the towering trees. Cloaked in darkness, they bore the resemblance of bandits, poised for a furtive snatch. The new moon's absence of light cast an eerie shadow, rendering the entire forest dim and foreboding. Visibility was limited to a mere five meters, shrouding the surroundings in obscurity.

"Boss, are you certain the Raging Bull Clan will pass through this way?" inquired a member of the group, his voice laced with uncertainty. He perched on a tree branch, peering at their leader, who stood at the forefront wearing a black hood.

"I paid a hefty sum for this Intel, but it's reliable. The Shadow Moon Intel has never failed me," the boss replied with conviction. His voice held an air of confidence and trust in the information they had received. "I heard that Anurag Kumar, the leader of the Raging Bull Clan, intends to lead his party on a secret hunt in a hidden dungeon he discovered. Somehow, the Shadow Moon associates obtained this fresh Intel, and I purchased it. According to the information, they should be arriving soon."

The bandit group, known as the Mountain Hustlers, lacked fame in the area, as they were considered rookies. However, their boss was a seasoned professional, once affiliated with the renowned Shadow Assassins Clan before departing for reasons unknown.

After a few tense minutes, a flickering light pierced through the darkness, illuminating the muddy road that meandered through the forest. The sound of hoofbeats reverberated, signaling the approach of people on horseback— the very prey the bandits had been lying in wait for.

"Get ready, everyone. Our quarry has arrived," the boss whispered, his voice barely audible. He raised a hand, silently gesturing to his comrades.

"Yes, Boss," the others murmured in unison, their voices blending seamlessly with the nocturnal symphony of the forest. They swiftly unsheathed their weapons of all kinds, preparing for the imminent confrontation.

As the group of eight from the Raging Bull Clan drew nearer to the bandit hideout, a wave of anticipation coursed through the bandits. Their leader, with a controlled fervor, bellowed the command, "Attack!"

The battle was about to commence, the clash of wills hidden within the darkened expanse of the forest.

The dark new moon cast an eerie gloom as the eight weary travelers made their way through the dense forest. They moved cautiously, their senses heightened by the absence of moonlight. Little did they know that lurking in the shadows were fifteen bandits, plotting their ambush with malicious intent.

Suddenly, from the depths of the forest, a blood-curdling scream shattered the silence. The travelers spun around, their hearts pounding, as the bandits emerged, their eyes gleaming with malevolence.

With ruthless efficiency, the bandits surrounded the startled group, encircling them in a deadly ring. The darkness provided cover for their wicked intentions, making it difficult for the travelers to anticipate their next move.

Sensing the impending danger, Anurag Kumar, the group's leader, spoke in a hushed tone to his companions. "Prepare yourselves. Stay close and watch each other's backs. We must face this threat together."

The bandits, emboldened by the cover of darkness, lunged forward, their blades glinting ominously. Chaos erupted as the battle commenced, the clash of steel reverberating through the night.

Aman, a skilled archer, desperately tried to spot his targets in the blackened landscape. "Keep moving! Don't let them surround us!" he called out, his voice laced with urgency.

In the midst of the skirmish, Neha, a quick-footed warrior, engaged in a ferocious duel with one of the bandits. The sounds of their clashing weapons echoed through the night as they exchanged deadly blows.

Meanwhile, the mages of the group, Priya and Ravi, summoned small orbs of magical light to illuminate the battlefield. Their spells illuminated fleeting glimpses of the bandits, providing momentary clarity amidst the darkness.

Yet, the bandits fought with a cunning born of desperation. They attacked from the shadows, striking swiftly and disappearing into the night. The travelers found it increasingly difficult to defend themselves against their elusive foes.

As the battle wore on, fatigue set in, and the travelers realized the odds were against them. Their defenses weakened, and one by one, they succumbed to the bandits' relentless assault.

Finally, with a last gasp of determination, Anurag fell to his knees, surrounded by the victorious bandits. Darkness swallowed the scene as the bandits looted the fallen and melted back into the night, leaving the travelers defeated and broken.

The new moon cast a shroud of sorrow over the desolate forest, its silence bearing witness to the tragic outcome of the ill-fated encounter. The travelers' dreams of reaching safety extinguished, their journey cut short by the merciless bandits who thrived under the cover of the moonless night.

In the depths of the dense forest, a group of bandits, their faces hidden beneath tattered hoods, found solace within a hidden sanctuary. Their bodies still thrummed with the adrenaline of battle, their victory fresh in their minds. The spoils of their conquest lay before them, a tantalizing assortment of stolen treasures. Yet, among the plunder, a single item held their gaze in awe and fascination - a legendary sword.

Whispers filled the air as the bandits, now reduced to a mere handful, huddled together in the dimly lit space. A glint of greed sparkled in their eyes, overshadowing the camaraderie that had once bound them. The allure of the legendary sword had ignited a dangerous fire within their hearts, igniting a storm of treacherous thoughts and sinister intentions.

Vikram, the bandit leader, his voice barely more than a murmur, cast a covetous glance at the majestic weapon. "Look at it, my comrades. That sword holds unimaginable power. With it, we could become the rulers of this forsaken forest."

Rahul, his eyes gleaming with avarice, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Vikram. We've risked our lives for far too long, and it's time we seize our destiny. That legendary sword will be our ticket to greatness."

Shreya, her voice laced with determination, added, "We've been loyal to Vikram all this while, but now it's our turn to claim our share. We deserve more than mere scraps."

Amar, a sly grin playing on his lips, chimed in, "Imagine the power we'll wield with that sword. The forest will tremble before us, and other clans will bow down."

The bandits exchanged knowing glances, their collective ambition fueling their treacherous desires. The bond of loyalty that once held them together began to fray, replaced by a hunger for power and self-preservation.

Vikram, sensing their growing discontent, spoke with a mixture of authority and persuasion. "Listen, my comrades. We've come this far together, and I've led you through thick and thin. But now, the opportunity of a lifetime lies before us. The legendary sword is the key to our ascendancy. With it, we will carve our own destiny."

Rahul, his eyes narrowing with suspicion, challenged Vikram. "But what guarantee do we have that you won't keep the sword for yourself, leaving us with empty promises?"

Vikram, his voice tinged with conviction, declared, "I swear on our brotherhood that once we possess the sword, we will share its power equally. Together, we will rule this forest and claim the riches that have eluded us for so long."

The bandits exchanged hesitant glances, their trust wavering. However, the allure of power proved too enticing to resist. They made a silent pact, their eyes fixed on the legendary sword that lay before them.

Unbeknownst to Vikram, his comrades had already set their plans in motion. The seed of betrayal had taken root, and the forest's fate hung in the balance.

In a swift and synchronized motion, the bandits lunged at Vikram, their weapons raised against their former leader. It was a whirlwind of steel and fury as blows were exchanged, each strike fueled by vengeance and the desire for power.

Vikram fought valiantly, his years of experience and skill evident in his every move. He parried their attacks, countering with swift and precise strikes. But the sheer numbers of his opponents overwhelmed him, their treachery and thirst for dominance giving them an unholy strength.

As the battle raged on, the once unbreakable bond of brotherhood crumbled under the weight of betrayal. The forest echoed with the clash of steel and the cries of anguish, its ancient trees bearing witness to the darkness that had befallen its inhabitants.

Despite his resilience, Vikram found himself surrounded, their onslaught unrelenting. One by one, his former comrades launched ferocious attacks, exploiting every opportunity to strike at his vulnerabilities. Blood stained the forest floor, mingling with the dirt and leaves, a testament to the price that had been paid for power.

With each passing moment, Vikram's strength waned, his body battered and bruised. He fought with an unyielding spirit, refusing to succumb to their treachery. But in the end, his will alone could not triumph over the forces aligned against him.

A final blow landed, striking true, and Vikram stumbled backward, his breath labored. He knew his end was near, but even in defeat, his defiance burned brightly. Through gritted teeth, he spoke words that carried the weight of his legacy.

"You may have taken me down, but remember this... Power gained through betrayal is hollow. It will consume you, tearing apart all that you hold dear. The forest will curse your name, and your reign of darkness will crumble. This I foretell."

As Vikram said this he disintegrated into particles.



As the bandits stood over the fallen body of their leader, Vikram, a sudden disturbance disrupted the stillness of the forest. The air crackled with a strange energy, and a mysterious portal materialized before them, pulsating with an otherworldly glow.

Before anyone could react, Vikram was engulfed by the swirling portal, his body dissolving into shimmering blue particles that danced in the air. A voice echoed from within the portal, distorted and glitched.

"Error. Collision with meteorite detected. System failure... Respawn initiated."

The bandits watched in stunned. This has never happened before them as Vikram's body disappeared into nothingness.

Vikram woke up suddenly in my apartment, his heart pounding in my chest. Confusion enveloped as he glanced around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. "Huh, why am I here?" Vikarqm muttered, his voice filled with bewilderment.

As Vikram slowly regained his bearings, a surge of realization washed over him. This wasn't where he was supposed to be. He was supposed to be in the game capsule on the spaceship, embarking on a virtual journey in a futuristic world. But here he was, back in his present-day apartment, as if he had been plucked out of the game and dropped into reality.

He checked the date on his phone, and his eyes widened in disbelief. It read 12th December 2120. A five years behind the future from where he had started playing game. 'How could this be? How did I end up back in time?' Questions swirled in Vikram's mind, desperately seeking answers that eluded him.

As Vikram grappled with the overwhelming shock, a wave of memories flooded his consciousness. The game, the time-traveling adventures, the altered destiny. It all rushed back to him. Somehow, the virtual world had intertwined with reality, and he found himself transported to a past where he his actual journey started.

But the changes weren't confined to the world around him. Vikram realized that he held within him knowledge of events that were yet to come, information that could shape the course of history.

A surge of purpose coursed through his veins. He had been granted a unique perspective, an opportunity to reshape the course of events, both within the game and outside of it. The implications were immense, and he couldn't ignore the possibilities that lay before him.

"This time it will be different. "

He was a failure in the game world with no achievements and fame. He had a tough life back then but know he knew the future and he has decided to be at the top of the world so that no one can bully him again in this life.

This is my first novel and it's chapter, so please support by voting us and write a review of what you guys feel.

Lati_Naikcreators' thoughts