

Ce n’est pas mon livre ça appartient à l’auteur original Et voici le lien original du livre https://www.fimfiction.net/story/279271/new- A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn. Warning, Spoilers in comment section. Cover art by: Sipioc AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing. Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Supe3rman1234 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapitre 21

Chapter 22

"AHHHH!" I fell down towards the floor from the ceiling as gravity reversed again and sank into it like it was a massive marshmallow before returning to the surface.

Trying to get my breath back, I scrambled to get back into my corner. The inside of the entrance went dark as the sun sank down again. Moments later, it popped back up.

I just kept my eyes closed and pressed against the wall, hoping it would just... stop.

It was the most terrifying time in my life and that includes a pissed off goddess and waking up with no hands in an alien body.

Hours passed, it seemed, but it was difficult to say. Night and day changed quickly, seemingly at random intervals as I cowered in the corner.

I just felt so completely... helpless. There was nothing I could do.

No way to know if my friends were safe, if there even was such a thing anymore. Reality just kept shifting.

Suddenly a... barrier of light flashed through the room and the potted plant in the opposite corner turned back from cotton candy to plant and it stopped telling bad standup jokes in what sounded like Finnish and laughing at me... and everything went quiet.

The light was steady, the sun sitting high in the skies above.

Slowly and warily, I uncurled from my corner and looked around. Nothing but the sound of the wind outside.

What just happened?

Shakily getting back to my hooves, I checked myself over. I could have sworn I had wings and not a horn for a couple of minutes there. Four wings even, and I could have equally have sworn I had scales at some point.

Now... horn was back on my head. No wings. Four legs and I was brown again, not pink.

Oh thank Luna I'm not pink anymore. Everyone would have laughed their arses off. If there is one color I can not pull of, it's pink.

I was slightly disappointed I didn't stay human, though, but at least I was back in unicorn form and not some other abomination of magic.

Taking a careful step forward, I looked around once more. Nothing tried to eat me, gravity stayed where it was and the sun didn't move either.

So I carefully exited the building. The sun was shining high in the sky and the cobblestone was back where it used to be. No giant rodents or squids roaming around.

Just ponies slowly emerging from the buildings along the street, looking around much the same as I was.

Sticking close to the wall, I headed over to a red pegasus just emerging from the next door over. "Any idea what just happened?"

She shook her head, said; "N-no." and swallowed, looking around. "But... it seems to be over? I-I'm going to check at the castle."

"We can hope." I agreed, nodding and thought about heading for the castle as well for a moment, before I shook my head and instead started to make my way home - quickly.

I wanted to know what the flying fuck just happened and why the universe was tripping balls for almost an entire day.

As worried as I was for my friends... Luna. Swift... hell, Celestia and everyone else as well. Something horrible had just happened and I had no way to know if any of them were okay.

I just had to trust that they were.

I wanted nothing more than to rush to the castle, see if Luna was alright...

But everyone would be busy and the last thing Luna needed right now was me distracting her with questions, and if they had any brains I would just get turned away by the guards at the gates in any case. I suspected half the population of the city was heading for the castle right now for answers and I didn't want to add to it.

Reaching my home, I got myself up the stairs to my tiny apartment. Unlocking the door I entered and was about to collapse on the bed when there was a knock on the door.

...Who in the world... There is no way in fucking hell I'm getting mail half an hour after the fucking apocalypse.

Whatever it was, it must have been important.

So I crawled out of bed and unlocked the door before peering outside, seeing a dark-furred pegasus wearing the armor of Lunas personal guard, the enchantment making his pupils slitted and his wings looking like those of a bat.

"Blank Page?" he asked, holding up a scroll.


"Princess Luna wishes to know if you are unhurt."

She is alright!! ...Damn it, Luna! Focus on getting the world unfucked!

"I am. If somewhat disturbed... what can you tell me about what happened?"

He grimaced and scraped his right hoof on the wooden floor. "The chaos spirit known as Discord escaped its prison and went on a rampage before the Elements of Harmony were finally able to return it to stone."

Chaos spirit?


"Would this Chaos spirit happen to be a long, snakelike being with the limbs of several different creatures?"

The guard looked surprised. "Yes... how did you know?"

GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! This is why you don't have your defeated enemies turned to stone and displayed in your fucking garden!

"I saw it when it was in prison. Before its escape." I sighed and rubbed my forehead with my hoof. "You can tell the Princess that I'm alright. Other than that I'll likely have some brand new nightmares to try out in the future. And possibly never eat cotton candy ever again."

And she'd better have those under hoof. It was their stupid fault this happened so she could damn well clean those up. I had enough shit going on in my life as it was.

"I believe she will be relived to hear that, Sir." he said with a nod. "With your permission, I'll deliver the message and return to my duties."

I shook my head. "Go. And tell her that she should not have wasted time on sending you in the first place! There are far more important things going on."

He winced. "I don't believe she will like that."

"I don't care if she likes it, it's the truth! Now go do something actually important!"

"Yes, sir!"

I hesitated for a moment as he turned away. "Wait! Tell her... tell her I'm glad she is alright. I was really worried." I finally said, lowering my head.

The guard smiled and gave me a nod at that. "I will, sir." before he quickly trotted down the stairs