What happens when you get summoned by accident to another world alongside the heroes only to find the unique skill you got is the same name as your favourite MMORPG? and the real summoned Heroes are all Trash trying to ruin the world?
'Hah hah hoooo'
The battle was hard fought in games a typical dungeon boss could take an entire party of six players 10-20 minutes, since it was just me and my summons the battle lasted quite a bit longer, we we're locked in combat for almost 40 minutes in total, the monster was a really tough opponent it's hard hide seemed impervious to any weapon attack, even with me and Kurama wielding in game weapons that would most likely utilize metals, and alloys not found in Terra even Shenron's magic strikes merely ricocheted off, in the end the most successful attack would be when Creed, and Rocky would utilize their strength and perform crushing strikes to the beasts limbs.
While the strikes themselves were not enough to bring the beast down they did slow its movements even after performing a lobotomy the beast must've had some form of natural regeneration as it began to thrash around shortly after.
The final blow was performed by yours truly, though I did get an earful from Kurama post battle for being reckless, with the battle being drawn out and our attacks appearing meaningless an old fable popped into my head about a hero from earth's past who took on a being with perfect defense and could never be injured so to kill the beast this hero dove into the maw of his enemy and attacked the beast from within, since no matter how tough ones defense is you can never train your internal organs, so with that one the next pair of blows by my golems at the moment of the beasts cries of pain I took the initiative and dove down it's gullet, it was at least 10x worse than one would expect but after riding down the gooey slip'n'slide I landed in what I assume was its stomach, standing up I started to hack and slash with all my fury at the walls like a berserker, after a little while I could feel the room shudder before everything around me becoming still, fluids still raining down around, and onto me sheathing my blades I felt around until I had safely found my way out, but in the moment I left its mouth the beast like all the other monsters sunk into the floor and disappeared.
In its place was a rolled up pitch black hide, a treasure chest, and a horn. Utilizing my system menu I scanned the items, and learned that I had received.
Collected:[ 1 Behemoth Kexvine Hide, 1 Behemoth Kexvine Horn, 1 dungeon treasure chest]
Having decided to wait till later to check the chests contents, I recalled Rocky and Creed.
Kurama once again stubbornly refused to be recalled even though I figured he must be exhausted since he's been fighting and walking around just as much as I have been but with lower stamina.
He's certainly developed quite the attachment disorder since aside from when he's with Raisa; Kurama is always by my side.
Following the clearing of the boss room, the torches had changed their color from a blue flame to a green flame and the room's brightness rose up by a few degrees in temperature.
Even after pushing or pulling as hard as we could the door we'd entered through refused to open but on the opposite side of the room another door which must've been hidden behind the Behemoth, this door was much more standard in size and appearance.
After passing through it the appearance once again changed from the Ashlar walls to the now cut cobble stone walls, this felt more like walking through the hallway of some nobles castle rather than walking through a dungeon now.
That being said the dungeon itself had certainly gotten more difficult the number of encounters once again rose as we were challenged by Salamanders, and Giant Crocs these enemies themselves didn't look to imposing but they each wielded elemental magic, Fire, and Water respectively along with quite thick hides that were virtually immune to slashing weapons, along with resistances to their own element.
As the battles progressed and the clearing of the floor continued the number of encounters once again decreased until we'd been walking uninterrupted for quite a while, thanks to the clock from my menu I could tell it was well into the middle of the night it was at this point that a new room was discovered.
This new room would be hard to describe, it was like a massive hole in the ground with a spiral walkway running its way down the holes walls descending into the blackness.
No visible doors could be seen around the pit, but the number of monsters was astounding this room looked to be a mining operation for the Kobold Miner's though, calling them kobolds feel's wrong even though that's the name my heads up display presented me with Kurama and the Kobolds I've fought up till now were fox type creatures, but the kobold miners here are much closer to what I would call Ratmen, wielding stubby pickaxes, shovels, and other basic mining tools.
Standing at the entrance to this mine they did not show any interest or initiative to attack us from our current position instead whole heartedly focusing on the mining itself.
"Hmmm feels bad to attack them since their working, I mean it is a dungeon right?" <Satou>
""Understandable perhaps this is a trap from the dungeon to prey on human sensibility"" <Shenron>
"That is surely a possibility however if we can get through without committing genocide here that would be best I think, don't want to get in the habit of becoming a battle junkie after all, with my skills and training from life back on earth it could be a disaster for this world" <Satou>
""then we should approach with caution and safety in mind, in case they turn violent when we get close enough"" <Shenron>
Agreeing we approached the nearest group of Kobold miner's hands on our weapons but not drawing them, in my case I walked more like my hands were in the air to surrender since my swords were strapped to my back.
'Geh Garie!'
A kobold sighted our approach before raise a cry of surprise in that next instant the vibe of the room changed.
Before this cry the room felt like walking into a factory or workshop in motion but now the room was filled with killing intent and malice. All the Kobold eyes were now staring at me and my party, their orange eyes fixed on our position.
"Uh… Hello" <Satou>
As if my introduction was a trigger the same kobold let off a battle cry and every other kobold in the room started a stampede brandishing their tools as weapons, seething glares, and looks written across their faces, getting closer and closer they looked like a horde of rabid dogs.
'Shhtting' 'Shhtting'
Drawing both blades from my sides.
[They have us completely outnumbered, I could summon Rocky, and Creed back to act as tanks but with the limited footing available to us the chance of them being pushed or losing their footing and falling into that pit is too high, perhaps if I summon something else instead…]
Quickly I opened and manipulated my menu to the creature book.
[I'll need a heavy hitter whose not too big, so golems, and orcs are out, but the low ranked goblins and kobolds wouldn't be enough… so I'll choose these two, as for names]
"Summon Epic Goblin: Hogaan Teger" <Satou>
"Summon Uncommon Stone Lizard: Gojira" <Satou>
'bzzt' 'bzzt'
In an instant a pair of white flashes appeared in the room until they faded in their place stood a lizard with a dull grey color but different from hide it looked like it was wearing metal armour similar to the behemoth from before, after analyzing Gojira with my skill, I found that even though I'd summoned a Stone Lizard what actually appeared was an Iron Lizard, so the races evolve along with the increase of their card rarity rank. But does that mean that should i rank one up to God tier, that a literal god would be born to this world?
[So with the increase in creature ranks the creature's evolution also progresses and since this system reflects the games that should also mean their strength will be exponentially stronger than previously? Or perhaps it's just like a gacha machine where the results are completely at random where you could wind up with some duds or failures along the way]
To reinforce this line of thought the second summoning was even more surprising, Hogaan the Epic Goblin I'd summoned was completely unlike anything I'd seen from a goblin so far.
I'd encountered plenty of common goblins, soldiers, and archers.
While I was unconscious I had apparently fought goblin mages and the goblin lord but the type in front of me now was completely different from goblin's I'd seen thanks to analyzing him I could tell but the race type fit him perfectly.
|| Name:Hogaan Teger Race: Goblin Paladin ||
[A Paladin. Hmm it makes me wonder if the naming itself has influence on the summoning, it might just reinforce my nerdiness but thanks to gaming and hanging out with friends I had a general sense of words for other races from games, and the name I chose for him was Pure Spirit as it's spoken in the goblin tongue, at least the goblin tongue from a popular table top game back on earth.]
The goblin paladin was born from the creature card that should've been recovered as a drop for killing the goblin lord, so does that also mean the monster summons evolution or spawning is dependent upon the summoners or rather my own morality?
"Let's go guys they give us no choice so let's clear this floor" <Satou>
Long time no see guys, new jobs working out so yeah sad as it is, im gonna be doing 1-2 releases each week from now on, unless i can motivate myself to write during my lunch breaks or something