
Planning For The Future

Time would now unfreeze, and the world was back to normal again.

Angelica returned after I banished her through Omni Warp. But of course, as a Great King, she also had it.

Everything felt silent and eerie for the three Battle Maids who were standing before me… considering I was in front of Mona.

She could only stare at me, confused.

In her point of view, I was on my throne one second ago, and now I'm standing in front of her the next.

She was blushing heavily, until she looked to the side, seeing Angelica right next to me, who was glancing at the masochistic maid.

"You seem heavily flustered." Proclaimed Angelica.

"L-Lady Angelica… It's an honor to be in your presence!" Keiko would kneel before her, holding each side of her dress to show her appreciation, "I have long awaited your return to Lord Emperor's domain!"

"Do you have a crush on Angelica, Keiko?" I asked her without any lick of hesitation.

"C-Crush?! N-No my lord… You know I only have feelings for you…"

"And you know my response to that, I have no desire to be with another person. Man or woman."

"I-I see… b-but it doesn't mean I like her!" She balled up her fists, frantically wiggling her arms up and down. It was obvious she was embarrassed, "I would never!"

"Hmm, I see. Perhaps I'll need to create a spell that can see through deception." I teasingly said.

"E-Even if you do, nothing I say will be a lie!" Responded Keiko, embarrassed.

"Emperor creating spells? You must be too weak, that's why you need to make some others huh?"

I glanced at Crimson who mocked me.

Crimson, also known as "Wave_Protocol", has the goal of creating a harem of females. Muscle mommies, catgirls, and all sorts of abominations.

If he's so determined to do that, why not help him out?

And so… a mischievous smile would spread across my face.

"Mona, Crimson here, loves a woman like yourself. For so long he's desired a female that can endure his asshole personality, and you fit that criteria. He may be abusive, but- huh?"

What the hell?!

I wasn't even talking to Mona anymore, she was already gone, standing next to Crimson!!

Holy hell!

"Hey, get off me you bitch! Move!" Crimson had his arm grasped by her overwhelming strength, as she pressed her boobs into his forearm.

"Y-You monster… abusing women like that, how dare you? How dare you treat them like scum?"

"What the hell are you talking about?! Don't tell me you're believing that jerk, Emperor??"

"Whatever Lord Emperor says is true, will be true!"

"What the hell does that mean? Have an open mind will yah!?"

"No, I will never disbelieve my summoner! Now show me the strength you use on those poor innocent woman, so I can also take their pain!"

"Hahahaha, this is unexpected, I can't believe what I'm witnessing right now!" Kuma started to laugh at the commotion, holding his stomach in pain, "Looks like you have your first harem member, Crimson! Hahahaha!"

"Hey, Kuma, this isn't funny man! Help me out, please!" Crimson shouted.

My buddy, Crimson, was a user of defensive magic.

That's his magic class.

He protected us from overwhelming attacks many times throughout the course of our adventures together.

He's durable, there's no doubt about it.

But let's see if he can endure Mona for an entire week.

"Mona, I order you to travel alongside Crimson for the entire week, Do as you wish, but make sure he is safe."

"L-Lord Emperor… do you really mean it?"

"Mm, I do."

"The hell bro?! What do you mean by 'protect me'? You know damn well I don't need no protecting!"


"Hey, don't ignore me Emperor, bastard!"

"Emerald, will you come here for a second?" I asked, ignoring crimson.

"Hm?" Emerald approached me with her heels being heard walking upon the stone surface. She scoffed at Crimson as she walked past him, standing in front of me, "Do you need something from me, brother?"

"I need one particular thing, do you think you can do it for me?"

"Of course, but it depends on what you ask of me." Responded Emerald.

"Send the Swindlers Guild a message for me. The Guild Master there is a modder; he installed different sets of mods to break the game's system. He's a threat, and he's dangerous… so we'll have the Phantom Mutiny give him a warning."

"I see, a modder is he? Interesting. He seems quite intriguing, perhaps a fight with him would be quite fun, no?"

("For the love of god Astral… please don't fight him. Is this your real-life personality talking, or your Game Avatars?")

"No, by all means, don't fight him. I'm sure you can defeat him, even if he's a modder, but that isn't my goal right now."

"Tell me then, what is your goal? I don't like to be kept in the dark about a lot of things, and you know this."

("Hmm, she's right. Emerald is basically my sister in this world, I have to respect and put my faith in her. But even so, I can tell her later. Right now, I'll have to keep it to myself.")

"I'll tell you once you fulfill the task, Sister."

"Alright then… what is it that I shall do?!"

"Cause chaos upon the Swindlers Guild. Wreak havoc, destroy what needs to be destroyed, but spare the lives of those in it. Leave them a message, and tell the members of the Swindlers Guild that Phantom Mutiny is watching them."

"Ara ~ Ara, such an entertaining task, ruined by the fact that I can't kill anyone. What a tease."

("…Yep, that's definitely Emerald talking right now.")

"Can I trust you, sis?" I asked reluctantly.

"Asking me if you can trust me is an insult, please refrain from dubious questions such as that." Emerald glared at me, sending chills up my spine.

I may be a Great King… but she's still my sister in-game.

Emperor naturally fears her presence.

"I apologize. I know you'll complete the task with little to no effort, so I'll await your return."

"Good, it won't be long before I return back then."

"Indeed, but tell me… do you know where the Swindlers Guild is located?" I asked.

"Naturally. I can smell their putrid scent miles away, and honestly… I've been wanting to kill them for a while."

"Perhaps I should join you then, Emerald." Christopher approached from behind her, smiling, "If that's fine by you, Emperor?"


("Why does Christopher want to join? I mean… sure, both of them together is terrifying, to say the least, but I feel like with him in the mix, their presence combined will just kill the other Swindler Members from fear alone. But maybe I'm overreacting.")

"It's fine," I muttered.

"Good, then it's settled. We'll pay those filthy Swindler Members a little visit." Announced Christopher.

"My partner in crime is joining me? Fumu," Emerald snickered, "Now I feel bad for those pesky Guild Members."

Yeahhhhh… even Emerald realizes that both of them together is a bad idea.

But… I do want to give them a message, so if inflicting the ultimate fear is my only option, then I have no choice.

"May Terra guide your souls," I muttered, "Have it completed in two days, max."

"Very well, it shall be done." Said Emerald.

"Two days of inflicting fear? You're quite harsh, Emperor."

"I am harsh, but sometimes that is what's needed to get what you want."

"Indeed," Christopher nodded, "Then we shall be off. Come, let us first buy drinks, Emerald."

They both agreed to go out first, so they used Spatial Warp, teleporting back to the Main Lobby.

Hopefully, they won't spread fear among the public.

Because they damn sure know the Phantom Mutiny's faces by now.

"Considering the Guild Master of the Swindlers Guild is a modder, he can still be exposed… and possibly banned." Said Kuma.

"What do you mean, banned? The admins were the Holy Trinity, did you forget that?" Replied Lucienne.

"Yeah, that may be true, but if you read the rules of the Main Lobby, it says; if the admins were to ever leave their position, then new ones will take their place."

"New ones? Does that mean we'll have other gods becoming admins? Or players?" Asked Lucienne.

"Good question… but even I don't know myself. That's the scary part. Hey, Emperor, what happened to Zeus?"

I looked at Kuma, chuckling at his question, "He is being tortured right now on the eleventh floor of my castle. Some of my best torturers will ruin him until he's chastised accordingly. I'll make sure he refers to me as his new master, so I can have information about the heavens, and plan for the future against any Gods who threaten our life."

"Tortured? I see. Well, that's no surprise considering it's you. Maybe we should go talk to him, and ask for information regarding the Admins and stuff."

"If you wish to do so, go ahead," I responded.

"Alright, then Lucienne, you wanna come with me?" Asked Kuma.

"Sure, there's nothing better to do anyway. I'll tag along!"

"Fine by me." Responded Kuma.