
Chapter 238: Blocked!?

Time seemed to fly as the fight against Cellan Gustalam loomed closer. Being back home had made training feel different, better.

Damon felt safe and stable in the places he knew well, and his intense focus on his plans kept him sharp.

His training sessions grew faster, more intense, and relentless.

With the help of the health elixirs, Damon could recover in record time,

The exhaustion was starting to feel normal, but Damon noticed something strange, almost as if the health elixirs were working faster, their effects kicking in sooner with each use.

He didn't know if the stuff was changing his body, but he had laughed it off, thinking it was probably just because he used it too much.

The elixirs became an essential part of his regimen, boosting his motivation to get better as well as his physical recovery.

But Damon didn't stop there. He had begun to embrace a strategy that would maximize every waking moment.