
MMORPG: Evolver of Primordials

A one-of-a-kind advanced game? Universal Online where every player had the same class of rulers. Being rulers players got to lead and transform a single species beyond anything. Unfortunately, this was not the game where every species could survive. The whole population of rulers jumped from planet to planet fighting to gain more resources for their survival. The winner got to advance and the loser lost everything. He was one of those who strived hard to survive but in the end, failed. At the end of everything miracle happened. He got reincarnated back in time - 4 years after the game’s release! Armed with a few years of advanced knowledge from his previous life, he decided to once again take the gamble. Forced by his gang to play the game he decided to reach the top. This is the story of Jules - a man who threw himself back intending to rule above everyone but with many being already 4 years ahead of him, will he succeed?

Champsing · Jogos
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122 Chs

The forest of beginning

What was more interesting was how they were looking at Lark.

He could see absolute obedience on their faces. Even those looking at him with a challenging gaze were docile before Lark.

Lark tilted his head in confusion and whispered, "Boss, what's going on here?"

Glitch smiled. "It's because of the space marble in your hand."

Lark panicked. "Oh, sorry, let me hand you the marble back."

Glitch shook his head. "You can keep it. I don't need it."

Lark paused, but then, seeing his boss observing the Shakhans, he just nodded his head without interrupting him.

Glitch took note of the changes in the Shakhans when they looked at him and Lark. It was really interesting.

Lark did not have the title like him, nor did he need it to understand the Shakhans, but that did not mean the Shakhans would treat Lark the same as him. In the worst case, they could even be hostile to the assistants, but everything changed with the space marble in Lark's possession.

The basic title gave him a weak leader's aura, while anyone with a space marble would appear as the true owner of the black land.

These Shakhans were smart enough to know that he was their ruler, yet they dared not do something bad in front of Lark.

The marble effect could be stronger for the low-IQ species, but the real magic would happen if he had both of them.

The possession of both would create a godlike image of him for the species. In his past life, he always used both enhancements. It was the best method to enforce any command on the species with no backlash, but the problem was the game world.

The space marble had no effect outside the space village, and this would decrease the ruler's image from being godlike to a simple species leader.

Sometimes a species loses trust in its ruler because of this and starts to resist the ruler's commands. Well, it would be bizarre to not have resistance; after all, ruler decisions would decide the life and death of many in the species.

By not following the ruler, they could try to survive on their own in the game world.

He stopped thinking about all those things and focused on the 100 around him. With all thought and done, these 100 would be the progenitors of the species he would lead.

He wanted to leave a powerful image in front of them. With a smile on his face, he said in a deep tone, "I hope you are ready to conquer everything with me."

At first, many of them looked confused, but then one of them shouted. "Conquered!"

The garbled shout was weird to his ears, but not as bad as the first time.

It was just one Shakhan in the beginning, but soon others joined in, and they started chanting in unison.



No matter which Shakhan it was, they all screamed with zeal. He could see that only a couple of sub-groups were smart enough to understand this, while others just followed the lead of others.

Still, their childlike brains knew the meaning of conquering, as he could see their blazing eyes.

To make the scene more iconic, Glitch took a deep breath and said in a low tone, "Observer mode."

As soon as he said that, a jolt ran through his entire body like it was opening all of his blocked pores. His hair started moving up with life, golden sparks shining around them.

With a little push, his body flew super high in the sky, and a multitude of information started bombarding his mind.

As he looked down, he could observe all the creatures in the space village with no disruption.

He got all the information about his new passives and even learned about every plant in his space village. Before he could enjoy more, he felt red water dripping down his nose.

It was too hard to stay in this mode. Not wasting time, he mumbled, "Name the forest: The Forest of Beginning—the place where the progenitors start."

As he said that, numerous golden lightning bolts flashed across the dark space village. A deep voice fell from the stars, ringing throughout the space village like a god's announcement.

[From this day onward, this forest earns the name 'Forest of Beginning'.]


[Forest of the Beginning: The place where everything begins.]


[Naming of the first area in the space village succeeds.]

Glitch felt powerless after the announcement, but he still forced himself to look down at the Shakhans.

He could see the awe in all of Shakhan's eyes. Even Lark's mouth popped open in surprise. He knew that, for now, their numbers were too low to help him with anything.

So he pointed to the center subgroups and flicked his hand. "Group teleportation."

With a flick of his hand, all three groups disappeared from the center region. He made sure these three mysteries got teleported to different sub-regions that were far apart from one another.

Then he randomly teleported the other seven subgroups to different sub-regions. The moment he teleported that last subgroup, he puked out a mouthful of blood.

Another shock coursed through his body, forcing him out of observer mode.

His face became red, like swollen tomatoes that were about to pop. He fell face-down, staring at the ground.

He braced himself for the pain, but at the last moment, his falling speed decreased, and he soft-landed on the grassland.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Lark with the marble in his hand.

Lark rushed at him in panic. "Boss, boss, what happened? Are you okay? How did you fall suddenly?"

He waved his hand. "Stop it. It's just a little fatigue from the forced observer mode."

He rubbed his forehead, trying to ease the headache from the mental fatigue. The observer mode placed a lot of strain on his level 1 body. A few more seconds, and he might die for the first time in the game.

"F*ck, the result was worth the pain."